Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mindfulness Practice for Opioid Addiction

Mindfulness Practice for Opioid Addiction

According to a study published in Science Daily, “People suffering from opioid addiction and chronic pain may have fewer cravings and less pain if they use both mindfulness techniques and medication for opioid dependence.” Practicing mindfulness is said to increase self-awareness and self-control, therefore allowing those to curb their cravings as well as be less affected by emotional and physical pain.

Opioid Addiction

Opioids are commonly known as painkillers that are prescribed to treat mild to medium discomfort to severe and chronic pain.  Some of the most commonly prescribed opioids include oxycodone, fentanyl, buprenorphine, hydrocodone, codeine, and morphine. Opioids can change the brain’s chemistry and overtime a tolerance builds up. An opioid addiction occurs when the urge for the opioids occurs even after pain has diminished and they experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking the drug. Opioid abuse is rampant across the world and opioid addiction has reached epidemic proportions.

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a psychological practice that focuses one’s awareness on the present moment, and letting thoughts pass through consciousness without judgement. Many people equate mindfulness with meditation and use the terms interchangeably, but mindfulness can be practiced on a daily basis, on your drive to work, while exercising or even while washing dishes.

Mindfulness is all about being aware of your thoughts, feelings, behavior and sensations at any given moment. As explained by Thrive Global, “Mindfulness is the awareness of “some-thing,” while meditation is the awareness of “no-thing.” People can set aside a designated amount of time to meditate, where they can be still and focus on attaining a state of consciousness.

Mindfulness and Methadone

Methadone, which is a medication used to treat opioid addiction, along with mindfulness is said to be the most effective because although patients are more aware of their cravings, they are more apt to be in control of cravings, stress and pain. Being aware of their cravings without self-imposing judgment decreases the severity of the craving. Mindfulness also helps change negative thought patterns and to observe and enjoy pleasant moments.

Holistic Therapy For Pain Management

Other alternative therapies that treat opioid dependence include acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage therapy, chiropractic therapy yoga, and other therapies. Although mindfulness may not solely cure opioid use disorder, the practice along with other forms of therapy are effective.

It’s important for those with opioid abuse disorder seek treatment at a professional facility immediately. Once a patient has medically assisted detoxed and entered treatment, they can then work mindfulness into their recovery journey.




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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Antidepressant Dependency Debate

Antidepressant Dependency Debate

According to the American Psychological Association, antidepressant usage is on the rise. There has been a 64 percent increase in the number of people using antidepressants between 1999 and 2014.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that approximately 1 in 10 people aged 12 years and older take an antidepressant. The Independent reports seventy million prescriptions were issued last year for the 7 million adults using them.

Antidepressants are used in managing depression and alleviating their symptoms. Antidepressants help treat symptoms that include fatigue, loss of interest, trouble sleeping and thoughts of suicide. Antidepressant can also help with anxiety disorders, seasonal affective disorder , mood disorders and other conditions.


What Are Anti-Depressants

Although there are different types of anti-depressants, currently the most common are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), which relieve depression by boosting low levels of serotonin in the brain. They prevent ​the reuptake of serotonin, making more of the chemical available.


Types of Anti-depressants


Types of  anti-depressants include:

Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)

Noradrenaline and specific serotoninergic antidepressants (NASSAs)

Atypical Antidepressants


The most commonly prescribed medications include:

Sertraline hydrochloride (Zoloft)

Citalopram hydrobromide (Celexa)

Fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac)

Trazodone hydrochloride (Desyrel)

Escitalopram oxalate (Lexapro)

Duloxetine hydrochloride (Cymbalta)

These medications all have their own set of side effects and usage should be consulted with your doctor. The most effective antidepressant medications is dependent on the person’s brain chemistry. When stopping the usage of antidepressants, it is important to gradually decrease the dosage of medication instead of abruptly stopping.


Dependency Debate

Although, this topic is debated, the question of the addictive nature of anti-depressants is often posed. While there is evidence of withdrawal symptoms from these types of drugs, there evidence of dependency is not yet clear. A dependency would be characterized by a person wanting more of the drug, which many find is not the case, and the prescription is sufficient.

Even for those who do in fact believe antidepressants form a dependency, dependency is not necessarily the same thing as an addiction. The World Health Organization describes the difference as “Dependence is the body’s adjustment to the presence of a foreign substance. If the substance is abruptly discontinued, withdrawal phenomena occur. Addiction is loss of control over the use of a substance despite adverse consequences.”

However, some users believe differently. Although initially create for short term usage, many people on ant-depressants have been doing so for many years even decades with many believing they don’t ever see the need to get stop taking the drug. According to New York Times “Many who try to quit say they cannot because of withdrawal symptoms they were never warned about.”

Some people’s symptoms were so severe that they could not bear to stop taking the drug and other say they “feel” addicted to their medication.

Unfortunately there is a lack of long-term data and even if healthcare professionals acknowledge that some people will develop dependency on antidepressants, they are unable to predict who is specifically at risk. Antidepressants have indeed helped so many people live happier fulfilling lives and it is important for these drugs to be further studied and the risks discussed with your doctor.


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Sunday, August 18, 2019

5 Healing Activities for Recovery

5 Healing Activities for Recovery
Everyone needs to spend some time trying to process their emotions and heal themselves from the difficult things that they go through. For people in recovery from an addiction or a mental illness, they will need to find multiple ways to heal themselves in their mind, body and spirit. These are some of the best and most effective healing activities for recovery.

1. Meditation
One of the best places to start when getting involved in healing activities is meditation which naturally helps calm anxiety and stress. Meditation is a beneficial way to quiet our thoughts and allow emotions to run their course as we stay present in the moment.

2. Expressive Art or Music
Self-expression can be crucial for coping with addiction or mental illness as the two can lead to complex emotions. Art and music therapy can be a great way to use creativity in order to express feelings that are hard to talk about.

3. Spending Time in Nature
Living in an urban environment can be stressful so it is important for people in recovery to reconnect with nature. Being in a natural place can relax our minds and help us feel connected to our inner spirituality.

4. Diet and Exercise
Many people don’t realize the amount of stress they put on their bodies by consuming toxic and unhealthy foods. Taking a break from sugar, caffeine, alcohol and processed foods can help heal the body and the mind.

5. Journaling and Writing
The act of writing can be another great way to process complicated feelings that are hard to discuss out loud. Writing in a journal can release emotions and also put them in a different perspective so that you can start to make sense of them.

There are many other activities that can help people heal, but these are some of the most immediately beneficial to use in recovery.


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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Signs and Symptoms of a Panic Attack

Signs and Symptoms of a Panic Attack

People with anxiety issues sometimes suffer from panic attacks when they experience intense and overwhelming fear. A panic attack can lead to physical and emotional reactions to a trigger and can make people feel as though they are losing control. Panic attacks can be debilitating because they involve a number of frightening and uncomfortable symptoms.

Symptoms of a panic attack can include:
-Sense of danger or doom
-Fear of death or harm
-Rapidly beating heart
-Trembling or shaking
-Difficulty breathing and tightness in throat
-Sweating or chills
-Chest pain
-Sudden headache
-Dizziness or faintness
-Numbness or tingling sensation
-Feeling of detachment or unreality

When someone experiences a panic attack it can happen suddenly and without warning, causing them to feel unstable and afraid for their safety. What can make panic attacks difficult is that even after they subside the individual may have an intense fear that an attack will happen again at any moment. They may start to avoid certain situations that they feel could potentially trigger an attack.

People that suffer from panic attacks can develop them for a variety of reasons. They may have specific phobias that trigger them such as a fear of driving or leaving the house. They can also have social phobias that cause them to avoid people or public places.

Panic attacks can also sometimes be triggered by stress when it becomes overwhelming and affects the mind and body. In order to treat panic attacks it can be helpful for patients to be gradually exposed to situations that trigger them and learn strategies to cope with their stress. Medications can also be very useful in helping people manage panic attacks when they occur.

Treatment for panic attacks usually combines anxiety medication and cognitive behavioral therapy to help relieve more severe symptoms.

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Friday, August 9, 2019

5 Things to Know about Addiction and Bipolar Disorder

5 Things to Know about Addiction and Bipolar Disorder

Substance abuse often is closely connected to mental health issues and bipolar disorder can be one of the most vulnerable to dual diagnosis. Because bipolar disorder and substance abuse frequently occur together, it is helpful to know certain facts about the disorder and how it relates to drug use.

1. Bipolar disorder is often misdiagnosed during substance abuse – People that are struggling with bipolar disorder may not know that they have this mental illness, especially if their alcohol or drug use triggers symptoms and can seem like effects of the substances. Even people going through detox may be misdiagnosed because their symptoms may seem to be related to withdrawal effects.

2. There is no single cause for bipolar disorder or addiction – The reason people develop bipolar disorder or abuse substances can be related to a number of different issues including genetics, environment, biology and many other factors.

3. Co-occuring abuse with bipolar disorder is extremely common- Mood disorders like bipolar disorder very common in the US and the disorder is often accompanied by substance abuse issues. Many people with bipolar disorder use drugs as a way to cope with their symptoms.

4. Drug use can trigger bipolar symptoms – While many people already have bipolar disorder when they start using drugs, others can start to develop symptoms as a result of their drug use. It can intensify mood swings and worsen their state of mind, leading to manic and depressive episodes.

5. Treating bipolar disorder can reduce addiction issues and vice versa – It is important for people with co-occurring disorders to treat both problems simultaneously and ease the symptoms of each problem in connection with each other. When both issues are treated they can help relieve the other and bring about better mental health and behavior overall.

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Sunday, July 14, 2019

4 Common Behavioral Addictions

4 Common Behavioral Addictions

When someone loses control of their behavior and compulsively engages in an activity in spite of its negative consequences then they are dealing with an addiction. People can become addicted not only to certain substances but also to specific problematic behaviors. These are some of the most common behavioral addictions that require treatment.

Gambling Addiction – The behavior involved in gambling addiction more closely mirrors drug addiction than any other behavioral problem. Gambling can affect the brain in similar ways to drug use because it causes a rush of dopamine and euphoria that the individual constantly chases after. Gambling addiction is often treated with similar types of therapy to drug addiction because it causes similar behavior issues.
Sex Addiction – Although sex addiction is not officially classified as a disorder in the DSM it is a real and damaging problem that requires treatment. People with sex addiction struggle with relationships and can even put themselves in danger with risky behavior. Those with this problem show improvement through 12 step programs like Sex Addicts anonymous.
Shopping Addiction – Shopping is another issue that is not considered a true addiction technically but is rather a type of impulse control disorder. People become addicted to shopping because they are purchasing items to avoid feeling difficult emotions like sadness. Therapy and counseling can help them find other healthier coping mechanisms for their feelings.
Food Addiction (Binge Eating Disorder) – This is typically classified as a type of eating disorder, but food addiction is a real issue with compulsive overeating. People with this problem eat to relieve themselves of stress, anxiety and other feelings and lose control as they binge unhealthy amounts of food. They often feel guilty after a binge and struggle with issues of obesity and depression.

There are several other behavioral addictions but these are the most common that can benefit from specific treatment programs.


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Friday, July 12, 2019

How Self-Love Can Change Your Mental Health

How Self-Love Can Change Your Mental Health

For people that struggle with depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses, they often have issues with self-esteem that greatly affect their lives. In fact, most people might not realize how many self-deprecating things they might think about themselves on a daily basis. Everyone can benefit from practicing self-love and learning how to be compassionate toward themselves.

We are often confronted with many unrealistic expectations of what we should look like or what our lives should be like through television, movies and even social media. People with depression and anxiety especially may have a constant feeling that they are not good enough and place high standards on themselves. It may feel natural for them to think they are unworthy and believe that they aren’t deserving of love and happiness.

Self-love can help change many of these ideas because the individual can start to see positive things in themselves and accept their true self. When someone practices self-love they can start to become more mindful of the things they say or think about themselves. They can develop and grow their compassion for themselves and others.

When someone is able to love themselves they can acknowledge and accept when they are struggling. They won’t constantly feel the need to be perfect or deny their feelings or what they need. Self-love helps you become more in tune with your inner voice so you can learn to listen to what you truly desire.

The process of self-love can take time but counselors and peers can be helpful in building up your confidence. Challenging negative beliefs and replacing them with positive thinking can be a long journey but it will help build up a more stable and healthy identity. Self-love is something to focus on as a person works toward recovering from their mental health issues.


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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Common Attachment Issues that Affect Relationships

Common Attachment Issues that Affect Relationships

Many people who have had issues of trauma or other mental health problems may find it difficult to form healthy emotional attachments to others. They may be overly needy and become too close to people too quickly without defining boundaries. They can also be too distant and avoidant in a way that prevents them developing close bonds with others.

Boundary Issues – People with attachment problems often become too close to people too soon, especially those struggling with mental health issues like borderline personality disorder. They may imagine that there is an intense bond with someone they actually don’t know very well. They may fail to maintain appropriate boundaries with someone they have never had more than shallow engagement with.

Identifying with Strangers – Someone with attachment problems may start to seek out strong attachments through people in their lives because they are starving for a strong emotional connection. They may put a person in a “parent” role and themselves as the “child” because they had issues of attachment in childhood. This can happen often with therapists as patients look to them for emotional fulfillment and parent-like care.

Avoidant Behavior – People who had caregivers who were dismissive and uncaring can begin to behave the same way towards others when they become adults. They may avoid intimacy and close relationships because they feel uncomfortable expressing their needs or asking for help. They are often ambitious and successful and fear that depending on others will make them appear weak.

Imitating Others – Others with attachment issues may lack self-confidence and end up trying to emulate or mimic people that they identify with. They don’t have a strong sense of self and can end up pursuing the lifestyle of others or trying to live the status quo.

Attachment issues can vary according to individuals but these problems tend to prevent a person from developing and maintaining healthy relationships.


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Thursday, July 4, 2019

5 Health Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

5 Health Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

For those who want to try quitting drinking or even those who need to for their own well-being, there are many positive changes that take place when you become sober. Alcohol is a toxin that can destroy your health and drinking consistently over time leads to many issues. Some of the health benefits of quitting drinking can be immediate and others can be positive long term results.

1. More Energy and Better Functioning
Alcohol causes the body to work overtime to process the drug as the brain tries to calibrate itself and the heart and lungs start to pump at irregular speeds. Once you quit drinking and get alcohol out of your system your body can function at its optimal level.

2. Healthier Heart
Drinking is very bad for the heart and can lead to all kinds of cardiovascular problems including heart disease. Quitting drinking dramatically reduces the risk of heart related diseases and can help you live longer.

3. Losing Weight and Looking Younger
Alcohol is very high in calories so people who quit drinking tend to lose weight quickly, especially if they are also able to improve their diet. Drinking alcohol regularly can also cause people to age because it is a diuretic that is very bad for the skin. People who quit drinking often start to look younger and healthier.

4. Healthy Liver
The liver is probably the area of the body that receives the most damage from alcohol consumption. The liver filters out the toxic chemicals from alcohol and it can lead to serious issues such as cirrhosis. Those who quit drinking can allow the body to repair their liver and reverse some of the damage

5. Better Sleep
Alcohol tends to disrupt the normal sleep cycle and people who drink frequently often don’t get the health benefits they need from deep sleep. Initially after getting sober it may be difficult to sleep but over time it will be easier for the body to get healthy, restful sleep.

There are many more reasons to quit drinking but these are some of the amazing health benefits of being sober.

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Friday, June 21, 2019

What is Relationship Anxiety?

What is Relationship Anxiety?
For some people, relationships can come very easily and they don’t have to deal with any anxieties or fears about commitment. For others, relationships are a challenging problem that they can’t seem to overcome. Someone who struggles with finding and staying in relationships can be said to have relationship anxiety or a commitment phobia.

Even though relationship anxiety is not a diagnosed mental health problem, it is a very real issue that can cause problems in people’s personal lives. People who have commitment issues have problems staying in relationships for the long term because their feelings about the experience of love can be more intense than others. Their feelings while in the relationship can drive anxiety that can build up causing issues with their expectation of commitment.

People with this type of phobia, deep down want to have a long term commitment but have built up a lot of fear about it which causes them to leave relationships. They may develop anxiety because their feelings of excitement about the person become misinterpreted as panic or negative anxiousness. They may also have trouble resolving their need for intimacy combined with their conflicting desire for freedom and individuality.

Those struggling with relationship anxiety may fear a relationship ending abruptly, be afraid that they are not in the right relationship or they may have trust issues from the past that prevent them from feeling secure with the other person. These fears can cause them to only stay in relationships for a few months before ending it. The only way to move past relationship anxiety is to confront these fears and work through them before ending a relationship.

Talking with a professional about relationship fears and finding strategies to confront a fear of commitment can make it possible for a person to stay in a long term relationship and find ways to cope with their feelings.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Habitual Use and Cannabis Addiction

Habitual Use and Cannabis Addiction

Since the legalization of marijuana in several states throughout the U.S., there has been more exploration into understanding how marijuana affects the body. Traditionally, it is believed by many that marijuana is not an addictive drug but studies show that differences in an individual’s brain systems can determine whether or not they get addicted. Some cannabis users may never get addicted even with long term use while others form an addictive habit due to their brain’s reaction to the drug.

In a recent study, researchers used brain imaging to monitor neural activity that occurred when users viewed images of cannabis. All of the participants had exaggerated responses in the brain region that processes reward but only those with dependencies also had responses in the region that forms habits. This means that the users who have dependencies are using marijuana out of habitual use rather than to seek a feeling of reward or euphoria from the drug.

The study showed that as addiction to cannabis develops it changes responses in brain systems in ways that strengthen the person’s desire to seek the drug. Their brain begins to attach extreme importance to the drug and views it as a necessary habit rather than simply just a pleasure seeking activity. Those who use the drug out of habitual use are more likely to struggle with moderating or quitting their addiction to marijuana.

Not every marijuana user will become addicted but for those who do they are likely to have trouble getting out of the habit because of the changes in their brain. Abstinence could lead to withdrawal symptoms because they have become dependent on the drug to function. Detoxing from marijuana can help return brain changes to normal over time and allow the user to eliminate the habitual association their brain has with the drug.

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Friday, June 14, 2019

What to Eat During Addiction Detox

What to Eat During Addiction Detox
Many people don’t realize the influence that our diet can have on the way we feel and how well our bodies are able to function. A healthy diet can be crucial when you are recovering from an addiction, especially during detox when you are experiencing issues like aches and pains or insomnia. Eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones can help make the process a little easier on your body.

Foods such as caffeine, sugar, saturated fats, sodium and processed food can put unnecessary stress on your body. Caffeine and sugar can be very detrimental to your ability to get a full night’s sleep. If you are struggling with insomnia during detox then cutting out caffeine and sugar may make it easier for you to sleep.

Processed foods that are high in fat and sugar can make you feel tired, irritable and tend to worsen symptoms of withdrawal. Avoiding these foods and focusing on eating natural, whole foods can improve your mood and help you get through detox. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables can help make it easier to digest and detoxify your body from any chemicals in the system.

Whole grains can be helpful during detox because they provide fiber and energy which an addict may be lacking in their diet. People with addictions often also lack vitamin B so eating foods that are high in this nutrient can be good for their health such as salmon, broccoli and asparagus. Getting the right nutrients and plenty of fiber will help improve your mood and energy during detox.

People often have reduced appetites during detox so it is important to get as much nutrition as they can through low calorie but nutrient dense foods. Before entering detox, make sure to consider your diet and nutrition to improve the process.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Common Reasons for Struggling in Early Recovery

Common Reasons for Struggling in Early Recovery

Quitting an addiction can be one of the most difficult transitions a person will ever make in their life. The first few months of recovery can be especially challenging and dangerous for the possibility of relapse. There are some important choices that they need to make and they will have to address and be aware of the reasons they are struggling.

Some of the common issues that come up in early recovery are spending time around others who still use. If you are feeling tempted to use again because your friends still do then it is important to set boundaries with them and ask them to support you by not having alcohol around you. It is also a good time to start making more sober friends and spending time with people who motivate you to remain abstinent.

Another common reason people struggle in recovery is that they are dealing with difficult feelings that they don’t know how to handle such as anger, guilt and shame. Intense emotions can make you feel more inclined to use alcohol and drugs so it is important to learn how to manage these issues. Talking to other people about what you are feeling, especially your therapist can help you accept these feelings and still move forward with your recovery.

One issue that often comes up in early recovery is developing romantic relationships and dating. This is something that is usually discouraged in the first stages of recovery because it can be problematic for people and bring up lots of triggers. It might be a good idea to take a break from dating while you are going through your early recovery until you feel more stable.

People struggle in recovery for many different reasons but finding strategies to deal with problems and focusing on the goal of staying sober can help get you through any setbacks.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Feeling Isolated in New Sobriety

Feeling Isolated in New Sobriety
Quitting an addiction leads to plenty of different obstacles that someone in recovery will have to face. Not only will they have to deal with physical and emotional issues related to addiction but they will have to adjust to a completely different lifestyle which may change how they interact with others. Their friends and the people around them may change dramatically because they are creating brand new habits that reflect their healthier choices.

A newly sober person may start to feel more isolated as they find it harder to spend time with their old friends or social circle that still drinks or uses drugs. They may start to feel different or alienated from people that they used to consider very close friends. Part of their recovery might require them to distance themselves from people who still excessively abuse substances and are not supportive of their decision to be sober.

In order to avoid feeling isolated in new sobriety it is important for people in recovery to make lots of new connections. Meeting other people who are sober, joining a support group for recovery and developing friendships with others in a treatment program can all be helpful in improving mental and emotional health. Everyone in a recovery program needs to feel supported and have a social network of people who are going through many of the same things.

Feeling isolated in recovery unfortunately can increase the risk for relapse especially for those who are still in the early phases. Taking steps to avoid isolation is not only beneficial more mental health but it also makes it much easier to stay focused on sobriety and avoid feelings of boredom and loneliness which can lead to substance abuse cravings. For those in recovery, make sure to join sober groups and communities that can keep you connected to others.

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Sunday, May 26, 2019

What is Alcohol Related Harm?

What is Alcohol Related Harm?

Binge drinking is not only harmful to the person consuming excessive amounts of alcohol but it can put the people around them in danger. Studies have shown that one in five people are harmed by others drinking alcohol in some way. Alcohol-related harm can range from being kept awake or feeling uncomfortable to more serious dangers such as physical or sexual abuse.

About one in twenty people experience alcohol-related harm that is related to aggression such as physical threats or bodily injury. Studies in England have revealed that alcohol-related harm is actually fairly prevalent and some people experience harm frequently. Even minor harms such as anxiety and sleep prevention can have an impact on an individual’s health.

According to research, men are more likely than women to experience physical aggression from someone who has been drinking and women are more likely to experience emotional harm. Of those surveyed fewer than 1 percent said that they were forced into something sexual either from a stranger or a cohabiting partner. Alcohol related harm can also include physical injury and death through car accidents involving driving under the influence.

People tend to focus on the health and social problems that alcohol use causes to the individual who is addicted. It is important to be aware of the impact that alcohol has on everyone else who is in contact with the drinker. Alcohol lowers people’s inhibitions, changes the way they behave and can increase their aggression, making it dangerous to be around someone who is binge drinking.

When people are more conscious of how alcohol harms others it can influence them to moderate or abstain from drinking. Understanding the impact of alcohol not only on yourself but others can help put drinking behavior into perspective and influence some to change their habits.

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Friday, May 24, 2019

Understanding Childhood Conduct Disorder Effect on Adulthood

Understanding Childhood Conduct Disorder Effect on Adulthood

Children that struggle with certain behavioral problems may be struggling with a conduct disorder caused by differences in the way their brain is wired. Kids with severe antisocial behavior may display aggression or even be harmful to others in ways that they find difficult to control. Unfortunately, without proper treatment it can lead to other issues in adulthood including things like personality disorders.

When children or adolescents have behavioral problems it can be the result of issues like ADHD or mental health problems like depression, anxiety and other disorders. A conduct disorder can be closely related to mental health problems that the child and parents may not be aware of. If a child suffers from conduct disorder it can affect their ability to interact with their peers and demonstrate things like empathy and guilt when dealing with others.

The kind of issues that children with conduct disorders develop can later on lead to symptoms of personality disorders once they reach adulthood. The antisocial behavior that kids with conduct disorder display can continue to be a problem when they grow up. They might get involved in crime or substance abuse and suffer from relationship problems.

Personality disorders like borderline, narcissistic and paranoid disorder can stem from conduct problems in childhood that are never completely resolved. People with borderline and narcissistic can have issues with aggression, antisocial traits and various kinds of behaviors that may have developed when they were a child. Studies have found that there is a very high correlation between personality disorders and conduct problems in childhood.

In order to avoid children dealing with further mental illness issues when they grow up it is important for them to get treatment when they have behavioral problems. Aggression and a lack of empathy can be a sign of a serious disorder so it is crucial to get a diagnosis and treatment as early as possible.

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Monday, May 20, 2019

Why First Aid Training is Including Mental Health

Why First Aid Training is Including Mental Health

In the past first aid training focused mainly on medical emergencies but a recent policy called the Mental Health First Aid Act is providing funding for mental health emergency training as well. Certain professions may require employees to receive training in how to recognize and cope with a mental health emergency so that they can provide first aid and support to prevent a crisis. Mental health emergencies occur all the time and it important for people in certain positions to be prepared when they come up.

Mental health first aid training teaches staff how to recognize symptoms of common mental illnesses and substance abuse disorders so that they develop something called “mental health literacy”. They need to be able to understand risk factors and warning signs that indicate when someone is experiencing severe symptoms of a mental illnesses. When they can recognize symptoms of addiction and specific illnesses they will be more prepared in coping with a crisis.

Training programs for mental health emergencies also teach staff a number of different strategies for coping with general and specific kinds of crises. They can learn the best ways to de-escalate a crisis and get the individual connected to their caregiver or get them to a safe place. They will also learn when and how to refer them to mental health and substance abuse resources in the area including emergency services.

Mental health first training is crucial because many people are not familiar with what a mental health crisis looks like. They may not know what to do or how to handle an emergency situation. This kind of training can help prevent harm both to the individual experiencing the crisis and those around them when it occurs.

Although certain positions may require this kind of training, everyone can benefit from learning how to handle a mental health crisis.

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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Are Millenials Generation Moderation?

Are Millenials Generation Moderation?

Americans in their twenties and thirties are now developing different habits than previous generations when it comes to alcohol. Beverage manufacturers and even the media have noticed a decline in alcohol use among people between ages 22 to 38. Millennials are now choosing sobriety and health instead of heavy drinking as a way to cope with life’s problems.

Not all millennials have chosen to become completely sober but many are finding that a moderate approach to alcohol works better for them. Only drinking on special occasions or limiting their intake has proven to be the method of choice for young adults looking to develop healthier habits. Others are interested in non-alcoholic options as a substitute for drinking when they go out with friends such as non-alcoholic beers or “mocktails”.

People in the young generation are starting to see the negative effects that drinking regularly can have on their lives. They are tired of going to work feeling hungover and spending too much money on a night out because they kept buying more drinks. Focusing on their health and saving up money for something they need are higher on their list of priorities.

Although there isn’t enough data to tell if millennials have changed their drinking habits on a grander scale, trends suggest that heavy alcohol consumption is less common among young adults of this generation. They favor more balanced methods of coping with stress such as yoga and meditation and are less likely to turn to alcohol to feel better. They also prefer alcohol-free drinks and events that don’t offer booze when they go out.

Millennials feel less pressure to drink in order to have fun and they tend to support one another about the decision to be sober. Young people are finally embracing the benefits of healthy and sober living.

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Monday, April 22, 2019

What is a Process Group in Addiction Recovery?

What is a Process Group in Addiction Recovery?

Although many aspects of addiction recovery focus on individual therapy and one-on-one sessions, group therapy also plays a critical role in treatment. Most patients in an addiction recovery program will go to a process group as part of their healing. This is a type of group therapy that relies on the interactions between patients and therapists to be effective.

In a process group patients will be able to talk about their struggles and receive feedback, encouragement, support and different perspectives from other people in the group. These group meetings are usually unstructured but they may focus on a certain theme or be catered toward specific people. Members of the group can bring up any topic that they feel is important to them and pertinent to the process group.

In the early meetings of the group, patients will need to start establishing trust with each other so they feel comfortable sharing personal stories. Everyone in the group needs to be able to communicate openly and honestly with each other in order for the process to work effectively. When people feel comfortable sharing they can start to open up and care about each other.

Process groups can be healing but also confrontive as those in the group may start to exhibit some of the interpersonal problems that led to their addiction. The therapist may be able to point out these issues and help guide the members of the group to improve their relationships skills through the format of the group. Through the feedback people receive in group discussions they will begin to grow and adapt in ways that can improve their lives.

For people with addictions, their connection and relationship to others can help determine whether they are able to stay sober. Process groups help prepare them to connect and relate well to others in order to help them in their future.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Is Recovery Losing Its Religion?

Is Recovery Losing Its Religion?

When people are looking for recovery options, one of the things that can deter them from twelve step and other types of recovery communities is the involvement of religion. Alcoholics anonymous does not ask its members to have any specific religion but it does have some religious undertones and requires you to surrender to a higher power. For people who fundamentally disagree with any aspect of religion, the mention of God can be problematic in their recovery experience.

Fortunately for those in search of a recovery community, there are also secular options that may be preferable to those who disagree with some of the tenets of twelve step groups. Secular support groups may have slightly different principles than twelve step groups but they follow essentially the same concepts that help people become sober. The important thing is that you have a community where you feel comfortable and you can share your experiences with a support system you trust.

Even though religion may not be necessary for people who are in recovery, it can be helpful to develop some kind of spiritual practice. Being religious and spiritual are different things as any one can create their own concept of their spiritual life without following a specific organization. Spirituality can simply mean spending time in nature, meditating, practicing gratitude or anything that makes you feel connected and peaceful.

Although many recovery groups are likely to remain religious, there are more options than ever to focus on addiction recovery in a secular environment. Recovery and religion don’t necessarily have to go hand in hand. Secular programs can be just as effective in helping people adjust to their life of sobriety without having to deny their own personal beliefs.

If you are interested in a secular recovery group, search for local support meetings in your area.

The post Is Recovery Losing Its Religion? appeared first on Serenity Malibu.


Sunday, March 17, 2019

Are there Side Effects in Holistic Medicine?

Are there Side Effects in Holistic Medicine?

Although many people choose holistic methods of treatment as a more natural alternative with less adverse effects, there may still be some negative reactions. Depending on the type of treatment, not everyone will respond positively to certain types of holistic medicine. Overall however, holistic approaches tend to be less harmful than prescription medicines which can be addictive.

Holistic medicine can involve different approaches such as acupuncture, herbal remedies, mind-body therapies, energy medicine and many other options. These alternatives are often offered as a more mild treatments that focus on the whole health of the individual rather than eliminating specific symptoms. Some people may find certain types of holistic medicine very effective while others may experience side effects or a lack of response to treatment.

Herbal remedies can sometimes cause side effects even though they are a natural type of medicine. Herbs can actually interact with other prescription medicines causing side effects or they may have their own adverse effects. Natural herbs can still cause problems like an upset stomach, dry mouth, headache or other issues depending on the individual’s reaction to the remedy.

Acupuncture has been proven effective in treating many different kinds of ailments but it can involve occasional side effects including soreness, bleeding and bruising at the site where a needle was placed. Since very fine, thin needles are used it is rare for patients to experience significant pain or infection but they may feel some minor effects after their treatment. Even as more holistic treatment approaches, acupressure and acupuncture may not always have the effect that the patient expects.

Holistic medicine may not be for everyone but it can have very positive benefits for people looking for an alternative to prescription medication. Being aware of the side effects can help you make an informed decision about the type of holistic treatment that may be right for you.

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Monday, February 18, 2019

Mental Health of Stalking and Obsessive People

Mental Health of Stalking and Obsessive People

The act of stalking someone can be a terrifying situation and the victim will end up living in fear when dealing with an obsessive stalker. It is important to understand what is happening psychologically when someone has the tendency to be obsessive and stalk others. Their mental health is often in a very damaged state with issues of depression, substance abuse or personality disorders.

Stalking can take the form of following a victim, giving them unwanted attention and it can ultimately escalate to harassment and violation of privacy. Someone with a stalker will be frightened of them and fear for their lives but very few understand what causes them to behave the way that they do. Many mistakenly believe that stalkers suffer from hallucinations or delusions but this is seldom the case.

Many stalkers are motivated by a feeling of rejection and a need for revenge on someone that ended a relationship. Others may have issues with social isolation and a lack of social competence that lead them to seek intimacy often from complete strangers. Some may be operating under the delusion that the person they are stalking reciprocates their feelings while others may continue pursuing them in spite of their obvious rejection of them.

Stalkers who are socially isolated and are seeking intimacy will want a relationship with the victim. Those who are seeking revenge may want to harm the victim because they have had damaging relationships in the past and are reliving their pain. Many stalkers have experienced abuse and neglect in their family life and are seeking a way to resolve those childhood feelings through their victim.

In treatment, stalkers often need to focus on improving their social skills and others may need to work through their feelings of anger and rejection that drive them to act obsessively.

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Opioids Effect on Modern Family Structure

Opioids Effect on Modern Family Structure

The opioid epidemic has taken its toll on the nation’s health and well-being of many people struggling with addiction. But the damage from opioid abuse not only affects the individual it also has a strong impact on family life. Addiction puts a financial and emotional strain on families that must care for their loved ones who are suffering from opioid dependency.

Many older, retired couples are once again pushed into the parental role when their adult children develop an issue with opioid addiction. The must step in and provide help for addicts who are unable to care for themselves financially or who need someone to get them professional care. In many cases, grandparents end up having to care for and even raise their grandchildren because of their parents’ opioid addiction.

In families where grandparents aren’t available to step in and take care of the children, some of the young ones end up in foster care. If their parents are addicted to opioid the government may get involved and place the children in the foster care system. Unfortunately, the opioid epidemic has been the greatest cause recently for an increase in the number of children in foster care.

Opioid addictions not only lead to neglected children they can cause trauma for them as well. Children who are exposed to a parent’s addiction or abuse are experiencing a life-altering event that can change them forever. Someone who is addicted to opioids may even verbally or physically abuse their children as well.

The impact of the opioid epidemic is so much more than just the health of an addict. It affects their parents, their children and everyone in their family. Recovery and abstinence are the only way to make it possible to repair broken relationships and improve family life after opioid addiction.


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Monday, January 28, 2019

Harmful Alcohol Consumption Is A Global Issue

Harmful Alcohol Consumption Is A Global Issue

Reducing Harmful Alcohol Consumption Globally Will Improve the Health and Well-being of Humanity as a Whole

Alcohol abuse is a rampant problem throughout the U.S. leading to millions of people not only suffering from issues with alcoholism but also having fatal repercussions from their disease. Recently in 2016, it was reported that 3 million people died from alcohol consumption which equals roughly about 1 in 20 deaths globally. Alcohol abuse affects us not only on an individual level but it decreases the well-being of the entire world.

Consuming alcohol on a harmful level can cause fatal injuries, diseases, cancers, mental disorders and a wide range of other conditions. All of these issues add up to very high health and social costs all over the world for people who have alcohol problems. It is estimated that alcohol consumption accounts for up to 5 percent of the global disease burden.

Although in the past it was believed that a small amount of alcohol was beneficial for your health, recent studies have proven that no amount of alcohol is safe for your overall health. Researchers now understand that the risks of alcohol consumption far outweigh any potential benefits. Educating people about the significant risks of drinking alcohol may help to reduce the negative impact that it has on humanity.

The World Health Organization agreed on measures to help reduce the harmful use of alcohol to improve health globally. Countries can use both existing alcohol taxes as well as pricing strategies, banning volume discounts and actions on marketing alcohol to help reduce the overall consumption level. It is also crucial to create widespread knowledge that there are no health benefits associated with alcohol and that it is more closely associated with serious diseases.

Changing the binge-drinking culture that exists in many countries may help improve health throughout the world and reduce the cost that alcohol has on our lives.

The post Harmful Alcohol Consumption Is A Global Issue appeared first on Serenity Malibu.
