Monday, March 19, 2018

Self-Harm Affects More Than Teens

Self-Harm Affects More Than Teens

Emotional intensity can often lead people to engage in self-destructive behavior such as cutting. When people think of cutting or other types of self-harm they might imagine it is only limited to teens who are struggling with the drama of adolescence. However, self-harm in various forms can be quite common in adults as well and needs to be treated before it leads to problems.

Self-injury is not limited to any particular age, demographic or gender. Although teens stereotypically have issues with self-harm there are many middle aged adults who struggle with the same problem and feel they can’t control their behavior. Because of the stigma behind cutting being a young person’s problem, some adults may be too ashamed to seek help.

When people engage in self-harm it can have serious consequences on their physical and mental health. Behaviors like cutting or burning can lead to injury and even hospitalization if they become out of control. Self-harm most often is caused by underlying mental health issues that need to be addressed by a psychiatrist.

Understanding Self-Injury

It may seem difficult to understand why an adult would feel the need to harm themselves physically through repeated actions. People who self-harm might cut themselves with a razor on certain areas of the body such as the arms, legs or other spots they can hide with clothing. They often make small, shallow cuts that are usually not suicide attempts but simply minor wounds they allow to heal.

In addition to cutting themselves, people who self-harm may burn themselves with matches or lighters, bang their heads against the wall, pull their hair or hit themselves with objects to cause injury. People who self-harm usually engage in these types of behaviors repeatedly and they may use multiple self-injury methods. Their intention is most often not to cause critical damage but there may be cases where they accidentally cut too deeply and end up in the hospital.

Depending on the individual’s personal mental health issues they may be engaging in self-harm for a variety of reasons. Some with issues such as borderline personality disorder may want to keep loved ones concerned about them and connected so they harm themselves. Other people with depression may use cutting as a way to release emotional pain or distract themselves from the mental anguish they experience.

What to Do about Self-Harm

When someone is using self-injury as a way to cope there is usually an underlying psychiatric disorder that they may not be aware of. A person with intense emotional problems may feel better at least temporarily when they hurt themselves but ultimately their mental health issues can grow worse without intervention. Self-harm is a type of coping mechanism that needs to be replaced with healthier strategies for dealing with painful feelings.

The most common mental illnesses associated with self-harm are depression, bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. In some cases psychosis and a break from reality may be to blame if a person is hearing voices that demand them to self-harm. Sometimes specific life stressors can also cause someone to self-harm such as losing a loved one or going through a divorce.

In order for self-harm to subside a person needs professional treatment from a psychiatrist that can diagnose the issue that is causing the behavior. Once a diagnosis is made it can provide more insight into why this person hurts themselves and what specific treatment plan can help them manage the behavior. People who self-harm sometimes want to quit but are unable to stop themselves because it is a deeply ingrained habit.

Adults who self-harm often experience a lot of shame and embarrassment about their behavior because it is normally associated with teenagers. They may find it hard to tell anyone about their problem and try their best to hide it or keep it to themselves. The guilt and secrecy they experience can weight on them or make it hard for them to reach out for help.

It can be hard to overcome the stigma behind self-harm but opening up and talking to others about the problem can be very cathartic. It often gets very difficult and lonely to hide these behaviors and deal with painful emotions alone. Talking to a therapist can be a great way to process some of the pain that is causing a person to self-harm.

The key element of treatment for self-harm is allowing the patient to find a different coping mechanism that works for them. When they feel sad, angry or want attention and love from others they can try a healthier strategy. Learning to deal with painful emotions is crucial in healing from a mental illness or behavioral problem like self-harm.

If you or a loved one has been engaging in self-injury it is important to seek professional mental health treatment. Look for a therapist or treatment center in your area for recovery.

The post Self-Harm Affects More Than Teens appeared first on Serenity Malibu.


The Physical Effects of Depression on Your Body

The Physical Effects of Depression on Your Body

When people think of depression they associate the issue mainly with feelings of sadness and pain. While the emotional aspects of depression can be very severe, it is an illness that affects the whole person including their physical body. The changes that an individual experiences as their depression increases can affect everything from their brain to their heart and immune system.

If a person doesn’t get treatment for their depression they are likely to see physical changes in themselves and over time this can even lead to a higher risk of developing physical conditions. It is common for people to have physical symptoms with their depression but they may not realize that it is connected to a mental health issue. An individual’s emotional and physical health are closely related and without psychological recovery, all aspects of a person’s well being can suffer.

Symptoms of Depression in the Body

Depression can cause changes in the way the brain functions which in turn can have an effect on the body. People with depression might complain of a number of physical ailments that may manifest themselves periodically. Their physical symptoms can be just as uncomfortable and unpleasant as their feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

These are some of the common physical problems associated with depression:

  • Headaches or migraines
  • Achiness and soreness
  • Chronic fatigue and a general lack of energy
  • Muscle aches or joint pain
  • Back pain
  • Decreased appetite and dramatic weight loss as a result
  • Increase appetite along with noticeable weight gain
  • Insomnia or oversleeping
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Digestive problems such as nausea or constipation
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

People with depression can often experience multiple physical ailments or their physical symptoms may change in different periods of time. They may have physical symptoms on their own or have them when they are also dealing with intense feelings of sadness, guilt or anxiety. They may not realize at first that their physical pain is directly caused by and closely related to a mental illness.

Why Depression Affects the Body

What causes a mental and emotional problem to affect the body physically? Depression is a mental illness that is associated with changes in the brain and abnormal functioning of neurotransmitters like serotonin. Levels of serotonin which regulates mood can also have a direct effect on things like sleep, sex drive and appetite.

Serotonin can also affect a person’s threshold for pain so that a depressed person with low levels of serotonin may be more sensitive to pain. They may be more prone to physical aches and things like back pain or they may be more aware of these sensations. Inability to sleep or decreased appetite can also negatively affect the body causing headaches, nausea and other physical symptoms.

Another reason physical ailments are related to depression has to do with how a person’s emotional state can determine their behavior. Their thoughts may be so negative or they may feel so depressed that they are not able to take care themselves. As a result they may neglect to eat right or sleep enough which can create a cycle of sadness and physical pain.

Treating Physical Symptoms of Depression

In order to minimize the physical problems that can result from depression it is helpful to address issues with the brain. Antidepressant medication can help equalize chemicals in the brain so that nerve cell networks can communicate and work more efficiently. Some medications such as Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs help to create more serotonin in the brain so that a person can have a more stable mood.

Antidepressants can also help people with chronic pain and improve appetite problems by making chemical changes in the brain. People with anxiety or insomnia may need other supplemental medications to help them sleep or allow them to feel more calm. A psychiatrist can help determine what combination of medication will be most effective to treat specific symptoms.

In addition to medication, it is crucial to receive psychotherapy from a professional counselor. Talking about emotional issues can help people with depression process their feelings which they may be having trouble expressing to others. Working through emotional issues in therapy can help prevent those problems from manifesting themselves in physical ways.

Getting treatment for depression can minimize the physical symptoms of depression so that the patient can avoid the risks of physical conditions caused by lack of sleep, improper nutrition or other issues. Early intervention is crucial to help reduce physical issues and prevent emotional symptoms from growing in severity.

If you or someone you love is experiencing either physical or mental symptoms of depression then contact a local treatment center or therapist. They can provide information about how to create a treatment plan that can reduce symptoms and improve overall health and wellbeing.

The post The Physical Effects of Depression on Your Body appeared first on Serenity Malibu.
