Saturday, April 29, 2017

Approaching Recovery with an Open Mind

Improving Mental HealthRecovery can be just as much a mental battle as a physical one. One of the most important things people must do when entering the journey of recovery is to have an open mind about what the journey will be like. They need to remain open to the idea that there isn’t only one way to become sober, and that they should be flexible and understand that their life will slowly be changing over time.

A metaphor that is often used to describe how a person should approach life through times of trouble, is to bend like a blade of grass instead of being felled like a tree. What this means is that if a person is flexible during stressful times, one is better equipped to prosper over time. This is especially true when someone is going through the recovery process, and has to learn how to accept a total change of lifestyle.

Letting Go Of Addiction

People who are addicts walk around in invisible prisons. They are prisoners of the addictions that dictate their actions, even when they know what they’re doing is wrong or they’re filled with self-loathing. However, what many people come to realize, is that while addiction is also a prison, it also becomes a place for a person to hide from the world, and the person needs to let that go.

They have to find other ways to cope with facing the world, and to do so they must be open-minded about what treatments work for them, whether its mental or spiritual treatments.

Letting Go Of Regret

Shame and regret are two key emotions that many addicts feel and are unable to let go for a period of time. Like many parts of addiction, it’s a deadly cycle. They may turn to alcohol or drugs over some trauma in the past, and they feel regret over becoming an addict, so become an even worse addict to mask the shame and regret they feel.

Addicts need to be able to accept mistakes they’ve made, but to work towards no longer living the in the past, and accepting that the future can be significantly better.

Working Towards Freedom

An addict builds a life around the lifestyle of being an addict, and one must work on freeing the soul and mind of the preconceived notions that are carried with that. A focus on people’s spiritual life is a strong way to help someone open their mind. Whether through meditation, prayer, or other forms of spirituality, it will help people connect to the deeper parts of themselves, and free their mind from the pain and sorrow associated with addiction.

They will come to realize that life doesn’t have to be that way, that they can become free. Some things a person can do to be more open-minded is to:

  • Be a seeker knowledge, listen to what others have to say
  • Not live in judgment of yourself or others
  • Be open to spiritual practices
  • Let go of always trying to be right
  • Embrace change

Fear Or Failure

One of the hardest parts of recovery is the fear of failure. This may be the reason why many people put off addiction treatment for so long, or don’t want to admit they that have a problem. By doing so, they can avoid their fear of not being to actually make a full recovery.

The journey of recovery is, understandably, daunting for many reasons, and sometimes people may have it in their minds that they will fail. This is when it’s most important for a person to be open minded about their recovery, and accepting that it may not be a perfect journey, but it’s the right one to take.


Thursday, April 27, 2017

5 Tips on Dealing with a Family Gatherings in Early Sobriety

Family Gathering

Family gatherings can be stressful for anyone, but especially for those who are in the first stages of their sobriety. While there is always a tremendous amount of love that exists between family members, there are also sometimes reminders of a painful past. Family members know more intimately a person’s struggles and insecurities, and sometimes emotions can flare at family gatherings. People who haven’t seen each other in a while may reunite, and an addict in recovery may be asked all sorts of intrusive questions. For people in the early stages of sobriety here are 5 tips on dealing with family gatherings.

One: Put Aside Your Insecurities For One Day

The holidays and family gatherings are about people coming together and being grateful for the blessings in their life. A family get together often reunites family members who haven’t seen each other in a while. People may unknowingly say rude and thoughtless things, but this is the time to put aside your securities for one day. The holidays are bigger than just one person, and for a small period of time just socialize with family and bask in the holiday spirit. If a tense situation arises, remember that it’s only temporary.

Two: Find Allies For The Get-Together

Whether the allies are parents, siblings, or even a friend, they are good to have at parties. They can provide emotional and social support. When someone knows that there’s a person who is looking out for them, it can help someone recovering from addiction relax and able to have a better time. The ally can help steer conversations away from sensitive subjects and serve as a buffer between the addict in recovery and any particularly abrasive personalities.

Three: Always Choose Words Carefully

When a person is sober, one is able to filter words more carefully. At family get-togethers tact is always useful to have. Someone in the early stages of sobriety doesn’t want to get into a needless argument or confrontation, so be polite, be kind, and bite your tongue if need be. The individual shouldn’t let anyone emotionally upset them, and by choosing words carefully this will help nullify any potential arguments or disagreements.

Four: Don’t Drink Alcohol No Matter What

Sometimes no matter what, alcohol will be served at a family gathering. As tempting as it might be, drinking at a family get together is probably one of the worst things someone in the early stages of sobriety can do. Besides the feelings of guilt afterwards, an emotionally fragile person is putting themselves into an explosive situation when drinking. Sip on cider, and purposely stay away from people who are drinking.

Five: It’s Ok To Leave Early

If there is drinking at the party, the addict in recovery should feel free to leave early. There’s no need to feel guilty, because it should be remembered that by taking care of oneself inevitably this will help the people closest to the individual. When someone is first starting to live a sober life, then sobriety always comes first, so that a full and fulfilled life can eventually be lead. And if this means ducking out of a situation that one is not ready for, then it should be done.

Despite the problems that may occur at a family gathering, essentially it should be a fun and heartwarming occasion. There is always lots of food, laughter, and nostalgic memories that are shared between family members. If someone in the early stages of sobriety can follow the tips listed above, one will have a better chance of enjoying the holidays and family gatherings. Ultimately, families should love and support each other no matter what, and someone recovering from an addiction can use that love and support as motivation to stay sober.


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Guide to Finding the Best Drug Rehab

When you have an addiction and are ready to go into recovery, you will need to take some time to find a treatment program that works for you. Professional help is always necessary when there is a serious addiction present. Attempting to quit on your own can be dangerous and lead to relapse and in some cases overdose. In order to turn your life around you will need to look into a treatment center in the location of your choice that will offer everything necessary to get you sober. As you learn more about treatment you will realize that there are an array of different options and it may seem confusing or frustrating at first if you don’t know what type to choose. There are many factors to consider when finding a rehab and only you will know which facility will suit you the best.

Considering Your Condition for Drug Rehab Centers

The first thing to think about when you are researching drug treatment is the current state of your condition. It can be hard to measure especially if you have just recently realized that you need to get help and that your drug use is a problem. You should ask yourself a few questions which could allow you to narrow down some of your options for treatment. Do you struggle every day with your addiction and feel compelled to use drugs habitually? If you find it difficult to make it through even a day without your usual substance abuse then you should focus on longer programs with inpatient treatment. If you feel that you would be tempted to use without supervision then living in a facility would serve you best. Otherwise, less serious conditions can consider outpatient as an option.

Special Needs in Drug and Alcohol Rehabvegan meals at the facility

As you focus on whether you need inpatient or outpatient treatment you should also think about whether you have any special needs that need to be addressed during your stay in rehab. Do you have a health condition that must be cared for while in treatment? Have you been diagnosed with a mental illness or experience psychological issues? These are important considerations to take into account because any other issue could potentially interfere with your treatment and decrease your chances of success if you do not have all of your special needs met. Even something like diet can be important such as having access to vegetarian or vegan meals at the facility to accommodate your personal choices. Before choosing a treatment center you need to make sure that it will meet all your unique needs so that you will be comfortable in rehab.

The Location of Drug Treatment Centers

People often have certain preferences when it comes to the location of their rehab facility so it is definitely an important factor to take into account when making your choice. You might prefer something very close to your home so that you can have more contact with your family or loved ones while you are receiving treatment. Others might want to get away from their current surroundings and travel somewhere far from the city, sometimes even out of state. This might help them get into a different mental state so that they make the necessary changes to become sober. Some people simply don’t have the option of travelling for treatment because they need to care for young children or they have legal issues. It is up to you to decide what type of location will be the best option for rehab.

Paying for Drug Abuse Treatment

Although the focus should be on getting the best treatment that you can for a full recovery, you will have to consider the cost of each program. It is never easy to have to think about money when you are facing a personal crisis and need help but you will want to be in a good financial situation after leaving rehab. You will find that some of the inpatient programs you are interested in will charge fees for enrolling and for services throughout treatment. Talk to your insurance company and find out if they cover addiction treatment either through partial or full payment. If your insurance doesn’t cover the facility of your choice then you might have to take out a small loan or pay out of pocket if that is at all possible. Even though it might narrow down your list of potential treatment centers, cost is one of the most important factors.

Length of Stay for Inpatient Drug Rehab

If you are going to be living in the facility for a period of time during inpatient treatment then you need to find out how long that will be. People with more serious conditions will need to find a program that allows them to stay as long as possible so that they can get the full benefit of treatment. A severe addiction requires adequate time for recovery so that the patient feels completely ready to handle being sober on their own. Longer programs have also proven to have statistical benefits over shorter programs. If you feel that you can handle a shorter program because your symptoms are milder then this is something to consider instead of staying longer than necessary. The average stay in rehab is about three months but the length of time varies with each treatment center.

Intensive Outpatient Drug Rehab

Some people choose outpatient treatment because of certain factors like the need to continue working or to be at home to care for children. They might worry that outpatient treatment will be less effective but they cannot choose inpatient because of their current situation. Some facilities guarantee that they have an intensive outpatient rehab that is designed to have many of the same programs offered through inpatient treatment. Intensive outpatient rehabs usually include the same types of therapies and workshops that are available if you stay in the facility. With intensive outpatient treatment you can spend plenty of time working on recovery solutions and still be able to go to work or be with your family. Outpatient treatment is also less costly in most cases because you are not paying for the services provided while staying at the facility.

Staff Members at the Best Drug Rehab Centers

Out of all the time you spend in a treatment facility, a good portion of it will be with the staff members who work there so it is important to find out more about them. You can either check the treatment center’s website or call to find out what kind of certifications each of the staff members have. Making sure that each person working at the facility is specially trained will make you feel more at ease as you know you will be in good hands. The best drug rehab centers employ only people who are highly qualified and have years of experience working in the field of addiction treatment. You can also find out the staff to client ratio to determine if you will be getting enough personal attention to have your needs met from staff that aren’t overwhelmed with too many clients.

Length of Stay for Inpatient Drug RehabThe Best Drug Treatment Centers Offer Comprehensive Treatment

Some treatment centers have a very straightforward and narrow approach to how they handle addiction but a better rehab will have more comprehensive treatment. This means that the treatment center offers a wide range of different therapies and approaches to their treatment so that patients are able to experience improvements in all areas of their life and health. Comprehensive treatment would have complementary, experiential and traditional options of the most current therapies available.  This would include holistic treatment meaning therapies that focus on the complete health of the patient by caring for the mind, body and spirit. Holistic treatment often includes things like meditation and nutrition so that patients have a better sense of well-being. Comprehensive treatment would also include alternative non-12 step care for people who take issue with twelve step groups for various reasons.

Accreditation at the Best Drug Rehab

When you are researching facilities for treatment one important thing to ask is whether the rehab has been accredited. This means it has been evaluated by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and it meets certain standards of quality that they have determined are optimal for treatment. A treatment center that has been accredited has proven that patients are given the best care possible and those that complete the program tend to be successful. In most cases it also indicates that the facility has been treating people with addiction for a number of years in order to establish themselves. A good question to ask when looking into rehab is how long the facility has been working to treat addiction. You might feel more comfortable at a place that you know has been established for its quality through years or even decades of helping others.

Waiting Lists at Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers

It is very unfortunate for the patients but the reality of enrolling in rehab is that many treatment centers have to put people on a waiting list. This is something that can be very frustrating especially for people that are suffering and need help right away. It might be a good idea to find out first if a facility has any kind of waiting list before you make it your first choice for treatment. If you need to get help right away then it is best to find a rehab that will be able to accommodate you as soon as you enroll. Waiting months to get into a treatment facility is very dangerous for your addiction and could cause you to relapse or lose the resolve to quit. Keep exploring all of your options until you find the right place with more availability for patients.

Follow Up Programs at Drug Addiction Rehab Centers

It is important for patients to have an option for aftercare when they complete their treatment program. The transition between living full time at a facility and going back home as a sober person can be a very rocky time for most people. They will have to learn how to go about their daily routine without feeling tempted to use drugs again. You should make sure that whatever treatment center you choose has a follow up program so that you won’t be stranded after finishing rehab. Aftercare programs help prevent relapse and statistics have shown that patients have a much better chance at long-term sobriety if they are able to receive aftercare. Even if you feel confident that you will remain sober after treatment, it is best to have the option available in case any issues come up.

Detox as Part of Help for Drug AddictionDetox as Part of Help for Drug Addiction

You must keep in mind that part of going to rehab is taking into account how you will complete detox. Most treatment centers require that you go through a detox program prior to living in a rehab facility. Some facilities offer their own detox options on site and others might require you to find another location or service to get through detox. Find out what the treatment centers policies are regarding detox and make arrangements accordingly so that you will have no issues enrolling in the inpatient program.

Starting Treatment at the Best Drug Rehabilitation

Once you have weighed all the various factors and have finally chosen the best drug treatment for you then it will be time to finally move into the facility. Before starting treatment make sure that you are fully prepared for the time spent away from home by packing all your essentials, tying up loose ends at work or at home and getting mentally ready for the hard work of recovery. It is important to understand that in a treatment center you need to follow all the rules of the facility and do your best to apply everything that you learn in therapy and workshops. You need to follow the schedule that the program provides for you and stay committed to your goals in order to experience success in rehab. You will have a better experience in treatment if you are open minded and willing to change and grow.


Friday, April 21, 2017

Treatment Provides Accountability for All

Accountability is the key idea that someone recovering from an addiction needs to embrace. A person must first admit to themselves how serious the problem has become instead of living in denial, and by doing so one will be able to move forward with an honest assessment of themselves and what they are looking to achieve.

People need to hold themselves accountable for what has happened, but also with the understanding that the power to improve their lives is within their own means. Therein lies the power of accountability, which is that a person understands the power and strength they have and that they can enact change in their own lives.

When people succumb to an addiction, they give up their own power, and come up with many reasons why their addiction is not their fault. Unless this mentality is broken an addict will never become sober.

Rebuilding And Repairing

With accountability comes the process of rebuilding and repairing. And this process involves everyone who is close to and loves the person who is in recovery. Everyone who wants to see the addict achieve recovery will also hold themselves accountable for how their actions can positively or negatively affect the person’s success.

Family, in particular, needs to hold themselves accountable. As the ones who have been with the addict since birth and know intimately about the descent into addiction, they are integral in the recovery process. The proper and professional treatment will also hold family members accountable in the recovery process, so that everyone takes responsibility for their role and help heal the troubled relationships that have existed.

The Importance Of Group Counseling

Another integral part of learning accountability is group counseling. While getting professional counseling is crucial, addicts in recovery need to connect with others who have experienced what they have to learn about the process of accountability and how it can help them achieve their goals.

By hearing other people’s processes and struggles, addicts can connect their stories with what they have been going through. And group therapy also gives addicts a supportive environment where they can be totally honest about their own struggles. And by attending group meeting, addicts will be part of a group that will hold them accountable for their actions, which is crucial for them to have during the process.

Focus On Holistic Treatmentsholistic-treatment

To gain control over one’s life, addicts should focus on finding holistic treatments that they enjoy. The essence of holistic treatments is utilizing the body’s own healing energy to improve one’s life. And this ties in directly with accountability during someone’s recovery. By discovering the body’s own healing energy, an addict in recovery can take back the power that had been given up by being a slave to addiction.

The types of holistic treatments that a person practices should be an individual preference, since everyone is different and has had variable experiences. And a person doesn’t have to only engage in one holistic treatment, but can choose to do as many as are helpful. Some treatments that people have found effective include:

  • Meditation
  • Acupuncture
  • Yoga
  • Art therapy

Holistic treatments, along with working with professional therapists, and attending group sessions should be part of most people’s addiction recovery process. This will give an addict a strong and positive push towards long-term recovery.

Form A Long-Term Support Group

To stay accountable, it’s important that someone in recovery also becomes part of a long-term support group of likeminded individuals. By doing this, the accountability will continue throughout the journey. People can’t recovery on their own, and need the support of their family and of a group that knows intimately the struggles that someone in recovery will experience. The group will help hold the individual accountable for maintaining sobriety for the long-term.

photo credit: Kazarelth via photopin cc


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Line between College Drinking and Alcoholism

The Blurred Line between College Drinking and Alcoholism

College for many people is one of the best times in their lives. It’s unofficially considered a rite of passage in a young adult’s life, when besides living away from their parent’s house for the first time, they learn to navigate the tricky waters of a college culture. Surrounded by hundreds, often thousands of their peers, students have to face the educational and societal pressures that college life entails. And one of the common activities on many college campuses is partying that may or may not include alcohol. The reality is that alcohol is drunk at many college campuses, and a culture of binge drinking is common at colleges noted for their party culture. But some students, both of legal and illegal age, may teeter and then fall into the lifestyle of alcoholism.

How To Tell When Someone Is An Alcoholic

The problem with drinking in college is that it may lessen the seriousness of excessive drinking, because of the culture and the belief that it’s just part of taking part in a social life in college. And that’s why it’s sometimes a blurry line between someone drinking socially and alcoholism. However, alcoholism is a serious issue at any age, and if someone is drinking on a regular basis in college, they should seriously start evaluating if they have started becoming am alcoholic. College shouldn’t be about drinking but making friends and pursuing one’s goals and dreams. Someone should consider abstaining from alcohol if noticing these issues arising:

  • Being frequently hung-over
  • Missing classes or lower grades because of alcohol
  • Basing one’s social life around alcohol
  • Hiding alcohol use from loved ones
  • Neglecting general responsibilities
  • Using alcohol as a way to relax
  • Having to drink more to feel the effects
  • Drinking to get drunk

If these issues start arising in a student’s life they need to seriously rethink how and why they drink alcohol. Besides the physical effects, alcoholism can lead to dangerous consequences on multiple levels, which includes being expelled, lower grades in college that affect career opportunities, addiction issues, and fractured relationships with family. It doesn’t matter if someone is in college or not, if these problems start happening to a person they need to make major changes to their lifestyle as it pertains to alcohol.

Combatting College Drinking

The persistence of the binge drinking culture has hastened some colleges to crack down on the practice, and the chaos that often ensues because of it. Syracuse University, which has been ranked high on the list of party colleges in the United States by the Princeton Review has sought to add more security to make sure drinking doesn’t getting out of control and outright banning drinking at a building called the Castle Court. Other colleges are giving college freshman a course on alcohol, and overall seeking to decrease the prevalence of drinking on their campuses.

Students who know they have a problem with alcoholism, or are simply seeking social events that don’t include alcohol, should seek out likeminded people or groups. There are many students who don’t want to socialize with alcohol and they can help create a social group together so that students can find a place they belong without feeling pressured to drink. The dark side of binge drinking on campus are higher reports of sexual assault and an environment that can quickly spin out of control with a gathering of drunk, uninhibited people.

Colleges should continually seek to promote a culture not based around drinking, including bringing likeminded people together through shared interests. They should promote awareness about the dangers of binge drinking, which include a heightened danger of being assaulted, brain damage, and alcohol poisoning. Students should clearly understand that drinking too much alcohol can be fatal or cause irreversible damage to the brain.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Understanding Prescription Drug Addiction

Understanding Prescription Drug Addiction

Did you know that every single day there are over 2,500 adolescents, from the ages of 12 up to 17 who will abuse some type of prescription pain reliever in the United States? While the abuse of prescription drugs is most widely seen in the U.S., it is an issue that faces communities all over the world. Over 15 million people in the United States abuse some type of prescription medication. This is higher than the number of individuals using heroin, inhalants, hallucinogens and cocaine combined.

What Constitutes Prescription Drug Abuse?

Prescription drug abuse is defined as the use of any type of prescription medication in a manner that the prescribing physician does not intend. In most cases, people abuse prescription drugs for the feelings that are produced from the drug. This type of abuse can easily become an ongoing problem, despite the severe nature of negative consequences that may be a result.

Symptoms of Prescription Drug Abuse

The symptoms and signs that are associated with the abuse of prescription drugs will depend on the actual drug that is being taken. The most commonly abused prescription drugs, due to their mind-altering properties include the following:

  • Stimulants: This includes Ritalin, which is used to treat some sleep disorders and ADHD;
  • Anti-Anxiety Medications/Sedatives: Examples include Valium, Xanax and Ambien;
  • Opioids: This includes any substance that is used to treat pain such as oxycodone and any that contain hydrocodone.

While there are many symptoms of prescription drug abuse such as weight loss, high blood pressure and restlessness, the actual physical signs are much easier for a third-party to recognize. These physical signs of prescription drug abuse include the following:

  • Taking more than the prescribed dosage of the medication
  • Making bad decisions, despite the consequences
  • Selling, forging or stealing prescriptions
  • Irregular mood swings
  • The appearance of being high, such as revved up or energetic
  • Sedated and lethargic
  • Irregular sleep patterns
  • Losing a prescription so more must be written
  • Attempts to get prescriptions from more than one physician

Consequences of Prescription Drug Abuse

The issues associated with the abuse of prescription drugs are many. Prescription drugs are especially dangerous when they are taken in very high doses or combined with other prescriptions, over the counter medications or alcohol. When prescription drug abuse is an issue, it is essential to call for the help from recovery center. Unchecked it can lead to severe consequences, unfortunately prescription drug addiction is the gateway to heroin addiction.  Serenity Malibu will help ensure treatment is received to help and overcome the addiction for good.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Guide to Malibu Drug Rehab

Drug addiction is more than just a habitual behavior, it is a complicated physical and psychological issue that causes changes to the brain and body. When a person engages in substance abuse for many years they go through a drastic transformation and may look and act completely different than they did in the past. Their life begins to revolve around drug abuse and everything that they do centers around how to get their next fix. Addiction can become such a major part of a person’s life that the idea of quitting can seem frightening and even impossible. Because addiction is such a complex issue to tackle, professional treatment at a drug rehab is usually the best solution for someone to recover.

Malibu Addiction Causes

There is not any single cause for addiction but rather a number of different factors which can contribute to someone developing addictive behavior. Certain lifestyle factors such as frequently having high stress levels because of work, relationships or mental illness can lead to an addiction. Being exposed to substance use at a young age can also increase the likelihood that someone will begin using drugs when they reach adolescence or adulthood. Severe psychological trauma is another environmental factor because people may use drugs to avoid dealing with painful feelings and memories. There are also biological factors which influence addiction such as having a parent with an addiction or having a pre-existing mental illness. Physically, drug use actually alters the brain affecting areas associated with reward, memory and motivation. People’s brains become conditioned to need drugs to feel normal which is part of what causes withdrawal symptoms.Drug Rehab Guide

Why Malibu Drug Rehab is Necessary

The physiological changes that occur when someone uses drugs on a daily basis create a physical and mental dependency that makes it very hard to quit on your own. Physically, when an addict stops using drugs they will have painful withdrawal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headaches, insomnia and a number of other reactions. This is one of the reasons someone with an addiction finds it hard to be sober for a few days or even just 24 hours. Their body is so accustomed to having the drug in the system that it reacts when it doesn’t receive the normal dose. Mental addiction can also be very powerful because it can cause people’s thoughts to be completely consumed with their drug use. Every day they will be totally focused on when they are going to use drugs and how they are going to get them. Breaking mental addiction can take a lot of time and ongoing effort.

Finding Specialized Malibu Treatment

An important thing to understand about addiction is that there is no single treatment approach that works for everyone. Every treatment can vary depending on a patient’s level of drug abuse, the type of drug they are addicted to, their individual characteristics and background as well as mental health factors. In order to be successful in recovery it is best to avoid going to a rehab center that is too general or doesn’t make the effort to tailor programs to their patient’s unique needs. Treatment settings and services should be matched to an individual’s particular problems so that they can experience a complete recovery with much less danger of relapse. With specialized treatment people tend to be more successful and fare better after they complete their rehab program.

Early Treatment at Rehabs in Malibu

Addiction is a disease that progresses very quickly and that is why the earlier that a person receives treatment the better it will be for their recovery. As soon as you or someone you love make the decision to get help then it is crucial to enroll in treatment right away. Waiting too long or hesitating about rehab could lead to backsliding or losing their resolve to go into recovery. The longer a person is involved with addiction the more likely they are to experience serious health problems, both physical and mental, and in some cases they may eventually overdose. Getting treatment early means a greater chance of success and it can prevent some of the negative consequences that usually go along with a long-term addiction. If someone is ready to go to rehab then make sure that treatment is available as quickly as possible.

How Long Should You Stay at a Malibu Rehab Center?

It is critical not only to enter treatment as early as possible but also to stay in the program as long as is necessary. Although some patients might feel confident that they can complete a shorter rehab program and be successful it really depends on the severity of their addiction and any other problems that are associated with it. Rehab should treat every need of the patient including other issues such as social or vocational problems and symptoms of mental illness. The amount of time that a person needs to stay in rehab can vary depending on these factors but typically most addicted individuals will require up to three months of treatment in order to have a significant impact on their symptoms.

What to Expect at Treatment Centers in MalibuWhat to Expect at Treatment Centers in Malibu

Everyone that enters treatment for addiction will likely be nervous and wonder what will happen when they begin rehab. In a residential program you will first have to get an assessment to help determine what treatment plan will work best for you. After this the next step is detox which can be one of the most challenging aspects of quitting an addiction. The period of time you spend in detox will be when you experience most of your physical withdrawal symptoms as you rid your body of the toxins built up from years of drug use. After detox you will then move into the residential facility and will have a strict schedule including meal times, therapy sessions, activities and classes. Treatment programs usually ask patients to adhere to their schedule every day because too much unstructured time can be dangerous when you are in recovery.

Withdrawal Symptoms in a Malibu Detox Center

People entering treatment often worry the most about detox because it will be their first time spending several days or even weeks completely sober. The way a person feels during detox can vary greatly depending on a lot of personal factors like the type of drug they used, the amount that they would normally take and the frequency of substance abuse. Other issues like mental health problems can also influence how a person reacts to detox. People most often have symptoms like anxiety, disturbed sleep, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, muscle aches, dizziness, shakiness, sweating and mood swings. Withdrawal is usually the most intense in the first few days of abstinence and the symptoms tend to taper off and eventually subside within a week or a few weeks depending on the individual.

Using Medications at a Drug Rehab Malibu

Ideally, a patient in rehab would be able to quit their addiction by being completely sober and abstaining from any substance use so that they can become adjusted to a new lifestyle. For most people this is possible but in some cases medication is necessary to ease them into their sobriety. This usually occurs with drugs that cause more serious dependencies such as heroin or prescription opioids. People trying to quit opioids can be provided with a substitute medication such as buprenorphine or methadone to help stave off their withdrawal symptoms. The benefit of using medications is mainly that it reduces cravings without creating a sense of euphoria which would cause addiction. Patients can significantly reduce or eliminate withdrawal symptoms to help them get through rehab. Over time the physical can decrease the dose of medication so that patients can eventually be completely sober without any substitute drug.

Types of Therapy in a Malibu Recovery Center

The main focus of the work that you do in recovery is through therapy with a specially trained counselor who understands addiction including its many causes and how to quit. Therapy can be helpful in a few different formats to focus on personal needs or relationships issues. The types of therapy that are typically provided in a recovery center are individual, group, and family therapy. Patients might only attend one type or they might benefit from having all three as a part of their program. Individual therapy is where patients begin to open up and discuss all of the circumstances, feelings and problems which led to the development of their addiction. Group therapy can help people improve their communication skills and their ability to connect with others through sharing stories, encouragement and advice. Family therapy gets parents, siblings, spouses or other relatives involved in recovery so that they can help the addict get better. In therapy family members have a chance to resolve any issues that may be causing rifts in their relationship.

Twelve Step Groups at a Malibu Alcohol Rehab

Another type of therapeutic element of treatment is through twelve step groups which offer a traditional, long-successful method of dealing with addiction. When you attend twelve step groups you not only get a chance to discuss your experiences openly with other people who are struggling with addiction but you also go through an established set of guidelines that will help you stay sober. Going through each of the twelve steps allows people to follow a path that eases some of their suffering and helps them cope with the issues that contributed to their addiction in a constructive way.

Physical Healing in a Malibu Addiction Center

Drug addiction can have a devastating effect on a person’s body as it goes through the stressful ups and downs of having toxic chemicals it is constantly trying to filter out. Liver damage is very common especially among people addicted to alcohol as well as stomach and digestion issues, respiratory problems or heartrate irregularities. People with long-term addictions often don’t get the necessary amount of sleep, hydration and nutrition that they need to be in good physical health. Rehab is a chance to heal from physical ailments with the help of a doctor, nutritionist and the body’s natural ability to recover once it is free from toxins.

Malibu Treatment Center Alternative TherapiesMalibu Treatment Center Alternative Therapies

In addition to the set times for talking with an addiction counselor or therapist, many rehab centers allow patients to explore other types of therapies. They may have options for art therapy which lets people express themselves creatively through drawing, painting, sculpture, music or writing. Patients may also have a chance to try meditation as a way to relax their mind, reduce stress and increase their awareness which can all be helpful in coping with addiction. Group activities like hiking, swimming or other sports can also prove therapeutic because it gives people time to bond and take their mind off of things.

Considering Malibu Addiction Center Cost

When you are looking into getting residential treatment at a rehab facility, the most important things to consider are whether you will feel comfortable there and if it is within your financial means. Trying to attend a treatment center you can’t afford will only cause more issues when you leave and can create unnecessary stress. Look for a treatment center where your insurance company will pay most or all of the cost for rehab. If that’s not possible then find something that you can pay for through a small loan or directly through a private payment.

The Effects of a Malibu Rehab Facility

Although addiction is a chronic disease that is never truly cured, staying at a rehab facility can greatly improve your ability to remain sober permanently. Some people may have rough moments where they backslide or even relapse, but most patients find that they can handle their life much more effectively after they spend a few months at a treatment center. The time patients spend in therapy makes them better at communication, maintaining relationships, handling responsibilities and being accountable. Rehab is a place where people learn and grow so that they can become the best version of themselves.


Friday, April 14, 2017

A Holistic Approach To Malibu Addiction Treatment

a-holistic-approach-to-malibu-addiction-treatmentMany people who are struggling with addictions have a misunderstanding about the options available through the best treatment facilities. Our Malibu addiction treatment programs are not the same as you see depicted in the movies or on some television show. Instead, you will experience a truly caring, compassionate and positive experience to help you on your journey to addiction recovery.

One of the most important ways Serenity Malibu differs from other treatment programs is that we focus on you as an individual. You are not an addict; you are a person with a medical issue which can be treated and managed. And, just like a medical issue, there is more to treatment than just addressing the symptoms.

The Whole Person Approach

Our Malibu addiction treatment programs are designed to treat the whole person. Our medical teams and professionals are here to work with your physical health, addressing concerns with detoxification in your first few days to weeks at the facility, and also addressing any concurrent physical health issues.

To help with your thoughts and beliefs around addiction and coping, we offer counselors, psychiatrists and psychotherapists to work with you one-on-one. We understand if the cause of the addiction is not treated, true recovery is not possible.

Expression of Self

We provide a range of different therapeutic options to help our clients express their thoughts, challenges and ideas through art, music, acting, meditation, dream therapy and creative writing. Our staff understands everyone has a unique way to express themselves, so we provide a host of opportunities for you to find one comfortable and meaningful to you.

New Skills and Strategies

At our Malibu addiction treatment facility, you will be encouraged to learn new skills, healthy lifestyle choices and more effective coping mechanisms. We provide opportunities for you to try things you may have only dreamed of before such as surfing, kayaking, horseback riding and even getting in touch with your body through yoga and fitness training. Another very popular therapy we offer is Cranioacral Therapy, an ideal way to learn to listen to your body and to naturally reduce stress and anxiety.

To help you with choosing foods to enhance your mood and help to boost your energy we have nutritional counselors on staff. We also have staff trained in neuro-feedback and shamanic healing, very different but highly effective approaches to tuning into your body in a holistic way.


Thursday, April 13, 2017

A View of World Class Addiction Treatment

A View of World Class Addiction TreatmentYou can be one of those clients that are able to kick the addiction problems once and for all. In order to do that you will have to carefully go through your options when it comes to choosing the right rehab center that offers Malibu Detox. Here at Serenity Malibu we pride ourselves in providing the best treatment by taking into consideration the exact need of the patient.

Our Approach

We understand the importance of choosing proper path that should be taken by examining the particular condition of our patients. We have set out to give aid to people that are struggling with alcoholism and or addiction. We are a Malibu Detox center that employs the latest medical advancements and incorporates a strong foundation of psychological assessment and treatment.

We understand the impact of addiction on the human mind and help our clients find the tools to cope with the stresses of daily life. Our staff consists of top notch medical professionals that diversify in medical, psychiatric and psycho-therapeutic fields of expertise.

A Cutting Edge Facility to Ensure Great Medical Treatment

We pride ourselves in providing a well-structured drug and substance treatment plans which are oriented towards achieving the best possible results. We make sure that the combination of intensive care leads to sobriety.

The experience you are going to get in our treatment center will only pile onto the help you are going to receive. Our center values your confidentiality and this is why our staff members adhere to strict privacy terms agreed upon admission.

The methods we use distinguish us as one of the best Malibu Detox centers. They include:

  • Medical Management: we make sure that everything is held under strict oversight.
  • Family diagnosis: we lay a lot of importance on family dynamics as they are something that would have huge impact on the treatment.
  • Relapse prevention: we address destructive behavior patterns that might lead to an eventual relapse.
  • Aftercare planning: the environment in which the patient is put after the treatment is through is of great importance. We take that into serious consideration.

Some of our other unique services also include trauma assessment, restorative therapies, intensive one-on-one psychotherapy, brain spotting, recreational activities such as surfing, swimming and many more. Don’t hesitate to contact us at Serenity Malibu should you find yourself in a position in which you need Malibu detox services.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Guide to Drug Treatment

Although recreational drug use can be very common especially among younger people, substance abuse is never something to be taken lightly. Even minor drug use can eventually become more frequent and ultimately lead to a serious addiction. Most drugs cause chemical changes in the brain and while some are more addictive than others, continual use of any drug leads to a physical dependency. When an individual cannot function without the use of drugs on a regular basis then it is necessary for them to get professional treatment. There are a lot of issues that go along with drug abuse and addiction that need to be addressed in order for a person to fully recover. Abstinence is only one aspect of sobriety because there are many other factors at play when it comes to addiction.

When to Get Drug Addiction Treatment

Often the people that are dealing with substance abuse problems are not fully aware that they have an addiction. Drug use can change the way a person thinks and they start to develop denial or the inability to recognize the dangers of their behavior. They may feel that they are completely in control of their drug use or believe that they can stop any time when that is not necessarily the case. Some of the clearer signs of addiction are the need to use drugs to cope with difficult situations or in many cases simply to get through the day. An addict also looks forward to their drug use so much that it consumes their thoughts and becomes the focus of their daily life. If you or someone you love has been experiencing this type of situation then it may be time to consider drug treatment.

Confronting Someone About Drug TreatmentConfronting Someone About Drug Treatment

If you suspect that someone you love has been developing a dependency on drugs then you might want to think about the best way to discuss the subject with them. Talking with people about addictions can be tricky because they can become defensive or feel attacked if you don’t take the right approach. Learn as much about addiction and treatment as you can before talking with them and prepare what you want to say beforehand you don’t end up saying the wrong thing. One thing to think about when confronting someone is to find the right time to talk to them. You should never talk to them when they are under the influence but wait until they are sober and more willing to listen. Try to reserve judgement and anger which can backfire and instead be gentle, patient and open.

Interventions for Drug Treatment Programs

Sometimes you want to convince a loved one to enter a drug treatment program but you find it too difficult to approach them through a one-on-one conversation. If this is the case then you can instead try to set up an intervention by gathering together a group of friends and family members that are also feeling concerned about this person’s drug use. Make sure to talk with everyone that plans to be a part of the intervention and make an effort to have everyone on the same page as far as what to say and what type of approach to use. Tell everyone involved to set aside any personal issues they might have with this person and focus on getting them to enter treatment. The purpose of an intervention is to show an addict how many people are worried about them and want to see them get better.

Problems to Address in Treatment for Drug Addiction

Although the ultimate goal of treatment is sobriety, someone with an addiction has a lot more to work on than simply quitting their drug use. Addiction leads to all sorts of issues that need to be treated and resolved during rehab treatment. When a person has lost control of their drug use they are often so focused on it that they create problems with their relationships, their finances and could even lose their jobs. Addiction can also lead to some serious health issues including physical ailments and symptoms of mental illness. While in treatment, an addict will need medical assistance in treating their physical health problems and will need a lot of time spent in therapy to deal with their psychological and behavioral issues that have developed over the course of their addiction.

Tolerance and Withdrawal in Drug Rehab Treatment

People with addictions often end up increasing the amount of drugs that they take on a regular basis over time. This is due to an increase in their tolerance, or their ability to experience the effects of the drug. After using drugs for a period of time, their usual amount will not have the same effect and they need to increase the dosage to feel high. This gradual increase occurs periodically throughout a person’s addiction so that after many years of substance abuse, the person will need to take a considerable amount to feel anything. This high level of tolerance makes quitting very difficult because suddenly stopping all drug use will inevitably cause the body to react strongly. Withdrawal symptoms tend to occur when someone has a very high tolerance for drugs.

Detoxing in Malibu Drug TreatmentDetoxing in Malibu Drug Treatment

Because withdrawal can be an uncomfortable and potentially dangerous thing for addicts to go through it is important to attend a licensed detox facility for help. Quitting drinking or using drugs at home without any help can often lead to relapse which can be especially risky. When an addict normally has a very high tolerance and they quit using drugs for several days they may dramatically lower their tolerance without realizing it. If they relapse and end up using their normal amount of drugs they can easily overdose because their tolerance has changed. In a detox facility, patients will not have to worry about potentially relapsing because they will be in a place where they are required to stay sober until all the chemicals leave their body. Staff members keep all patients in detox save and comfortable so that they can get through withdrawal without any problems.

Understanding the Addicted Brain in Drug Treatment Facilities

One of the reasons addiction can take such a powerful hold on people is due to its physical effects on the brain. There are certain neurotransmitters in the brain that pass information from one cell to another and are responsible for regulating functions like mood, sleep, appetite and concentration. Drug consumption as well as other unhealthy lifestyle choices can deplete some of these neurotransmitters and boost others outside of their optimal range which causes a number of negative effects. One of these neurotransmitters is dopamine which is known to be associated with feelings of pleasure and happiness. Most drugs tend to boost dopamine so that happy feelings and euphoria tend to last longer than they do with more natural activities. Eventually, drugs change the way dopamine functions so much that normal activities that used to bring pleasure have no neurological effect.

Dealing with Trauma in Drug and Alcohol Treatment

Although drugs have a definite physical effect on the brain which contributes to addiction, there are other reasons why certain people get drawn into substance abuse. A number of people in drug and alcohol treatment have experienced some sort of trauma either recently or in their early childhood. Traumatic experiences as a child can have a lasting impact and make it difficult for people to adjust normally as they grow into an adult. Examples of trauma could be abuse either in the form physical, sexual or emotional abuse as well as the sudden loss of a parent or other close family member. Any form of abuse in early childhood is associated with higher than average rates of substance abuse. During treatment, addicts can begin to discuss their trauma in therapy and learn how to understand the relationship between their psychological history and addiction.

Education in a Drug Addiction Treatment Center

In addition to talking with a therapist about any past traumas or other issues that might have led to an addiction, patients in rehab need to be educated about addiction itself. Most people who enter treatment might not fully understand what has caused them to become addicted and why they have so little control over their behavior. Most rehab centers include some type of education either in individual therapy, group meetings or workshops that help patients understand what addiction really is and the factors that cause it to continue. Addicts may not even realize that they are using drugs as a way to handle their emotions, stress or boredom with life. They can learn to identify what their particular triggers are and what causes them to want to engage in drug use in certain situations. Understanding how your own addiction works is very useful in preventing relapse in the future.

Group Meetings in Alcohol Treatment CentersGroup Meetings in Alcohol Treatment Centers

For people that are addicted to alcohol, they might end up participating in twelve step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or other types of group meetings. This type of format has been a long-standing method of giving people with alcohol problems a chance to tell their stories and connect with other people in a constructive format. A.A. and other types of meetings are a good way for people in recovery to start establishing their much needed support network of people that will be there for them when they fall on hard times. Alcoholics and other types of addicts tend to isolate themselves while they are addicted and this can often increase their level of substance abuse. People who feel more connected and are able to talk with someone in times of stress will not feel as much of a need to use drugs as a coping mechanism.

Drugs Requiring Treatment for Addiction

Addiction can come in many forms and there is not any one person who wouldn’t benefit from receiving professional treatment for their substance abuse. The most common types of drugs that are abused to the point of addiction are cocaine, heroin, prescription opioids, alcohol and methamphetamines. Although these are the most common there are many other drugs that can be addictive and require treatment such as marijuana, ecstasy, ketamine, LSD, and benzodiazepines. No matter what type of drug a person is using, as long as they are exhibiting some of the signs of addiction such as tolerance and withdrawal they can receive treatment from a rehab facility.

Healthy Coping Mechanisms in a Drug Rehab Treatment Center

People who get addicted to drugs become adjusted to falling back on their substance abuse as a way to handle stress, depression, anxiety, anger or any other emotion that comes up. Self-medicating is a very common problem among people with addictions because that is the only way they have learned how to cope with the hard parts of life. Addicts rehab need to learn other strategies to cope with problems so that they can stay sober and avoid relapse when they experience hardships. Effective coping mechanisms such as having a healthy routine, staying connected with loved ones, and talking to close friends in times of stress can all help prevent relapse.

Options for Luxury Drug Rehab Centers

Drug treatment can vary greatly and does not always look the same for every rehab center. Some treatment facilities are considered luxury options because they provide plenty of amenities for their patients to feel comfortable and relaxed. Luxury rehabs are often in beautiful locations and provide specialized therapies that may not be available at other rehabs such as holistic and alternative treatment approaches. Depending on someone’s personal preferences and their financial resources, they may want to choose a luxury treatment center as the place where they will be most at ease.

Leaving California Drug Rehab Centers

No matter what type of drug you are addicted to or what type of rehab you are attending you will need to prepare yourself for the moment that you leave. Going home after completing treatment can be very intimidating because it will be the first time you are attempting sobriety completely on your own. It is a good idea to keep attending twelve step meetings, stay in contact with friends from rehab or enroll in an aftercare program to ensure that you are not going to relapse. In order to be fully successful in treatment, patients need to have the ability to remain sober in the long-term and handle their abstinence without professional assistance in the future.
