Monday, December 17, 2018

Should Celebrities Make their Sobriety Public?

Should Celebrities Make their Sobriety Public?

Often people in the public eye try to maintain as much of their life private as they can and don’t reveal personal details about themselves. Going through an addiction, hitting rock bottom and recovering can seem shameful to some and they may not feel ready to talk about it. However, for those celebrities who are comfortable sharing their experiences with sobriety, it can be a great step toward breaking the stigma surrounding addiction.

One of the issues that can be very isolating for people with addictions is the feeling that you are going through it alone. People may feel that no one else in their lives has lost control and they are the only ones dealing with this problem. Hearing celebrity stories of addiction and recovery can help them feel that they are not alone and that even those with successful lives struggle with the same issues.

Celebrity stories of sobriety can also be motivating and inspiring. Someone who is not sure they are ready to get help may hear a story about addiction recovery and finally feel prepared to take the next step to get help. Public stories of recovery help create awareness and can reach people in need of some inspiration.

One of the most positive aspects of being public about sobriety is that it helps normalize the discussion of addiction and mental health issues. People can feel afraid to speak out about their addiction because they fear being judged, shamed or ridiculed for what they have been through. Talking about addiction, especially when it is a famous celebrity, can help break the cycle of stigma and silence.

Not everyone should feel obligated to share their story about addiction and sobriety, but doing so can be a great help to people who need to hear about it for themselves or their loved ones.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Dangers of Rapid Detox

The Dangers of Rapid Detox

When a person decides to quit an addiction they may be fearful of detox and want the process to be over quickly. Even though some treatment centers may advertise rapid detox, quitting a dependency should be a more gradual process in order to be safe. In fact, rapid detox is less effective and even hazardous to your health and safety.

Some treatments may offer patients a “rapid detox” in which they are sedated with general anesthesia and given an opiate blocker such as naltrexone to force the body through detox. Although patients may believe they can be fully detoxed this way, the reality is that their bodies are still processing through withdrawal symptoms. Going home after rapid detox often means you are still faced with serious symptoms and strong cravings that could lead to relapse.

Since patients of rapid detox are told to leave early, they are not provided with access to medical assistance and monitoring as they are still going through the process of withdrawal. They could experience dangerous side effects and not have any help available to keep them stable. People often suffer severe consequences from going through rapid detox and some have even died as a result of the experience.

The only way to get through detox safely is to go through the whole process naturally in the safety of a treatment center. There is no “quick fix” for an addiction; it is a long process to recover and detox itself should take at least a week or two to complete. Going through gradual detox is more comfortable, effective and more importantly the safest option for the patient.

If you truly want to recover from an addiction, spending the time to get rid of a dependency is a crucial first step and it needs to be done correctly in order to successful become sober.

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Is There a Normal Amount of Stress?

Is There a Normal Amount of Stress?

Everyone experiences stress in their daily lives but too much repeated stress can cause physical and mental health problems. People with too much stress can start to develop symptoms of anxiety and other issues that interfere with their functioning. In our hectic modern lives, keeping stress levels down is a crucial skill that is essential to good health.

However, a certain amount of stress is also necessary to keep us engaged in the world and stimulated enough to feel happy. Our bodies need a little stress so that our nervous system is functioning and the body is using stored energy. The right amount of stress can be difficult to balance as many people become overwhelmed with stressors very easily.

There are good kinds of stress that our bodies need to experience from time to time situations that we feel we can control. Challenge stress such as exercising, performing tasks at work or other situations that we know will turn out okay can be good for our health. On the other hand, stress that causes us to lose sleep or makes our heart rate increase is “threat” stress that can be harmful to our health.

Every individual may have a unique balance of stress levels that is optimal to their health. Some people may be predisposed to react to certain challenges in a way that affects their stress levels differently. In that sense, the amount of stress that one individual can handle varies greatly from person to person.

A normal amount of stress can be different for everyone but certain strategies can be used to reduce stress and interpret situations in a new way so that they feel less like threats. Some people can learn to change their responses to stressors and minimize the negative stress they experience in their life.

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Monday, November 26, 2018

Is This the Key to Successful Opioid Recovery?

Is This the Key to Successful Opioid Recovery?

With the rampant abuse and addiction to opioids, it can be difficult to pinpoint one single cause or a specific solution that will help people quit. People may start using opioids for a number of different reasons depending on their situation and there can be a wide range of factors that can be helpful in recovery. However, one common theme in many situations with opioid abuse is the workplace and employment.

The opioid epidemic is currently creating a crisis in the workplace in a number of different ways. People who are injured on the job and are given prescription opioids may start to become addicted. Some may need to take time off work because of their injury and end up losing their job because of their absence.

Employment or issues with employment may be one of the keys involved in the opioid crisis for many Americans. Those struggling with addiction may find it difficult to find work which causes them to continue their drug abuse. The cycle of job loss and unemployment is something to consider in both the causes of opioid addiction and solutions for recovery.

Employment and the Opioid Crisis

The workforce and the rising opioid epidemic have become two closely connected issues that influence each other. Drug addiction, especially opioid abuse, has been a significant factor in the slow recovery of the employment economy. Addiction has also led to stagnant labor markets and has proven to be very costly to the U.S.

There also have been rising issues of employees struggling with opioid addiction who are failing to perform well on the job. Others are unable to find gainful employment because they cannot pass the employer’s drug test, leaving a shortage of employees for some companies. Even those who had been successful employees in the past are starting to struggle at work when they develop an opioid addiction.

Another issue related to employment is that many individuals who are dealing with an addiction may find it hard to get back on their feet if they have lost their job. Once their opioid abuse progresses it may cause them to lose their employment and be unable to find more work due to their issues with drugs. The use of opioids is one of the key factors driving issues with unemployment which leads to even more drug use.

Getting Sober and Back to Work

One of the biggest factors in resolving issues with addiction is finding steady employment that can be maintained through sobriety and dedication to a strong work ethic. People going through opioid recovery need to learn how to work again be able to perform well on the job. Someone who is able to stay committed to a stable work schedule is much less likely to experience a relapse.

Working is a part of a healthy daily routine and it is crucial for people in recovery no matter what they are going through. Going to work for regular hours gives people a sense of purpose and helps them avoid boredom and too much free time which can be dangerous for people with addictive tendencies. Having a job helps people be more productive in general and less likely to slip into inactivity and depression.

For many people dealing with opioid addictions, their lack of employment could have contributed greatly to their situation. Being unemployed can have a negative impact on self-worth and lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Some might turn to self-medication through legal or illegal substances to help alleviate their distress.

Once someone is able to work again it can help boost their confidence and make them more self-reliant. They will find it easier to avoid issues such as self-medication because they have less worries and self-esteem problems overall. Of course being employed is not the only factor in recovery success but it is crucial for someone to find work in order to combat their addiction.

Recovery is a long process and the first step is always entering detox and treatment. Many rehab programs offer assistance with helping patients find employment either during or after their stay in the program. This kind of assistance is often necessary for people who haven’t worked for some time due to their issues with addiction.

For those that struggle with opioid abuse, it is crucial to work on sobriety first before returning to work. Working while still addicted to drugs is dangerous both for addiction and your ability to continue your employment. Once you are healthy and sober then returning to work will be a crucial step in maintaining your new lifestyle.

Making efforts to reduce opioid abuse can help improvement the employment situation in the U.S. and having more work opportunities for those in recovery may help combat the opioid epidemic.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Mental Health Effects of Hate

The Mental Health Effects of Hate

Hate is a very powerful emotion that everyone experiences from time to time but for some people it can become problematic. People who feed into their hatred and allow it to grow can start to deal with some seriously negative effects in terms of their health and their social functioning. Hate can affect people deeply and cause problems for themselves and those around them in lasting ways.

Hate is a real problem not only in people’s personal lives but in our society as a whole. In spite of much of the social progress that has been made in the U.S. and throughout the world, hate groups are still very active and cause violent events in their communities. It is a complex emotion that can take a very dark turn for those who can’t find ways to cope with their feelings of fear and anxiety.

The destruction that occurs when someone hates and is unable to overcome their hate can be alarming. They can develop serious psychological issues that can lead to violence and harm. Understanding what causes hate and how to cope with it is crucial for better mental health and overall wellness.

The Causes and Symptoms of Hate

What makes someone feel hatred? Often it comes from feelings of fear, rejection or a perceived threat. In some cases hate can also stem from internalized issues that become projected onto someone else.

Either specific people in our lives or a group of people may trigger some of these feelings subconsciously. You may see qualities that you don’t like about yourself in someone else and begin to feel hatred for them. You might also feel afraid that they will hurt or reject you or are somehow threatened by them in a way that reveals your insecurities.

Underneath hate there is often a deep sense of fear and insecurity that becomes masked by hate. People who hate and convince others to hate are trying to boost their self-worth to avoid confronting their vulnerabilities. Because continuing to hate is a way of never truly dealing with these underlying feelings it can lead to complex psychological issues.

Someone who is not able to cope with their hate may have trouble getting along with others and it can cause problems for them in their life. They might struggle with maintaining relationships or end up losing their job because of conflict with coworkers. Even worse they might become verbally or physically abusive and in some cases plan violent incidents.

Minimizing and Resolving Hate

Hate can be poisonous for a person’s mental health, making them feel constantly agitated and upset with the people around them. Although hate can certainly harm others, it is also very painful for the hater themselves. Resolving and letting go of feelings of hatred can help you feel more calm, relaxed and happier in the long run.

Learning to be more aware when feelings of hatred occur and understanding what triggers them can be a good way to experience the necessary introspection for reducing hate. You need to try to understand why you hate someone and what other feelings it stirs up for you. When you feel you are having hateful thoughts you can take a moment to step back and be mindful of the experience.

When hate starts to build up it can be helpful to try breathing exercises to help produce a sense of calm. Breathing deeply in and out can help release some of the anger and tension that often accompanies feelings of hate. As your body relaxes you can try to challenge some of the irrational thoughts that are happening in your mind.

Distracting yourself from your hateful thoughts can help prevent them from snowballing and getting out of control. Often people tend to feed their hate by continuing to think about reasons to hate someone instead of simply moving on. As you become aware that you are feeling hate you can take your mind off of it by going for a walk, reading a book or exercising.

It is important to understand the destructive nature of hate and be aware of it so that it doesn’t take over your mind. Self-awareness and changing your mindset can help to reduce hatred so that it doesn’t become problematic. People who don’t address their emotional problems can allow their hate to become harmful to others.

If you feel that hate is affecting your mental health it can be a good idea to talk to a therapist to try to understand what it causing these emotions. They may have insights into why you hate someone that you are not able to see yourself. A therapist can also help you develop strategies to cope with anger, fear, insecurities and any other feelings that need to be resolved in order to minimize hate.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

SMART Recovery 101

Smart Recovery

For those who are looking for different options to support them in quitting a drug or alcohol addiction, SMART recovery can be an effective choice. SMART recovery is a specific program that is designed to help addicts maintain abstinence, fight cravings and manage the symptoms of their addiction. This type of program can allow people who are struggling with an addiction to have the chance to learn crucial skills that will help them stay sober long term.

The program uses the term SMART as an acronym which stands for “self-management and recovery training”. It is a method by which participants are trained in the art of sobriety and are able to hone their recovery skills with the support of experts. It teaches people to learn how to control their behavior and rely on themselves for motivation and power to improve their lives.

Those entering a recovery program like SMART can use the opportunity to learn more about their addiction and understand how it has affected their behavior. Moving toward a healthier lifestyle starts with knowing the underlying causes of your substance abuse and the triggers that lead you to use. SMART teaches participants about addiction so that they can understand themselves and learn how to change.

The Principles of the SMART Program

While there are many different types of recovery programs that can be suitable for addicts, SMART recovery may be a good choice for those who are not interested in more traditional twelve step programs. SMART is unique compared to twelve step programs because it offers a different point of view that is more scientific and less spiritually based. People who feel that twelve step programs are not right for them may find the philosophies behind SMART recovery more appealing.

SMART recovery tends to emphasize individual power and choice rather than the “powerlessness” that is normally a part of twelve step programs. The meetings in SMART focus more on discussion between the whole group rather than a single person speaking to the entire group. These discussions help each member of the group connect with other addicts in a way that encourages and motivates them.

This program uses alternative treatment methods that are effective but slightly different than the usual models. It uses more scientific methods based on modern research for alcoholism treatment that doesn’t rely on the notion of a higher power that is often a central point in twelve step groups. The use of rational thinking is employed in these groups to help people cope with their addictive tendencies.

The Benefits of SMART Recovery

The most positive aspect of SMART recovery programs is that they can be effective for anyone because they are based on rational thinking which is an inherent ability that all people have. All ages, demographics and levels of society can grasp the concepts and principles of SMART recovery in order to change their lives and quit their addictions. Meetings can take place in a wide variety of places including homeless shelters, inpatient treatment centers, prisons and any place where addiction is a serious issue.

People who have the opportunity to join this type of recovery program are able to see real results and changes in the way that they think and behave. They can learn how to change the cycle of addiction by discovering their own motivation within themselves without even having to rely on a sponsor. The program also provides people with a number of valuable skills to help cope with the urges and triggers that make them want to use again as a safeguard against relapse.

SMART recovery helps people become more familiar with the concept of balancing momentary satisfaction with more enduring satisfaction. An addict is focused on short term and temporary relief and doesn’t know how to focus on more long term strategies for happiness. This program encourages people to change their perspective so that they invest in activities and routines that allow them to develop more enduring satisfaction in their lives.

The most important benefit of this program and most treatments for addiction is for members of the group to learn how to handle their own feelings and thoughts. Our emotions can be powerful and are typically the thing that drives people to behave in unhealthy ways. Learning how to cope with emotions is a crucial skill that is one of the key elements in maintaining abstinence.

SMART recovery teaches people how to manage their feelings in a way that reduces their need to seek out substances for relief. It is a program that provides people with practical skills and tools that will make it easier for them to minimize the symptoms of their addiction. For anyone looking for an alternative type of addiction recovery program that suits their personal beliefs, SMART can give them what they need to become sober.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What is the Key to Long Term Recovery?

What is the Key to Long Term Recovery?

Recovering from an addiction is a process that involves so much more than the few months you might spend in a rehab center. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to managing the symptoms over the course of a lifetime. People who achieve long term recovery have set up their lives in a way so that they can remain sober at all times.

Relapse rates after treatment can be high because people struggle to find the right routine and to learn the skills to help manage their addiction. It is an unfortunate reality that many people have to return to treatment more than once to get back on track. Sober living is a challenge that can take a long time to get the hang of especially if you have had a serious substance abuse problem.

The most important keys to long term recovery involve the need to feel positive, motivated and to find happiness and meaning in sobriety. In order to cultivate these things a person in recovery must learn to develop good habits that make them feel better and keep them fulfilled. Positivity and an effective sober routine are essential for long term sobriety and avoiding relapse.

Understanding Addiction and Replacing Habits

There are certain reasons that people seek out drugs that they themselves may not even be aware of. They may use drugs or alcohol as a way to feel positive emotions, have heightened experiences, connect with others or discover meaning in life. If someone in recovery feels that they are missing these aspects of drug use then they may feel more inclined to relapse.

Recovery means finding fulfillment and positive experiences without the use of drugs. People in treatment need to learn how to find positive emotions and build those up so that they are not looking for happiness in substances. They can develop positivity through regular therapy, support groups and good habits like meditating often.

During treatment or even in their time after returning home, former addicts can try to find new activities or hobbies that make them feel happy. They might enjoy writing, playing music, running, swimming or playing sports with their friends. Anything that provides them with a positive experience that they look forward to can help them cultivate feelings of happiness.

The important thing is to replace old habits with new activities that are healthier and boost your mood without causing problems. There are infinite possibilities to find something that truly makes you feel good and pursuing these hobbies is a good way to focus on positivity. Making time for things that you enjoy can create lasting happiness in life and works as an effective strategy to prevent relapse.

Connecting with Others

One of the reasons that people abuse substances is that it can lower their inhibitions, making it easier to be social and connect with other people. Alcohol or drugs may make them a experience a feeling of connection that is hard for them to find in their normal life when they are sober. In recovery, creating a lasting sense of connection can help minimize the desire to use drugs as a way to feel closer to people.

In recovery it is crucial to make high quality connections with others so that you can avoid feelings of loneliness, isolation and withdrawal which are all very dangerous to addicts. Making close friends through a sponsor or through peers in your treatment program and twelve step group can help get you through difficult times. It is important to feel like someone will be there to help when you are struggling with sobriety.

Feeling connected can also mean resolving issues with family or repairing broken relationships that were damaged by drug use. Attending family therapy and working on communication skills can help a person in recovery fix some of the problems in their life that may have made them feel more isolated. Having close connections with others is an essential part of living a positive and meaningful life in recovery.

A Healthy Sober Routine

In many cases people end up relapsing because they have been neglecting to do the things that keep them sober. Everyone in recovery develops their own sober routine that they know will make them feel healthier and more positive about their life. This could include a healthy diet, exercise routine, spending time with friends, meditating, and getting involved in hobbies or classes.

Once you know the sober routine that works for you it is a good idea to maintain it the best that you can. Long term recovery not only means creating a new lifestyle, it also means investing in these healthy habits for the rest of your life. If you need help with long term recovery or avoiding relapse, find a twelve step group in your area that can help you work on maintaining sobriety.

The post What is the Key to Long Term Recovery? appeared first on Serenity Malibu.


Monday, September 17, 2018

Will Gen Z Be the Most Sober Generation?

Gen Z Sober

Post-millennial youth are proving to have very different values than previous generations, returning to more traditional and less rebellious behavior. Generation Z or those born after 1996 are focusing more on sobriety, good grades and spending time with family rather than partying. While the previous generation of millennials helped boost the alcohol market, this new generation is drinking significantly less.

The younger generation now is hooked on other things like social media which is taking over their time and attention. They see going out and drinking as too repetitive and time consuming when they could be creating and consuming media online. It has even become somewhat of a faux pas among generation z to drink socially.

Younger people instead have small get togethers where they might play video games or simply spend time together. Sober dance parties are also becoming popular among young people who are encouraged to feel good off of natural chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin. In general young people are looking to connect with each other and find that alcohol doesn’t provide them with what they want out of life.

Changes in Drinking Habits

Millennials were known for having a common pattern of heavy drinking a few years ago. In 2016, millennials drank 42 percent of of all the wine sold in the U.S., topping every previous generation. However, with the younger generation of post-millennials now reaching drinking age their tendency to remain sober may affect these numbers dramatically.

Craft beer experienced a recent boom because of the millennial generation but with falling sales and an oversaturated market many breweries are now closing. With a younger generation less interested in alcohol, some of the alcohol market is likely to slow down and fail to see the type of growth that it has in previous years. The use of marijuana and cigarettes has been steadily declining as well with younger kids choosing sobriety and avoiding partying.

The generational shift in substance use has been mainly due to changes in personal values that have been slowly taking place. Post-millennial young people no longer see getting drunk as cool because they care more about their health, their integrity and understand that substances are simply a way of escaping. They have a much deeper education about physical and mental health than previous generations and focus on nourishing their bodies with superfoods rather than consuming toxic chemicals.

A Different Lifestyle than Previous Generations

There are many reasons why generation z chooses not to consume alcohol but one may be related to growing up online. They are much more aware of how they can be perceived by other people by living their lives publicly on the internet. They choose to portray themselves in a more conservative way so they won’t be shamed for getting drunk or being messy around others.

Their presence online has also allowed them to see themselves as being connected to the whole world and that they are part of a global community. They are more concerned about the political state of the world and issues that affect everyone rather than escapist substance abuse. Young people are also aware of the economic issues that may affect them and their future in spite of working hard and getting an education.

Generation z has to work harder than any previous generation in order to reach their career goals. Many understand how rare it is to be able to purchase and own a home now compared to older generations. They have to focus their values on achieving a comfortable life and drinking doesn’t coincide with any of their goals.

The younger generation tends to socialize online and get their feeling of connection through social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. They can communicate with large groups of people and document their life in a way that they will want to remember. Being constantly connected feels more fulfilling for young people and they don’t feel the need to bond over alcohol.

Avoiding Addiction and Focusing on Health

Post-millennials may have learned more about health and know how to practice healthy habits. They understand that altered states will only cause more problems and will do nothing to resolve feelings of stress. Young people are more conscious of other options such as a healthy diet and meditation in order to cope with personal issues.

As more young people lose interest in alcohol it may be good news for the overall mental and physical health of the nation. In the future there may be less strain on recovery resources, less money spent on treatment and addiction statistics may improve over time. The direction that this new generation is taking may indicate a positive change for the values of young Americans who choose hard work, health and well-being over partying and substance abuse.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

How the Opioid Epidemic is Affecting Different Age Groups

How the Opioid Epidemic is Affecting Different Age Groups

The opioid crisis has been devastating to the health of our nation and has led to many tragic deaths due to overdose. The epidemic has not affected everyone the same way however, as certain demographics have been hit harder by the wave of addiction. Young millennial adults and the baby boomer generation are the ones that have been struggling with opioid dependency more than other age groups.

These age groups may be more vulnerable to opioid addiction for a number of different reasons and they are also experiencing higher rates of overdose deaths. One of the problems with opioids is that they are very easy to obtain even among young people who can find it from friends or even easily obtain their own prescription. For baby boomers it can be even simpler to ask their doctor for pain medication because of their age.

Young adults tend to struggle more with heroin overdose while older adults are more likely to be dependent on prescription painkillers. These findings indicate that is is important to expand education about the dangers of opioids across all ages but to specifically target certain groups that are struggling more. Helping teens and baby boomers to avoid developing an addiction may help reduce the climbing numbers of the opioid crisis.

Young Adults, Baby boomers and Opioids

Researchers studied overdose deaths related to opioids between the years of 1999 to 2014 and found that people born in the late 50s and early 60s, or baby boomers as they are commonly called, were 27 percent more likely to die from a prescription opioid overdose. They were also one third more likely to die from a heroin overdose.

Studies also found that younger adults of the millennial generation (those born between 1979 and 1992) had high rates of heroin overdose. Millennials were 23 percent more likely to die from a heroin overdose compared with those born in the late 70s. These younger adults are vulnerable to both prescription opioids and heroin but tend to use heroin more often than older adults.

One of the reasons that baby boomers have higher rates of addiction to opioids is because they were middle aged during the rise of prescription painkillers in the 1990s. Opioid medications like Oxycontin were heavily advertised as being safe and non-addictive during the 90s. Baby boomers were also the primary target for advertising opioids during that period of time.

Young adults may be more likely to abuse heroin because it has become a cheaper alternative that is easier to obtain on the street. Many people become hooked on prescription opioids first and then switch to heroin because it is more affordable. Millennials tend to have less economic security compared to baby boomers and may choose heroin abuse as a result.

Prevention and Treatment for Specific Age Groups

The biggest obstacles in starting to resolve the opioid crisis are the need for education regarding opioids and increasing access to treatment. For the baby boomer generation, they may not understand how dangerous opioids are because they grew up in a time when drug culture was normal during the 60s and became adults when painkillers were considered safe. Their attitudes about drug use may lead them to end up becoming addicted to opioids before they realize it.

Baby boomers may also have obstacles with getting into treatment because they experience a deep sense of denial. They may believe that because of their age and health they need to use prescription medication more than others. Older adults that live alone can also find it easier to keep their addiction hidden and avoid being confronted.

Millennials may have other issues regarding getting help because of their age group. Since they are still young they often feel that getting sober will lead to a more boring life for them. There is also a greater stigma among young people about going into treatment for an addiction.

When baby boomers are able to get into treatment they tend to have high success rates because they find it easier to follow the rules. Millennials that are able to get treatment can prevent some of the physical and mental health problems that tend to develop over years of abuse. Getting help early can be crucial to avoiding serious risks including overdose.

There are many steps to take in order to minimize the effects of opioid addiction on these and all age groups that are affected by the growing crisis. Increasing education as well as making it easier to access treatment programs may help these generations recover from addiction. Breaking down the stigma behind addiction and discussing these problems openly can be one of the keys to getting more people help.

If you or someone you love is addicted to opioids, contact a local treatment center for recovery as soon as possible.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Customized Addiction Treatment


Customized Addiction Treatment

When a person enters recovery, they need to have as many options as possible to help them get through the process of treatment. Every individual has unique needs as they are attempting to quit an addiction and having personalized care can be critical to their success. Rehab treatment centers that offer customized treatment programs are able to provide every patient with the tools they need to become sober.

Although addictions can be similar in some ways and many people experience shared feelings and situations, every story is unique. Not everyone responds to treatment the same way and people in rehab all have different types of addictions, related mental or physical health problems and personal histories that can impact their recovery. Treatment facilities that cater to a wide variety of problems and create custom treatment plans are typically more effective for patients.

From the outset of treatment it is important for a rehab facility to assess each patient and be aware of all the personal factors that could influence their recovery. A rehab center that creates a customized plan will look at every aspect of the patient’s well being and help them improve in different areas. Making a complete recovery relies on many factors, but a personalized plan can make it much easier to achieve.

Treating Different Types of Addictions

One of the reasons that a customized plan is so important is that many people attending rehab are dealing with different kinds of addiction. The recovery process will be much different for someone addicted to alcohol from someone who is addicted to cocaine. They each have unique withdrawal symptoms, different triggers and issues that they need to work on.

Someone with multiple addictions will also have specific problems in recovery that may be different from someone with just one addiction. They may need extra care and attention in order to become abstinent because they are going through more volatile cravings. They are also more likely to be vulnerable to relapse and will need to learn how to cope with their own triggers.

Every patient entering rehab will also have their own unique history with addiction. They may have been through rehab before or tried to quit on their own and relapsed. They may have been using drugs heavily for many years or were able to get help after only a few years of drug use.

The length of time a person has been abusing drugs, the level of their abuse and their own relationship with addiction are all things that require custom treatment. Addressing an addiction is never a one size fits all situation because each person has a different pattern of substance use.

Social Issues and Mental Health

In addition to a patient’s personal history with abuse they may also have their own unique health problems that may impact their recovery. It is very common for people with addictions to also suffer from a mental illness that is very closely connected to their substance abuse. Treating both problems and the way that they relate to one another is crucial for a full recovery.

Mental health issues that co-occur with addiction can range from problems like depression and anxiety to very severe disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Each type of mental illness will require a custom treatment plan so that the psychiatrists and counselors can work to reduce the patient’s symptoms. Patients need to be treated with a dual diagnosis program that adapts to their needs in recovery.

Even for someone that hasn’t been diagnosed with a mental illness, they may have many personal or social issues that still affect their recovery. They could have issues with their family life, problems with past trauma that they need to address or be dealing with toxic relationships that all influence their habits of addiction. Resolving these issues in therapy and incorporating them into treatment are still important in order to become successfully sober.

Every patient has unique emotional needs that need to be met because they may cope with recovery differently. Some may feel bored and restless, others might feel angry or resentful and some might feel isolated and depressed. Everyone reacts to their sobriety a certain way and having staff members that are attentive and able to help them on a personal level can be comforting and more effective for long term recovery.

People need personalized treatment plans because no two people are alike especially when it comes to addiction. The disease of addiction in itself is so complex and there are so many factors connected to it that a generic treatment plan is not the best option. Customized treatment gives patients a chance to address every specific issue that they need in order to stay sober.

If you or someone you love needs to recover from an addiction, contact a local rehab center that offers customized treatment.

The post Customized Addiction Treatment appeared first on Serenity Malibu.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

In Addiction Rehab Do You Get What You Pay For?

In Addiction Rehab Do You Get What You Pay For?

For people in difficult situations who need to quit an addiction, any type of treatment can be helpful in getting them started on the road to recovery. However, it is important to understand that there are many differences between each type of rehab what they offer to their patients. The services and amenities that a specific rehab offers can determine the ultimate cost of treatment.

There are plenty of options for free and affordable rehab treatments but they might not have the kind of services that a more expensive treatment center would offer. Many people looking for recovery options are willing to pay more to get the extra amenities that they feel they would need in order to be comfortable. Rehab options can range from free treatment centers to luxury or executive rehabs designed for people in high paying or powerful careers.

Although the cost of rehab centers can vary dramatically, it does not mean that a person cannot fully recover with a less expensive treatment program. These options are available simply for people that want an extra level of comfort and have the financial means to pay for higher quality. Any type of treatment can be life-saving and free or affordable addiction recovery still has the potential to change a person’s life around for the better.

Factors Affecting the Cost

There are a few different reasons why an addiction treatment program might cost more or less depending on specific details of the facility. Rehabs can range from a few thousand a month to as much as 120 thousand a month for a very high end program. With such a drastic range it is helpful to understand the differences that can impact the cost of treatment.

One of the main factors affecting cost can be the services that a facility provides for its patients outside of the main therapy sessions that make up the foundation of treatment. Some programs can offer a wide variety of services such as yoga, acupuncture, art therapy, life coaches and many other options at a higher price. A more simple program might focus mainly on therapy and only a few other services such as fitness activities.

Another aspect of treatment that can greatly affect the cost of rehab is the length of stay that a patient is offered. A short term stay will cost considerably less than a longer 90 day stay in a treatment program. For people with more severe addictions, however, a longer stay may be recommended for more effective recovery and relapse prevention.

The location of a treatment center can also factor into the overall cost because some more scenic, remote locations may be more expensive. An affordable program might be in a more standard, local program in the city but a higher end, luxury program may be close to a beach, on an island or in the mountains. Some patients prefer a more desirable location and are willing to pay more to be in this kind of natural environment.

Amenities, Comfort and Therapy

More expensive rehab programs tend to have higher quality amenities in every aspect of the facility. They usually have comfortable, private rooms while a less expensive rehab may have small beds in shared rooms. While this type of comfort is not always necessary for recovery, some patients prefer to have the added amenities because they believe it will help them focus on their sobriety.

Higher cost rehabs also tend to have higher quality, gourmet food that may accommodate special dietary needs for the patients. Luxury rehabs can sometimes provide food through room service as a resort hotel would for its guests. Other amenities can include swimming pools, tennis courts or even in some treatment centers golf courses for patients.

An important thing to consider with the cost of a rehab center is what kind of therapy you are getting through the program. Although a more affordable therapist may still be effective, higher cost treatment will usually have more experienced staff members that have spent years working in addiction treatment. People that are looking for the best level of therapy that they can get may be willing to pay more for experts in the field of addiction recovery.

When it comes to addiction treatment it is true that spending more can give you a different experience but for those without the financial means, they can still get what they need from a more affordable treatment center. Some people may feel that they need more from their program in order to do their best while others may be fine with a standard program. Extra services and amenities can provide comfort but in the end what matters most is the individual patient’s commitment to getting sober and the effort that they put into recovery.

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AA Meetings When You Hate Public Speaking

AA Meetings When You Hate Public Speaking

Twelve step groups can provide a great support system for people that are on the road to recovery from an addiction. However, one of the foundations for recovery and main strategies of groups like AA is speaking to the rest of group of about personal issues. People who have problems with public speaking may feel intimidating by the idea of talking in front of a group about private things that they are dealing with.

Speaking in front of a group of people can seem frightening to some that are more introverted or socially anxious in that type of situation. Although they might want to do the work of recovery the concept of talking in front of people could deter them from attending AA meetings which could hinder their progress. If you are nervous about public speaking it can be something that you work on to overcome in order to focus on the highest priority which is getting sober.

Even though you dislike public speaking, if your goal is to do everything you can to quit your addiction then you may be able to adjust the feeling of speaking in front of a group. Over time you will get to know many of the people in your AA group and will become more comfortable talking to them as friends. The important thing to remember is that no one is there to judge you either on your personal issues or your speaking abilities but they are there to provide support, compassion and care for one another.

Take Steps to Become More Comfortable

If you feel overwhelmed by having to speak in front of others it can be helpful to break the process down into smaller steps. Before you gather up the courage to speak in front of the group you can find a smaller group of one or two people at the meetings to talk to first. You can practice talking about your addiction and introducing yourself to a few people at a time.

As you get to know more people at the AA meetings you might slowly be less intimidated by speaking because you will feel that you have more friends and people that care about your progress out in the audience. Instead of speaking in front of a room full of strangers you can have a few people in the group that you can focus on to boost your confidence overall.

Another important part of speaking in front of others is being prepared with what you want to say. Although speaking spontaneously can be comfortable for some, others who struggle with public speaking often feel better about the situation when they know exactly what they are going to say. You can even rehearse what you are going to say beforehand so that you don’t end up stumbling or feeling embarrassed in front of the group.

As part of the initial steps of speaking in front of the group you can make your first public introduction very brief and eventually expand on what you say the next time you decide to talk in front of the group. A short introduction can help you get your feet wet and adjust to how it feels to talk at meetings.

Understanding the Purpose of Sharing in AA

As you take steps to increase your comfort level with speaking it can also be helpful to understand what speaking at AA is all about. It is not the same as a public performance or a presentation where you will be judged on your effectiveness. In fact, no one in the audience will judge you because they are all going through many of the same feelings and want to support you no matter what.

Sharing during AA is not about being entertaining, interesting or even being a great speaker. It is about relating personal stories that you may have kept secret from others because they felt shameful. Speaking at AA is about a cathartic release of emotions and finally being honest with others about your experiences with addiction.

You can think of AA as a place where you can feel safe to be yourself and talk about the things that you felt afraid to share for years. It can be like a kind of group therapy where you are able to get support and feedback from people that want the best for you. When you understand the need for speaking at AA you can consider it as a healing opportunity and not something that you need to feel nervous or embarrassed about.

Public speaking is a common fear that people deal with in different situations but in AA it should not stop you from sharing with other people in the group. Speaking in AA can potentially be a life changing experience and you should never avoid it because of your fears.

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Monday, July 16, 2018

Do Celebrities Help Break Mental Health Stigma?

Do Celebrities Help Break Mental Health Stigma?

Although mental health issues are a common problem in the U.S. there still remains a significant stigma surrounding disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD and many other problems. People find it hard to open up about their struggles with mental health and may even avoid getting treatment because they fear being judged by others. However, in recent years more celebrities have told stories about their personal struggles with mental health which many believe helps the public become more comfortable about dealing with their own issues.

There are different opinions regarding the effectiveness of celebrities breaking down the mental health stigma in this country. While some may feel that any kind of public story can be useful in reaching out to people that feel isolated and ashamed of their problems, others feel that celebrity stories may not be relatable enough. A high profile celebrity lives in a very different world than the average person struggling with depression or anxiety and some people feel that this makes celebrity stories less effective for people with everyday problems.

There are many aspects to mental health issues that need to be addressed and although celebrities may be making some positive change, there is more work to be done in breaking down the stigma. Mental health is a topic that people rarely discuss in their daily lives and it is important for the average person to overcome their fears of opening up about their own disorder. Celebrity stories may not help everyone but they do make it possible for mental health to become a more public issue.

Celebrities and Mental Health

While celebrities lead lives that seem distant from ours, their public discussion of mental health can be inspiring for some. Mental health still remains a taboo topic and rarely gets media attention in spite of the millions of people suffering from mental health problems every day. Celebrity disclosures can help get more media attention on mental health and open up discussions about certain topics that may otherwise be ignored.

Some of the criticisms of celebrity disclosures however is that they have a very different experience of mental illness than the average American. A celebrity is less likely to end up jobless, homeless or become socially marginalized due to their mental illness. These are situations someone in a different social status may have to face while a celebrity will be applauded for their honesty.

Celebrities may also have easier access to high quality treatment, life coaches and others options that may allow them to become stable more quickly. The average person may have barriers to treatment such as being put on a waitlist, not being able to afford care or having to choose a more affordable program that may not offer as many services. A celebrity will usually have no problem paying for treatment and get the best care possible.

Drawing Attention to Mental Health Issues

Although celebrities may have an easier time with recovery and their issues may not be as severe in many cases, their ability to bring these issues to the public eye may still be valuable. Mental health issues of any kind are often shrouded in shame and secrecy in a way that can stop people from seeking the help they need. If someone hears a celebrity speak about their struggles with depression or any other disorder they may feel less alone in their problems.

When celebrities talk about their mental health issues it brings to light the fact that people from all walks of life can be diagnosed with a disorder. Even highly successful, creative people can become ill in spite of all that they have achieved in life. Understanding this can help spread the notion that mental illness is not an individual failing or weakness but a disease that can happen to anyone.

Celebrities also offer a perspective counter to the many news stories or movies which may sensationalize mental illness as leading to violence and crime. People in Hollywood with mental illnesses can still function, contribute to society and remain highly competent in their field. When the average person sees this it may give them hope that they can be open about their problem, seek help and still lead a normal life.

Even though some people may believe that celebrity disclosures about mental illness are not relatable enough, the reality is that they can do some good in many cases. With the stigma surrounding mental illness any kind of disclosure is brave and heroic no matter who the person is and it can inspire others to do the same. The more personal stories come to light, the more people will feel comfortable sharing their issues publicly and start to overcome their fears about being judged.

Mental health stigma is a problem that needs to be addressed and celebrities are doing their part in any way they can.

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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Are Your Social Media Habits Harming Your Psyche?

Are Your Social Media Habits Harming Your Psyche?

Most people think of apps and websites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as fun ways to connect with their friends and people around the world. However, many studies consistently show that extended social media use can have a negative effect on your mental health. Many people are not even aware of how their social media habits are harming them.

With social media platforms readily available on our smart phones all the time it is common for people to mindlessly scroll through these apps several times throughout the day. They may spend a few minutes or even hours on these sites without realizing how much time they’ve really spent online. These kinds of apps are purposefully designed to be addictive and unsurprisingly, people find it hard to tear themselves away from social media in spite of how it affects them psychologically.

Children and teens may be affected even more on social media if they become victims of online bullying by their peers. Although adults may be less likely to be bullied, they can still experience significant harm from spending too much time on social media. Psychologists have seen many signs of depression and anxiety related to social media use and recommend that people limit their time on these sites.

Social Media Addiction

Websites like Facebook were created with the intention by designers to get people to keep checking the site multiple times and feel “addicted” to it. This is accomplished by using techniques similar to slot machines in casinos where users don’t know whether a notification they’ve received will be meaningful to them or not. Users will end up constantly checking the app to see if they’ve received a like, comment or message that will make them feel validated.

Although mental health experts haven’t yet agreed that internet addiction is a legitimate illness, there are many signs indicating that social media can produce addiction-like symptoms. Researchers have found that some people show certain symptoms with excessive use of Facebook such as neglect of personal life, escapism, mental preoccupation, tolerance and concealing the addictive behavior.

Interestingly, people who are hooked on social media actually do experience a kind of withdrawal when they don’t have access to their usual apps. They undergo small but measurable physiological effects when they stop using social media that are similar to addiction withdrawal. Because social media is addictive it can cause the same type of negative emotional and mental consequences associated with other addictions.

Depression and Social Media

Research continually proves that the more people use social media, the more unhappy they become. One study showed that Facebook use was linked directly to lower moment to moment happiness and less life satisfaction overall. Experts believe that this is because social media apps like Facebook create a feeling of social isolation rather than the connection that it is supposed to produce.

Studies have revealed that the more time people spend on these websites the more socially isolated they begin to feel. People perceive themselves as isolated because they tend to engage in social comparison with their peers on Facebook as they scroll through their feed. Comparison with others tends to fuel not only feelings of isolation but depression and anxiety.

Social media can also trigger feelings of jealousy and envy which can be very bad for our mental health as well. Research shows that jealous feelings are very common when people use social media can make the sites a breeding ground for resentful feelings. The envy that sites such as Facebook induce can further cause depression among users.

Part of the addictive nature of social media is that people keep coming back to these sites believing that it will make them feel better when it actually worsens their emotional state. People are under the illusion that using Facebook will make them feel more connected, ease their boredom or lift their mood when in reality it triggers many negative feelings. Social media sites also tend to reduce actual social interaction rather than make people more social which can be harmful to their well-being.

Even though social media can be a useful way to connect with old friends, keep in touch with family members or have fun interactions with people you know, too much time on social media can become harmful. Psychologists suggest minimizing the amount of time spent on social media sites like Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram. Studies have also found that taking a break from these sites can have a beneficial boost on a person’s psychological well-being.

If you find that your social media habits are making you depressed then take some time off and focus on in-person interactions with friends. A healthy social life with plenty of face to face contact is much more likely to boost your mood than any social media interactions online.

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Alcohol Abuse Has Nearly Doubled for Women

Alcohol Abuse Has Nearly Doubled for Women

Addiction to alcohol is a problem that can affect people from all demographics and all walks of life. In the past alcoholism has traditionally been considered a “man’s problem” because of higher numbers of men with the disease. However, recently the number of women struggling with alcohol abuse has skyrocketed and they are rapidly catching up to the amount of men who develop addiction.

Unfortunately, alcoholism is often under-reported in women because they may worry about the stigma or try to hide their problem from the public. The number of women suffering from an alcohol dependency has grown to 4 million, representing about 2.6 women in the U.S. However, as many as 5.6 million women currently drink alcohol in a way that threatens their health and safety.

Recent studies have shown that the rate of women suffering from alcohol abuse and dependence has increased 83.7 percent between 2003 and 2013. Experts worry that this dramatic increase may represent a public health crisis for women who are engaging in high risk drinking. These historic increases point to a growing problem among women and how they cope with stress.

Working Women and Stress

Experts believe that steady rise in alcohol abuse among women may be related stress and anxiety associated with a work-life balance. Reports show that women who are working today are unhappier than their mothers were 40 years ago. Women also tend to be unhappier than men now when they actually reported being happier than men according to studies in the early 70s.

One reason that stress and unhappiness has increased may correspond with the growing work week among Americans. Between the years of 1979 and 2006, the typical American work week increased by about 11 hours. More recent studies showed that only about 30 percent of American fathers contributed equally to women in child care.

The increasing work hours and lack of support in caring for children at home may have contributed to growing stress levels for modern women. Mothers who work full time may find it hard to balance their career and also care for their family without getting enough help from their spouses or other family members. These added stresses may become overwhelming for women who look for ways to cope with their problems.

In addition to all these stress factors there has also been an increase in marketing from the alcohol industry that is directed toward women. In an effort to gain more customers in the female demographic, alcohol brands have created ads targeting women by persuading them that alcohol is a solution for stress. Sweet flavored and fizzy drinks are often marketed toward women in single serving cocktails.

How Alcohol Affects Women

Part of the reason that the steep rise in alcohol abuse among women is so alarming is that they can experience more health problems related to drinking than men. Women tend to be more prone to alcohol-related health issues because of their different hormones and metabolisms. Women are physiologically different than men and as a result can be more vulnerable to negative consequences from drinking.

One factor is that women tend to have more body fat than men do which can make it harder to dilute alcohol through fluid in the body. It is also harder for women to metabolize and break down alcohol which means that a larger proportion of the drug will enter a woman’s bloodstream compared to a man. Intoxicating effects of alcohol can also set in faster when a woman is experiencing higher estrogen levels.

The rise in alcohol abuse among women has already led to increasing health problems for the female demographic. Alcohol-related emergency room visits among women between ages 25 and 34 have been increasing in large numbers. These types of visits usually occur after years of repeated alcohol misuse which indicates that women in these age groups have severe addictions.

In addition to having more damaging health consequences from drinking, women are also more likely to hide their behavior. There is a much greater cultural stigma for women who drink heavily than for men which may make it difficult for them to come forward and get help. Women’s alcohol problems in general tend to be more hidden and kept underground which is dangerous for their recovery.

Experts are growing more concerned over the steady and continuing rise of alcohol addiction among women. While men still tend to suffer more often from alcoholism, women are quickly approaching similar numbers. It is important for women to have resources for support and feel comfortable in reaching out for help.

If you think that you or someone you love may be suffering from an issue with alcohol abuse or dependency then contact a rehab treatment center in your local area.

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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Will My Anonymity be Protected in Rehab?

Will My Anonymity be Protected in Rehab?

One of the main concerns of people choosing to enter treatment for a drug or alcohol addiction is whether their privacy will be protected. People in certain careers or positions may need to remain anonymous so that their stay in rehab doesn’t jeopardize their reputation. The good news is that most rehab treatment centers prioritize patient confidentiality and allow a person’s stay in rehab to be as private as possible.

Most of the people involved in addiction treatment understand that patients are dealing with very sensitive and personal issues throughout their stay. Many of the things that they dealt with during addiction were problems that they had to hide because it could affect their relationships or their jobs. Although patients are encouraged to open up and discuss their personal issues it is understood by staff members that all of their information is confidential.

It is crucial for treatment centers to provide patients with confidential therapies and care so that they can feel safe and anonymous throughout their stay. There are certain kinds of treatment centers that specifically advertise their privacy and may make it a higher priority such as executive rehab. However, in general most rehab centers value patient privacy and work to ensure that all personal information stays within the treatment center.

Confidential Information in Rehab

Everything about entering a treatment center must stay confidential for many people. The fact that they are entering a rehab at all may be something that they must keep private so that their employer, clients or colleagues will not find out. Most rehab centers will keep a person’s stay confidential so that only they can choose who they decide to tell about their treatment and when.

Confidentiality is important not only for the patient’s work situation and their relationships but also for their own well-being. If a breach of privacy were to occur and their coworkers, loved ones or employers find out they are in rehab then they could experience intense shame and fear. Those feelings can quickly lead to relapse when they are confronted with having to admit their addiction when they weren’t ready.

In order to keep patients feeling safe and protected, treatment centers allow their stay to remain anonymous. When patients don’t have to worry about others finding out about their addiction, they can relax and focus on their recovery. Constantly being anxious about their privacy can become a problem and interfere with the work that they do in treatment.

In addition to the stay itself remaining private, all of the information that patients share during treatment is considered confidential. Individual and group therapy are places where people need to feel the freedom to be vulnerable and open up about their personal feelings and experiences. Knowing that everything they share is completely private can help them feel more comfortable in being honest and telling their own stories.

Knowing Your Patient Rights

Not only is keeping patient information private better for their rehab experience, it is also required by law. In the U.S. substance abuse related patient information must remain confidential by legal requirement as long as the treatment center is considered “federally assisted”. Any treatment program that accepts federal insurance programs or is tax exempt in any way is considered federally assisted, so this applies to most rehab facilities.

According to the law, while a patient is in treatment and even after they have completed the program the treatment center cannot release any treatment records without the patient’s consent. Only in certain cases is it possible for this information to be released such as issues related to law enforcement, medical research or being transferred to another treatment center. Essentially, all the information and records about your stay must remain confidential throughout treatment and even after you leave.

If you are entering a treatment center and have any concerns about your anonymity you can ask to see a copy of their confidentiality rules and policies. Each program will have specific rules regarding patient privacy and they must show patients these policies upon request. Once you see the rules in writing you might feel safer about your privacy and ability to remain anonymous throughout treatment.

Addiction can carry a stigma and it is a very private and personal problem that some people must go through. Many people’s careers rely on being able to remain anonymous during treatment. All the private information people share during treatment can be very sensitive and patients need to feel safe about opening up to the people in their program.

Knowing that most treatment centers value confidentiality or understanding a particular program’s policies can help patients focus on their recovery and forget about the possibility of a breach of privacy. Treatment works best in a safe and comfortable environment so always make sure that your treatment center is completely confidential for a successful recovery.

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Friday, April 20, 2018

Inside Look at Luxury Rehab

Inside Look at Luxury Rehab

Even though people can get the help that they need to quit an addiction at any rehab treatment center, the reality is that not all rehabs are the same. A general rehab center will offer patients the opportunity to get treatment and therapy but it may not be the ideal experience for them. Luxury rehab provides people with a space for treatment that offers an extra level of comfort and higher quality.

There are many differences between a general rehab center and luxury rehab beyond just the appearance of the buildings. Luxury rehabs provide patients with better quality in almost every aspect of the treatment experience. Although luxury rehabs are more expensive, many people are willing to pay more in order to make sure that they have a good experience in rehab and benefit significantly from their time spent there.

For someone that has the option of having luxury amenities and services in rehab, it can make it much easier for them to focus on recovery and do the work necessary in order to heal from their addiction. Luxury rehabs are not just five star hotels, they are safe places where people can take time away from their difficult lives and learn to be healthy again. Choosing luxury rehab can be a great decision for those in need of recovery from a drug or alcohol problem.

Amenities at Luxury Rehab

One of the many reasons that people choose luxury rehab is for the extra amenities that might not be offered at a more traditional rehab center. Luxury rehabs are all unique but they often focus on providing rehab in a calming and beautiful environment that allows people to relax. Luxury treatment centers are usually located in areas with lots of natural beauty and peacefulness such as remote beaches, mountains or deserts.

Luxury rehabs also tend to be more spacious and have room for patients to wander the grounds and spend time alone in meditation. They often have a smaller number of patients in addition to having a bigger space so that the treatment center doesn’t feel crowded or stressful for people that need time to relax and get away. Having less patients can also translate to getting better care and more one on one attention from the staff.

Most luxury rehabs offer private rooms that have the look and feel of a resort hotel. Instead of having to room with another patient in an uncomfortable, hospital-like setting patients in luxury rehab have comfortable beds and furniture so that they can relax. They can also order room service in luxury treatment and will be provided with gourmet food that is highly nutritional and catered to each individual patient’s need.

Recreation and TherapiesRecreation and Therapies

Luxury rehabs typically have more options in terms of recreational activities for patients in between their classes and treatments. They usually have beautiful swimming pools and spas as well as a fitness center with classes such as pilates and spinning. Some luxury centers have tennis courts, equestrian centers or even golf courses available for patients to enjoy themselves.

Because luxury rehabs care about patients having a relaxing and healing experience, they also offer more options for alternative therapies than more traditional types of rehab. They might have multiple beneficial therapies such as acupuncture, reiki, massage, aromatherapy, and other services. Alternative therapies can be a great way for patients to help manage their stress as they go through the hard work of recovery.

Patients who pay more for luxury treatment also benefit greatly from having experts in the fields of addiction and mental health who are providing them with daily therapy. Individual and group therapy sessions at a luxury center are with the highest caliber professionals who have many years of experience in addiction therapy. Their expertise can help give people the support they need to learn how to live sober and cope with stress in healthier ways.

Luxury rehab centers can also offer different kinds of classes for people to get involved in hobbies that will help them cope with their cravings long term. Things like cooking, mindfulness training, yoga or music and art therapy can all be great ways for patients to find something they love that will keep them motivated to stay sober. Once they leave treatment they can continue these hobbies as part of their sobriety routine.

When people think of luxury rehab they imagine it is simply a hotel-like atmosphere but the truth is that luxury rehab offers everything that patients might need in order to quit their addiction for good. They will have the best therapies, activities, and accommodations possible and can really take time to focus on their sobriety goals. There are many luxury rehab therapy options either in your local area or in beautiful remote locations where you can get the treatment you need.

The post Inside Look at Luxury Rehab appeared first on Serenity Malibu.
