Sunday, July 14, 2019

4 Common Behavioral Addictions

4 Common Behavioral Addictions

When someone loses control of their behavior and compulsively engages in an activity in spite of its negative consequences then they are dealing with an addiction. People can become addicted not only to certain substances but also to specific problematic behaviors. These are some of the most common behavioral addictions that require treatment.

Gambling Addiction – The behavior involved in gambling addiction more closely mirrors drug addiction than any other behavioral problem. Gambling can affect the brain in similar ways to drug use because it causes a rush of dopamine and euphoria that the individual constantly chases after. Gambling addiction is often treated with similar types of therapy to drug addiction because it causes similar behavior issues.
Sex Addiction – Although sex addiction is not officially classified as a disorder in the DSM it is a real and damaging problem that requires treatment. People with sex addiction struggle with relationships and can even put themselves in danger with risky behavior. Those with this problem show improvement through 12 step programs like Sex Addicts anonymous.
Shopping Addiction – Shopping is another issue that is not considered a true addiction technically but is rather a type of impulse control disorder. People become addicted to shopping because they are purchasing items to avoid feeling difficult emotions like sadness. Therapy and counseling can help them find other healthier coping mechanisms for their feelings.
Food Addiction (Binge Eating Disorder) – This is typically classified as a type of eating disorder, but food addiction is a real issue with compulsive overeating. People with this problem eat to relieve themselves of stress, anxiety and other feelings and lose control as they binge unhealthy amounts of food. They often feel guilty after a binge and struggle with issues of obesity and depression.

There are several other behavioral addictions but these are the most common that can benefit from specific treatment programs.


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Friday, July 12, 2019

How Self-Love Can Change Your Mental Health

How Self-Love Can Change Your Mental Health

For people that struggle with depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses, they often have issues with self-esteem that greatly affect their lives. In fact, most people might not realize how many self-deprecating things they might think about themselves on a daily basis. Everyone can benefit from practicing self-love and learning how to be compassionate toward themselves.

We are often confronted with many unrealistic expectations of what we should look like or what our lives should be like through television, movies and even social media. People with depression and anxiety especially may have a constant feeling that they are not good enough and place high standards on themselves. It may feel natural for them to think they are unworthy and believe that they aren’t deserving of love and happiness.

Self-love can help change many of these ideas because the individual can start to see positive things in themselves and accept their true self. When someone practices self-love they can start to become more mindful of the things they say or think about themselves. They can develop and grow their compassion for themselves and others.

When someone is able to love themselves they can acknowledge and accept when they are struggling. They won’t constantly feel the need to be perfect or deny their feelings or what they need. Self-love helps you become more in tune with your inner voice so you can learn to listen to what you truly desire.

The process of self-love can take time but counselors and peers can be helpful in building up your confidence. Challenging negative beliefs and replacing them with positive thinking can be a long journey but it will help build up a more stable and healthy identity. Self-love is something to focus on as a person works toward recovering from their mental health issues.


The post How Self-Love Can Change Your Mental Health appeared first on Serenity Malibu.


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Common Attachment Issues that Affect Relationships

Common Attachment Issues that Affect Relationships

Many people who have had issues of trauma or other mental health problems may find it difficult to form healthy emotional attachments to others. They may be overly needy and become too close to people too quickly without defining boundaries. They can also be too distant and avoidant in a way that prevents them developing close bonds with others.

Boundary Issues – People with attachment problems often become too close to people too soon, especially those struggling with mental health issues like borderline personality disorder. They may imagine that there is an intense bond with someone they actually don’t know very well. They may fail to maintain appropriate boundaries with someone they have never had more than shallow engagement with.

Identifying with Strangers – Someone with attachment problems may start to seek out strong attachments through people in their lives because they are starving for a strong emotional connection. They may put a person in a “parent” role and themselves as the “child” because they had issues of attachment in childhood. This can happen often with therapists as patients look to them for emotional fulfillment and parent-like care.

Avoidant Behavior – People who had caregivers who were dismissive and uncaring can begin to behave the same way towards others when they become adults. They may avoid intimacy and close relationships because they feel uncomfortable expressing their needs or asking for help. They are often ambitious and successful and fear that depending on others will make them appear weak.

Imitating Others – Others with attachment issues may lack self-confidence and end up trying to emulate or mimic people that they identify with. They don’t have a strong sense of self and can end up pursuing the lifestyle of others or trying to live the status quo.

Attachment issues can vary according to individuals but these problems tend to prevent a person from developing and maintaining healthy relationships.


The post Common Attachment Issues that Affect Relationships appeared first on Serenity Malibu.


Thursday, July 4, 2019

5 Health Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

5 Health Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

For those who want to try quitting drinking or even those who need to for their own well-being, there are many positive changes that take place when you become sober. Alcohol is a toxin that can destroy your health and drinking consistently over time leads to many issues. Some of the health benefits of quitting drinking can be immediate and others can be positive long term results.

1. More Energy and Better Functioning
Alcohol causes the body to work overtime to process the drug as the brain tries to calibrate itself and the heart and lungs start to pump at irregular speeds. Once you quit drinking and get alcohol out of your system your body can function at its optimal level.

2. Healthier Heart
Drinking is very bad for the heart and can lead to all kinds of cardiovascular problems including heart disease. Quitting drinking dramatically reduces the risk of heart related diseases and can help you live longer.

3. Losing Weight and Looking Younger
Alcohol is very high in calories so people who quit drinking tend to lose weight quickly, especially if they are also able to improve their diet. Drinking alcohol regularly can also cause people to age because it is a diuretic that is very bad for the skin. People who quit drinking often start to look younger and healthier.

4. Healthy Liver
The liver is probably the area of the body that receives the most damage from alcohol consumption. The liver filters out the toxic chemicals from alcohol and it can lead to serious issues such as cirrhosis. Those who quit drinking can allow the body to repair their liver and reverse some of the damage

5. Better Sleep
Alcohol tends to disrupt the normal sleep cycle and people who drink frequently often don’t get the health benefits they need from deep sleep. Initially after getting sober it may be difficult to sleep but over time it will be easier for the body to get healthy, restful sleep.

There are many more reasons to quit drinking but these are some of the amazing health benefits of being sober.

The post 5 Health Benefits of Quitting Alcohol appeared first on Serenity Malibu.
