Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Feeling Isolated in New Sobriety

Feeling Isolated in New Sobriety
Quitting an addiction leads to plenty of different obstacles that someone in recovery will have to face. Not only will they have to deal with physical and emotional issues related to addiction but they will have to adjust to a completely different lifestyle which may change how they interact with others. Their friends and the people around them may change dramatically because they are creating brand new habits that reflect their healthier choices.

A newly sober person may start to feel more isolated as they find it harder to spend time with their old friends or social circle that still drinks or uses drugs. They may start to feel different or alienated from people that they used to consider very close friends. Part of their recovery might require them to distance themselves from people who still excessively abuse substances and are not supportive of their decision to be sober.

In order to avoid feeling isolated in new sobriety it is important for people in recovery to make lots of new connections. Meeting other people who are sober, joining a support group for recovery and developing friendships with others in a treatment program can all be helpful in improving mental and emotional health. Everyone in a recovery program needs to feel supported and have a social network of people who are going through many of the same things.

Feeling isolated in recovery unfortunately can increase the risk for relapse especially for those who are still in the early phases. Taking steps to avoid isolation is not only beneficial more mental health but it also makes it much easier to stay focused on sobriety and avoid feelings of boredom and loneliness which can lead to substance abuse cravings. For those in recovery, make sure to join sober groups and communities that can keep you connected to others.

The post Feeling Isolated in New Sobriety appeared first on Serenity Malibu.

source https://www.serenitymaliburehab.com/feeling-isolated-in-new-sobriety/

Sunday, May 26, 2019

What is Alcohol Related Harm?

What is Alcohol Related Harm?

Binge drinking is not only harmful to the person consuming excessive amounts of alcohol but it can put the people around them in danger. Studies have shown that one in five people are harmed by others drinking alcohol in some way. Alcohol-related harm can range from being kept awake or feeling uncomfortable to more serious dangers such as physical or sexual abuse.

About one in twenty people experience alcohol-related harm that is related to aggression such as physical threats or bodily injury. Studies in England have revealed that alcohol-related harm is actually fairly prevalent and some people experience harm frequently. Even minor harms such as anxiety and sleep prevention can have an impact on an individual’s health.

According to research, men are more likely than women to experience physical aggression from someone who has been drinking and women are more likely to experience emotional harm. Of those surveyed fewer than 1 percent said that they were forced into something sexual either from a stranger or a cohabiting partner. Alcohol related harm can also include physical injury and death through car accidents involving driving under the influence.

People tend to focus on the health and social problems that alcohol use causes to the individual who is addicted. It is important to be aware of the impact that alcohol has on everyone else who is in contact with the drinker. Alcohol lowers people’s inhibitions, changes the way they behave and can increase their aggression, making it dangerous to be around someone who is binge drinking.

When people are more conscious of how alcohol harms others it can influence them to moderate or abstain from drinking. Understanding the impact of alcohol not only on yourself but others can help put drinking behavior into perspective and influence some to change their habits.

The post What is Alcohol Related Harm? appeared first on Serenity Malibu.

source https://www.serenitymaliburehab.com/what-is-alcohol-related-harm/

Friday, May 24, 2019

Understanding Childhood Conduct Disorder Effect on Adulthood

Understanding Childhood Conduct Disorder Effect on Adulthood

Children that struggle with certain behavioral problems may be struggling with a conduct disorder caused by differences in the way their brain is wired. Kids with severe antisocial behavior may display aggression or even be harmful to others in ways that they find difficult to control. Unfortunately, without proper treatment it can lead to other issues in adulthood including things like personality disorders.

When children or adolescents have behavioral problems it can be the result of issues like ADHD or mental health problems like depression, anxiety and other disorders. A conduct disorder can be closely related to mental health problems that the child and parents may not be aware of. If a child suffers from conduct disorder it can affect their ability to interact with their peers and demonstrate things like empathy and guilt when dealing with others.

The kind of issues that children with conduct disorders develop can later on lead to symptoms of personality disorders once they reach adulthood. The antisocial behavior that kids with conduct disorder display can continue to be a problem when they grow up. They might get involved in crime or substance abuse and suffer from relationship problems.

Personality disorders like borderline, narcissistic and paranoid disorder can stem from conduct problems in childhood that are never completely resolved. People with borderline and narcissistic can have issues with aggression, antisocial traits and various kinds of behaviors that may have developed when they were a child. Studies have found that there is a very high correlation between personality disorders and conduct problems in childhood.

In order to avoid children dealing with further mental illness issues when they grow up it is important for them to get treatment when they have behavioral problems. Aggression and a lack of empathy can be a sign of a serious disorder so it is crucial to get a diagnosis and treatment as early as possible.

The post Understanding Childhood Conduct Disorder Effect on Adulthood appeared first on Serenity Malibu.

source https://www.serenitymaliburehab.com/understanding-childhood-conduct-disorder-effect-on-adulthood/

Monday, May 20, 2019

Why First Aid Training is Including Mental Health

Why First Aid Training is Including Mental Health

In the past first aid training focused mainly on medical emergencies but a recent policy called the Mental Health First Aid Act is providing funding for mental health emergency training as well. Certain professions may require employees to receive training in how to recognize and cope with a mental health emergency so that they can provide first aid and support to prevent a crisis. Mental health emergencies occur all the time and it important for people in certain positions to be prepared when they come up.

Mental health first aid training teaches staff how to recognize symptoms of common mental illnesses and substance abuse disorders so that they develop something called “mental health literacy”. They need to be able to understand risk factors and warning signs that indicate when someone is experiencing severe symptoms of a mental illnesses. When they can recognize symptoms of addiction and specific illnesses they will be more prepared in coping with a crisis.

Training programs for mental health emergencies also teach staff a number of different strategies for coping with general and specific kinds of crises. They can learn the best ways to de-escalate a crisis and get the individual connected to their caregiver or get them to a safe place. They will also learn when and how to refer them to mental health and substance abuse resources in the area including emergency services.

Mental health first training is crucial because many people are not familiar with what a mental health crisis looks like. They may not know what to do or how to handle an emergency situation. This kind of training can help prevent harm both to the individual experiencing the crisis and those around them when it occurs.

Although certain positions may require this kind of training, everyone can benefit from learning how to handle a mental health crisis.

The post Why First Aid Training is Including Mental Health appeared first on Serenity Malibu.

source https://www.serenitymaliburehab.com/why-first-aid-training-is-including-mental-health/

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Are Millenials Generation Moderation?

Are Millenials Generation Moderation?

Americans in their twenties and thirties are now developing different habits than previous generations when it comes to alcohol. Beverage manufacturers and even the media have noticed a decline in alcohol use among people between ages 22 to 38. Millennials are now choosing sobriety and health instead of heavy drinking as a way to cope with life’s problems.

Not all millennials have chosen to become completely sober but many are finding that a moderate approach to alcohol works better for them. Only drinking on special occasions or limiting their intake has proven to be the method of choice for young adults looking to develop healthier habits. Others are interested in non-alcoholic options as a substitute for drinking when they go out with friends such as non-alcoholic beers or “mocktails”.

People in the young generation are starting to see the negative effects that drinking regularly can have on their lives. They are tired of going to work feeling hungover and spending too much money on a night out because they kept buying more drinks. Focusing on their health and saving up money for something they need are higher on their list of priorities.

Although there isn’t enough data to tell if millennials have changed their drinking habits on a grander scale, trends suggest that heavy alcohol consumption is less common among young adults of this generation. They favor more balanced methods of coping with stress such as yoga and meditation and are less likely to turn to alcohol to feel better. They also prefer alcohol-free drinks and events that don’t offer booze when they go out.

Millennials feel less pressure to drink in order to have fun and they tend to support one another about the decision to be sober. Young people are finally embracing the benefits of healthy and sober living.

The post Are Millenials Generation Moderation? appeared first on Serenity Malibu.

source https://www.serenitymaliburehab.com/are-millenials-generation-moderation/