Tuesday, July 17, 2018

In Addiction Rehab Do You Get What You Pay For?

In Addiction Rehab Do You Get What You Pay For?

For people in difficult situations who need to quit an addiction, any type of treatment can be helpful in getting them started on the road to recovery. However, it is important to understand that there are many differences between each type of rehab what they offer to their patients. The services and amenities that a specific rehab offers can determine the ultimate cost of treatment.

There are plenty of options for free and affordable rehab treatments but they might not have the kind of services that a more expensive treatment center would offer. Many people looking for recovery options are willing to pay more to get the extra amenities that they feel they would need in order to be comfortable. Rehab options can range from free treatment centers to luxury or executive rehabs designed for people in high paying or powerful careers.

Although the cost of rehab centers can vary dramatically, it does not mean that a person cannot fully recover with a less expensive treatment program. These options are available simply for people that want an extra level of comfort and have the financial means to pay for higher quality. Any type of treatment can be life-saving and free or affordable addiction recovery still has the potential to change a person’s life around for the better.

Factors Affecting the Cost

There are a few different reasons why an addiction treatment program might cost more or less depending on specific details of the facility. Rehabs can range from a few thousand a month to as much as 120 thousand a month for a very high end program. With such a drastic range it is helpful to understand the differences that can impact the cost of treatment.

One of the main factors affecting cost can be the services that a facility provides for its patients outside of the main therapy sessions that make up the foundation of treatment. Some programs can offer a wide variety of services such as yoga, acupuncture, art therapy, life coaches and many other options at a higher price. A more simple program might focus mainly on therapy and only a few other services such as fitness activities.

Another aspect of treatment that can greatly affect the cost of rehab is the length of stay that a patient is offered. A short term stay will cost considerably less than a longer 90 day stay in a treatment program. For people with more severe addictions, however, a longer stay may be recommended for more effective recovery and relapse prevention.

The location of a treatment center can also factor into the overall cost because some more scenic, remote locations may be more expensive. An affordable program might be in a more standard, local program in the city but a higher end, luxury program may be close to a beach, on an island or in the mountains. Some patients prefer a more desirable location and are willing to pay more to be in this kind of natural environment.

Amenities, Comfort and Therapy

More expensive rehab programs tend to have higher quality amenities in every aspect of the facility. They usually have comfortable, private rooms while a less expensive rehab may have small beds in shared rooms. While this type of comfort is not always necessary for recovery, some patients prefer to have the added amenities because they believe it will help them focus on their sobriety.

Higher cost rehabs also tend to have higher quality, gourmet food that may accommodate special dietary needs for the patients. Luxury rehabs can sometimes provide food through room service as a resort hotel would for its guests. Other amenities can include swimming pools, tennis courts or even in some treatment centers golf courses for patients.

An important thing to consider with the cost of a rehab center is what kind of therapy you are getting through the program. Although a more affordable therapist may still be effective, higher cost treatment will usually have more experienced staff members that have spent years working in addiction treatment. People that are looking for the best level of therapy that they can get may be willing to pay more for experts in the field of addiction recovery.

When it comes to addiction treatment it is true that spending more can give you a different experience but for those without the financial means, they can still get what they need from a more affordable treatment center. Some people may feel that they need more from their program in order to do their best while others may be fine with a standard program. Extra services and amenities can provide comfort but in the end what matters most is the individual patient’s commitment to getting sober and the effort that they put into recovery.

The post In Addiction Rehab Do You Get What You Pay For? appeared first on Serenity Malibu.

source https://www.serenitymaliburehab.com/addiction-rehab-get-pay/

AA Meetings When You Hate Public Speaking

AA Meetings When You Hate Public Speaking

Twelve step groups can provide a great support system for people that are on the road to recovery from an addiction. However, one of the foundations for recovery and main strategies of groups like AA is speaking to the rest of group of about personal issues. People who have problems with public speaking may feel intimidating by the idea of talking in front of a group about private things that they are dealing with.

Speaking in front of a group of people can seem frightening to some that are more introverted or socially anxious in that type of situation. Although they might want to do the work of recovery the concept of talking in front of people could deter them from attending AA meetings which could hinder their progress. If you are nervous about public speaking it can be something that you work on to overcome in order to focus on the highest priority which is getting sober.

Even though you dislike public speaking, if your goal is to do everything you can to quit your addiction then you may be able to adjust the feeling of speaking in front of a group. Over time you will get to know many of the people in your AA group and will become more comfortable talking to them as friends. The important thing to remember is that no one is there to judge you either on your personal issues or your speaking abilities but they are there to provide support, compassion and care for one another.

Take Steps to Become More Comfortable

If you feel overwhelmed by having to speak in front of others it can be helpful to break the process down into smaller steps. Before you gather up the courage to speak in front of the group you can find a smaller group of one or two people at the meetings to talk to first. You can practice talking about your addiction and introducing yourself to a few people at a time.

As you get to know more people at the AA meetings you might slowly be less intimidated by speaking because you will feel that you have more friends and people that care about your progress out in the audience. Instead of speaking in front of a room full of strangers you can have a few people in the group that you can focus on to boost your confidence overall.

Another important part of speaking in front of others is being prepared with what you want to say. Although speaking spontaneously can be comfortable for some, others who struggle with public speaking often feel better about the situation when they know exactly what they are going to say. You can even rehearse what you are going to say beforehand so that you don’t end up stumbling or feeling embarrassed in front of the group.

As part of the initial steps of speaking in front of the group you can make your first public introduction very brief and eventually expand on what you say the next time you decide to talk in front of the group. A short introduction can help you get your feet wet and adjust to how it feels to talk at meetings.

Understanding the Purpose of Sharing in AA

As you take steps to increase your comfort level with speaking it can also be helpful to understand what speaking at AA is all about. It is not the same as a public performance or a presentation where you will be judged on your effectiveness. In fact, no one in the audience will judge you because they are all going through many of the same feelings and want to support you no matter what.

Sharing during AA is not about being entertaining, interesting or even being a great speaker. It is about relating personal stories that you may have kept secret from others because they felt shameful. Speaking at AA is about a cathartic release of emotions and finally being honest with others about your experiences with addiction.

You can think of AA as a place where you can feel safe to be yourself and talk about the things that you felt afraid to share for years. It can be like a kind of group therapy where you are able to get support and feedback from people that want the best for you. When you understand the need for speaking at AA you can consider it as a healing opportunity and not something that you need to feel nervous or embarrassed about.

Public speaking is a common fear that people deal with in different situations but in AA it should not stop you from sharing with other people in the group. Speaking in AA can potentially be a life changing experience and you should never avoid it because of your fears.

The post AA Meetings When You Hate Public Speaking appeared first on Serenity Malibu.

source https://www.serenitymaliburehab.com/aa-meetings-hate-public-speaking/

Monday, July 16, 2018

Do Celebrities Help Break Mental Health Stigma?

Do Celebrities Help Break Mental Health Stigma?

Although mental health issues are a common problem in the U.S. there still remains a significant stigma surrounding disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD and many other problems. People find it hard to open up about their struggles with mental health and may even avoid getting treatment because they fear being judged by others. However, in recent years more celebrities have told stories about their personal struggles with mental health which many believe helps the public become more comfortable about dealing with their own issues.

There are different opinions regarding the effectiveness of celebrities breaking down the mental health stigma in this country. While some may feel that any kind of public story can be useful in reaching out to people that feel isolated and ashamed of their problems, others feel that celebrity stories may not be relatable enough. A high profile celebrity lives in a very different world than the average person struggling with depression or anxiety and some people feel that this makes celebrity stories less effective for people with everyday problems.

There are many aspects to mental health issues that need to be addressed and although celebrities may be making some positive change, there is more work to be done in breaking down the stigma. Mental health is a topic that people rarely discuss in their daily lives and it is important for the average person to overcome their fears of opening up about their own disorder. Celebrity stories may not help everyone but they do make it possible for mental health to become a more public issue.

Celebrities and Mental Health

While celebrities lead lives that seem distant from ours, their public discussion of mental health can be inspiring for some. Mental health still remains a taboo topic and rarely gets media attention in spite of the millions of people suffering from mental health problems every day. Celebrity disclosures can help get more media attention on mental health and open up discussions about certain topics that may otherwise be ignored.

Some of the criticisms of celebrity disclosures however is that they have a very different experience of mental illness than the average American. A celebrity is less likely to end up jobless, homeless or become socially marginalized due to their mental illness. These are situations someone in a different social status may have to face while a celebrity will be applauded for their honesty.

Celebrities may also have easier access to high quality treatment, life coaches and others options that may allow them to become stable more quickly. The average person may have barriers to treatment such as being put on a waitlist, not being able to afford care or having to choose a more affordable program that may not offer as many services. A celebrity will usually have no problem paying for treatment and get the best care possible.

Drawing Attention to Mental Health Issues

Although celebrities may have an easier time with recovery and their issues may not be as severe in many cases, their ability to bring these issues to the public eye may still be valuable. Mental health issues of any kind are often shrouded in shame and secrecy in a way that can stop people from seeking the help they need. If someone hears a celebrity speak about their struggles with depression or any other disorder they may feel less alone in their problems.

When celebrities talk about their mental health issues it brings to light the fact that people from all walks of life can be diagnosed with a disorder. Even highly successful, creative people can become ill in spite of all that they have achieved in life. Understanding this can help spread the notion that mental illness is not an individual failing or weakness but a disease that can happen to anyone.

Celebrities also offer a perspective counter to the many news stories or movies which may sensationalize mental illness as leading to violence and crime. People in Hollywood with mental illnesses can still function, contribute to society and remain highly competent in their field. When the average person sees this it may give them hope that they can be open about their problem, seek help and still lead a normal life.

Even though some people may believe that celebrity disclosures about mental illness are not relatable enough, the reality is that they can do some good in many cases. With the stigma surrounding mental illness any kind of disclosure is brave and heroic no matter who the person is and it can inspire others to do the same. The more personal stories come to light, the more people will feel comfortable sharing their issues publicly and start to overcome their fears about being judged.

Mental health stigma is a problem that needs to be addressed and celebrities are doing their part in any way they can.

The post Do Celebrities Help Break Mental Health Stigma? appeared first on Serenity Malibu.

source https://www.serenitymaliburehab.com/celebrities-mental-health-stigma/