Saturday, December 23, 2017

You Don’t Need to Hit Rock Bottom to Get Help


When you read or hear about addiction treatment you may frequently come across the idea of “rock bottom” being the biggest motivation for getting help. Although hitting rock bottom may be a common story for people with addictions who finally decided to reach out, it is not the only way that someone can realize that they want treatment. People can recover from addiction in many different ways and they do not necessarily need to reach their lowest point before they can get sober.

The concept behind rock bottom is the story of an addict who recklessly continues to use in spite of all the signs that they should quit. They might ignore people that suggest that they should cut back or get defensive if someone talks about recovery. For this person they are only able to realize that they have a problem when they lose everything as a result of their addiction.

Rock bottom could come in the form of losing your job, getting a divorce, getting arrested or any other event that finally makes you understand that your addiction is ruining your life. Someone at rock bottom has nowhere else to turn and needs to seek help to get themselves back on track. Although many people may experience addiction and recovery this way, the idea that all addicts have to hit rock bottom is a myth that can actually be problematic.

The Myth about Addiction and Rock Bottom

One of the issues with the idea of rock bottom is that some people may believe that there is nothing you can do to help an addict until they reach this point. Some people may think that they simply have to wait until the person with the addiction creates enough problems in their life that they will want to seek help on their own. While it can be difficult to get an addict to realize they have a problem, that doesn’t mean you have to let them continue in their own destruction.

The concept of rock bottom can cause people to believe that they are powerless to help a friend or loved one who may be in need. It can also cause the addict themselves to believe that they don’t need help yet because they haven’t reached their lowest point. Believing the myth of rock bottom can delay much needed treatment and cause more damage than is necessary when someone has an addiction.

The reality is that the sooner a person gets treatment for their addiction, the better chance they will have of avoiding health problems and other issues that could make recovery more difficult. People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol for many years may be more vulnerable to developing co-occurring disorders such as depression and anxiety as a result of their dependencies. They can also end up with issues such as liver or brain damage that will require medical treatment if they do not get the help they need.

Rock bottom can also lead to serious financial ruin which can be devastating for a person’s life and their family. Allowing a person to reach that point can mean that they truly lose everything and may have a much harder time bouncing back from their financial loss. Rather than their job and all their money, it may be better for them to recover before they are so devastated by addiction.

Getting Help Early

Instead of waiting for rock bottom, it is better for a person to get help as early as they can so that they can have a successful recovery. At any point that you begin to realize that you or your loved one is suffering from addiction, you can start to take steps toward treatment. Don’t avoid responsibility because you believe that rock bottom is the necessary starting point for recovery.

If someone you love has an addiction it is never too early to consider talking to them one on one or staging an intervention so that you can discuss the possibility of them getting help. Early treatment can actually be a life saving opportunity for someone who might suffer significantly from any delay in getting help. If you yourself believe that you have an addiction, reach out to someone as soon as possible so that you don’t have to experience all of unnecessary pain and struggle that goes along with addiction.

Although for many people rock bottom may have been the only way they were able to end their denial about their addiction, others can be receptive to treatment sooner before they lose everything. Ending addiction is a personal experience and never happens the same way for everyone. Take advantage of any opportunity you have to get yourself or someone you love the treatment they need.

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Are Teens “Too Young” to be Labeled Alcoholics?

Are Teens Too Young To Be Labeled Alcoholics?

Alcoholism is a serious disease that can affect people from all walks of life regardless of their circumstances. There are many prevailing myths and stereotypes about what an alcoholic looks like. While people imagine that alcoholism only occurs later on in adulthood, the reality is that it can take place at any age and at any point in a person’s life.

The myth that a person can be “too young” to be an alcoholic can be problematic for a number of reasons. It is unfortunate that people who believe this myth may fail to get treatment for themselves or someone they love who is in their teens or early 20s. Most doctors know from experience in diagnosing the disorder that age makes no difference when it comes to unhealthy consumption of alcohol.

Although people may imagine that alcoholism is a disease for people who are in their 30s and 40s, the truth is that the disease actually is more common than ever among young people. Studies show that the median age for initial drug use is actually 14 years old and the younger a person is when they start using, the more likely they are to develop an addiction. In fact, 90 percent of people who develop an addiction start using before the age of 18.

The current trend is that kids are becoming addicted at younger and younger ages and the effects of alcohol use can be devastating on a teen who is still developing and growing. Underage drinking is fairly common because teens tend to have risk taking behavior as their brains are still developing and they can be more impulsive than adults. Teens may have less regard for the consequences of their behavior and may drink excessively without considering the negative effects of alcohol.

Health Risks of Underage Drinking

Teenagers who have alcohol addictions will experience a dramatic impact on their physical and mental health because of their young age. Because their brains are still developing they can cause long-term damage to their thinking and memory skills which can be difficult to recover. They may have lasting impairment resulting from heavy alcohol consumption that continues later in adulthood.

As anyone who drinks heavily knows, alcohol can have very damaging on the liver. In fact, many teens and young adults can show liver damage equal to that of a middle aged alcoholic. Doctors can identify liver damage through elevated liver enzymes and these can be frequently found in adolescent drinkers especially if they are overweight or obese.

Many teens are still going through puberty and their hormone levels are changing throughout their development with increases of testosterone and estrogen . Drinking during this critical period of hormonal change can upset the balance of hormones in a teen’s body. Alcohol can even adversely affect the maturation of the reproductive system.

Signs of Teen Alcoholism

Teens who engage in heavy drinking should be provided with treatment early to prevent any of the negative health effects that they might experience with continued use. It is important to recognize signs of teen drinking or alcoholism and avoid believing the prevailing myth that they are too young to need treatment.

These are some of the signs of teen alcoholism:
-smell of alcohol on breath or clothes on a regular basis
-slurred speech or problems with coordination
– changes in sleep pattern
– deterioration in physical appearance
– changes in academic performance
– loss of interest in hobbies or activities
– getting in trouble at school or with the law
-neglecting responsibilities at home or at school

Teens who have a problem with alcoholism will exhibit a marked shift in their usual behavior and act much more carelessly or recklessly than normal. They can also appear more depressed or anxious and hide things from their parents or friends. They may be more secretive and hide things from others or lie about where they’ve been and what they’ve been doing.

Treating Teens with Addictions

It is crucial for teens to get the help that they need to recover from an alcohol problem. They are never too young to go to detox or a rehab center so that they can become healthy again. More teens than ever are getting the help they need early and even attending 12 step meetings so that they can learn to be sober.

While it is normal for teens to be rebellious or take risks, an addiction is a serious issue that requires professional attention. The earlier they receive treatment, the less likely they are to suffer from long term physical or mental health issues. Teens in treatment can learn healthier coping methods that will help them for the rest of their lives.

If you think your child might be suffering from an alcohol addiction, look for a local treatment center that accepts teens into their inpatient program.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Recovery from Opioids

Opioid abuse and addiction has reached a level of national crisis and has been declared an epidemic in the U.S. Because opioid abuse is the highest it has ever been, more and more people are looking for options to recover from their issues with prescription painkillers. Fortunately, it is possible to quit opioids for good even for those who have struggled with an addiction for a long time.

There can be many factors that cause people to abuse opioids but it is important for everyone to understand that these kinds of drugs are highly addictive. Common opioids like codeine, Vicodin, Oxycontin and Percoset all contain slightly modified components of opium. They are prescribed to combat pain but they also tend to produce a feeling of euphoria that people become hooked on.

Opiates are also addictive because people tend to develop a tolerance to them meaning that they need to take more and more to get the same effects. Tolerance is actually one of the first signs of addiction as well as symptoms of withdrawal whenever someone misses a dose of the medication. Someone who is experiencing tolerance and withdrawal is most likely dealing with a physical dependence on the medication which makes it very difficult to quit.

Signs of an Opioid Addiction

Because opioids are a legal, prescription drug people may not be sure whether they or someone they love is actually dealing with an addiction. These are some possible signs that a person is addicted to opioids:

-Use of opioids has increased over time with a higher dose or more frequent dosage

-Withdrawal symptoms whenever medication is ceased for a period of time

– Using more medication than intended or more than is prescribed by a doctor

– Experiencing negative consequences as a result of opioid use

– Failing to meet responsibilities due to excessive opioid use

– Making unsuccessful attempts to reduce drug use

Whenever someone has lost control of their drug use and it is starting to interfere with their life then they are most likely dealing with an addiction. The only way to quit a serious addiction such as opioid abuse is to get help from a treatment center. Attempting to quit on your own is dangerous and most often ineffective.

Treatment for Opioid Abuse

In order to recover from an opioid addiction, the first step is to find a detox center to rid yourself of the chemical dependency that you have on the medication. Being physically addicted to a drug can be a huge impedance that prevents you from focusing on the mental aspects of addiction recovery. An opioid addict will face some significant struggles during detox but attending a detox clinic with medical staff on  hand will ensure that it is safe and effective.

During detox a patient may experience a number of uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms once they completely abstain from any drug use. Withdrawal symptoms are normal, can be treated with medical care and usually subside within a few weeks. During detox people may experience symptoms such as:

  • Irritability, agitation, low energy
  • Insomnia and other sleep problems
  • Hot and cold sweats
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Stomach cramps,nausea, vomiting and diarrhea

People in detox also tend to have mental health symptoms such as feelings of depression or anxiety. These may subside over the course of detox but if they persist they can be treated in a rehab setting.

Following detox, it is equally important for someone with an opioid addiction to attend an inpatient or outpatient treatment program that will address their mental addiction to painkillers. Detox eliminates physical dependency but does not treat the underlying issues that may be present in someone who has an addiction. There may be mental health factors that contributed to their need to self-medicate or other issues that must be treated in a rehab facility.

At a rehab center, someone in recovery from an opioid addiction will have access to a personal therapist on a regular basis. Therapy is a crucial step in recovery because it allows a patient the chance to discuss their problems one on one with a professional who understands the causes and triggers that are involved with addiction. A therapist can help an individual figure out why they became addicted and give them insight on what they can do to remain sober.

One of the major benefits of attending a rehab facility is having the opportunity to connect with other people who are struggling with the same issues. Attending group therapy or support meetings can be a great way to heal from any problems of the past and develop new relationships that will keep you on track with your sobriety goals. A support system you can trust is a crucial element in preventing relapse.

If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction to opioids, there is help available. Contact a local treatment center that offers detox and inpatient rehab for opioid addiction as soon as possible.

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Anxiety in Young Adults

Anxiety in Young Adults

Those who experience anxiety disorder are dealing with more than just normal daily worries and stresses. Anxiety can be a complicated and difficult issue to live with because it can cause people to struggle with keeping their routine. Someone who has anxiety finds that their life is often interrupted by overwhelming feelings and thoughts that prevent them from accomplishing certain and sometimes maintaining important relationships.

Unfortunately, anxiety is actually a very prevalent problem and one that is becoming more common among young adults either in high school or college. There has been a significant increase in the number of teens and young adults with anxiety and depression since the 1940s. Anxiety can be especially problematic for people at this age because they are still developing socially and becoming more self-aware.

Current statistics show that 25 percent of teens in the U.S. will fit the criteria for an anxiety disorder at some point in their life and anxiety is the most common mental disorder in adults with 18 percent of the population suffering from the problem. The U.S. also has a higher incidence of anxiety than the rest of the world so teens and young adults in America are particularly struggling with this issue. There are a few different theories as to why teens are now dealing with anxiety more than ever.

What Causes Anxiety for Teens and Young Adults

People experience anxiety for a variety of reasons but why does the trend seem to be increasing especially among young people? Some theorize that the way modern culture has changed may contribute to issues like depression and anxiety when children reach high school age. As technology and American lifestyles continue to change it could be negatively affecting young people’s mental health.

Isolation is a significant factor in the development of problems with anxiety as young people grow up and lack a support system. People need plenty of face to face social connection and a sense of being part of a community in order to feel mentally stable. As young people grow up they may be disconnected from their friends or their family.

Teens need even more social connection than adults because they are still developing and learning how to behave socially. Interaction with other people can help them reduce stress and develop good mental health. Without the support of loving parents, siblings and close friends many teens can start to become isolated and socially anxious.

In addition to environmental factors, some young people may be more prone to anxiety because they have a genetic vulnerability. They may have parents, grandparents or other relatives that have mental health problems. Genetic traits related to anxiety may not appear until adolescence when these issues become more visible.

Recognizing and Treating Anxiety Issues Early

It is important to take action as soon as symptoms of anxiety begin to appear in a young person. Ignoring the problem or assuming that it will resolve itself when they get older may cause the symptoms to worsen as the anxiety becomes more complex and interferes with their development. Even young teens may need professional support if their anxiety is starting to cause problems at school or with their peers.

If you notice any of these symptoms in a teen or young adult then it may be time to reach out to a therapist for help:



-trouble concentrating


-sleep problems

-fear of social situations

-poor performance in school

-low self-esteem

-behavioral problems

Anxiety can be different for each individual but if you suspect that a young person in your life is struggling then you should try to open a discussion with them. Ask them how they have been doing and whether they are adjusting well at school or at home. If they seem to be having issues with anxiety then consider helping them make plans for treatment.

For parents who have teens dealing with anxiety, it is a good idea to find a qualified therapist to talk to them and give them some advice and guidance. You can also help by making an effort to spend more time with your kids, provide support in any way you can and encourage them to join clubs or teen activities where they will feel accepted. Teens need support from both family and peers when they are coping with symptoms of a mental illness.

If you or someone you love has symptoms of anxiety, don’t hesitate to look for help from a psychiatrist or a treatment center. Young people can overcome many of their issues with anxiety and go on to lead normal and happy lives with the proper support and resources. Your best option is to call a local mental health center to find out more about anxiety and ask about their approach to treatment.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Essential Oils for Anxiety and Depression

Essential Oils for Anxiety and Depression

Everyone experiences feelings of sadness and stress that can be overwhelming from time to time. Luckily there are plenty of natural mood boosters that act as a therapeutic way to ease some of your tension and help you feel more relaxed. Some studies show that the use of certain essential oils can be helpful in promoting a healthier mood for people with mild symptoms.

Essential oils cannot work to cure depression or eliminate other mental health issues, but they can act as a nice mood lifter and people can benefit from them as a complement to other types of therapy. Research indicates that essential oils may help relieve some of the physical symptoms associated with depression by improving sleep, relaxation and enhancing the mental state. Used in combination with massage therapy, essential oils can also help reduce symptoms of pain.

There are several studies involving essential oils but much of the evidence tied to their effectiveness is based on personal accounts. One study proved that patients who received an aromatherapy massage with essential oils reported less pain and depression than those who received massage alone.

Another study provided powerful evidence that essential oils can help reduce feelings of worry and anxiety. The study selected elementary school teachers under a lot of stress and used a 10 minute long inhalation of the essential oil bergamot. The teachers showed reduced blood pressure and heart rate as well as more balanced nervous activity.

Types of Essential Oils

Bergamot is well-known for its use in calming feelings of depression and anxiety. It is a very popular oil because it is very stimulating and can create a feeling of joy and freshness by improving blood circulation. Bergamot can be combined with other types of oils to have a more powerful effect on improving your mood.

One of the most well-known essential oils used for relaxation is lavender, which is made from a purple flower with many beneficial properties. Lavender can be used in many forms including tea and essential oils to help promote healthy sleep and a more balanced mood. A small study showed that patients with depression showed improvement after receiving 60 drops of lavender tincture per day.

Roman chamomile is another essential oil that helps to battle depression and anxiety. Most people are familiar with chamomile tea which you can drink to help you sleep and relax. Chamomile is one of the best medicinal herbs to fight stress because of its soothing qualities.

Another essential oil that is often used to fight depression is ylang ylang which is known to have immediate positive effects on a person’s mood. Research shows that this herb can help release negative emotions such as anger, low self-esteem and jealousy. It can also help reduce heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate to promote a feeling of calm.

How Oils Change Your Mood

The main reason that essential oils can affect your mood has to do with the way our sense of smell is linked to our brain. Smells can serve as emotional triggers as they are carried directly to your brain and interact with the limbic system. This system evaluates sensory stimuli including scent and registers either pleasure, pain, danger or safety.

The limbic system is sometimes referred to as the “emotional brain” because it is directly to connected to the parts of the brain that control your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels and hormonal balance. When people experience stress they often have an increased heart rate and rapid breathing which creates tension in the mind and body.

When you inhale essential oils they interact positively with the limbic system and help create physiological changes that affect your mood. By improving your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing the smell of the oil can allow you to feel more relaxed and less anxious. Inhaling a blend of oils directly from the bottle or through a diffuser for several minutes can have an immediate effect on your mood.

Using Essential Oils

In addition to using a diffuser you can also add essential oils to your bath for relaxation or apply them directly to the skin. Applying essential oils topically to the skin can help reduce pain and allow you to absorb the properties of the herb. Massage and heat can help enhance the absorption of the oil.

If you have mild symptoms of depression or anxiety, then incorporating essential oils into your daily life can help improve your mood. The oils should be used as a complement to regular treatment through a therapist if you have more severe symptoms or have been diagnosed with a mental illness. You can incorporate essential oils into other relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga or meditation to increase the effects and get the best results.

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Monday, October 23, 2017

Can Sober People Take Antidepressants?

Can Sober People Take Antidepressants?

People who make the choice to quit abusing substances may feel hesitant to be put on any type of medication. Part of recovery is making the decision to avoid any type of “mind-altering” substance that changes your mood and affects your emotional state. Medication like antidepressants can seem like a grey area because they are provided by a psychologist but they also are taken to alter your mood, something that sober people make great efforts to avoid.

For many people in the recovery community, antidepressants and other types of medication still carry a stigma with them. Sober people may see antidepressants as just another chemical meant to provide you with an escape from your natural emotional state. Some members of 12 step groups may feel that medication of any kind is detrimental to reaching full recovery.

The prevailing attitude that medication is dangerous can be accurate for many types of prescription drugs such opioids or sleeping medications which can be habit forming and cause addiction. However, although antidepressants do act as a mood altering drug they are rarely abused and typically don’t lead to addiction. These kinds of pills can actually be life-saving for people that struggle with severe depression and suicidal thoughts.

Coping with a Dual Diagnosis

The idea that people should avoid antidepressants because they are in recovery is misleading and can be dangerous for someone that has been given a dual diagnosis. Someone who has been self-medicating their depression or anxiety with alcohol or other drugs with find it especially difficult to become sober. The symptoms of their mental illness are likely to intensify to an overwhelming point once they take away their substance abuse.

Some people in the recovery community may not realize that there is a difference between the type of sadness and emptiness that a person generally feels when quitting an addiction and the experience of someone with a legitimate mental illness. Someone with suicidal thoughts or a person who has attempted suicide in the past may need extra help to get through their recovery. A history of mental illness can make quitting an addiction very painful and may require specialized support and care.

If someone is diagnosed with a mental illness like depression or anxiety when they decide to quit their addiction, they will benefit most from a dual diagnosis facility for their treatment. Dual diagnosis programs treat both issues simultaneously and can provide the right kind of medication to improve mental health symptoms. Patients given medication can be monitored to see how they react to antidepressants and whether they should be used short term or long term.

Antidepressants vs. Other Medications

The stigma surrounding antidepressants in some parts of the recovery community may be founded on a misunderstanding of the way the medication works. Prescription pills like opioids or benzodiazepines are the types of medications that should be avoided in recovery because they have addictive properties. With those addictive drugs, users feel the effects very soon after taking it and can experience a sense of euphoria followed by the feeling of “coming down” when the effects wear off.

On the other hand, antidepressants can alter the mood but the effects of the medication take weeks or even months to start working. This type of medication does not offer an immediate “high”, in fact users rarely if ever feel the kind of euphoria that one would experience with opioids. Instead they feel more emotionally stable without the extreme highs and lows that usually go along with drug use.

In many cases, antidepressants are helpful to temporarily cushion the blow of getting off drugs or alcohol for people with a dual diagnosis. Patients do not necessarily have to continue taking antidepressants indefinitely and it is their choice whether they want to use them to help their situation. Some may prefer not to use the medication and simply rely on traditional types of therapy to improve their symptoms.

It is important to realize that people in recovery need to at least have the option to take antidepressants to help them get back on their feet especially if they have a mental illness. The medication may be a type of mood altering substance but it works very differently than addictive medication and is rarely abused. People in recovery should feel secure and safe about taking pills for the benefit of their mental health.

Whether a person decides to use medication or not, it is always important that they spend plenty of time in individual and group therapy to combat their depression and their issues with addiction. Therapy is the place where many of these problems are resolved and patients can eventually wean themselves off of antidepressants. No matter what the situation, it is important to reserve judgement if someone needs medication in their recovery and try to reduce the stigma surrounding antidepressants.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

What a Luxury Rehab is Really Like

What a Luxury Rehab is Really Like

People dealing with addiction come from all walks of life and have different needs and preferences when it comes to treatment. Those who are used to a certain lifestyle might not feel comfortable in a clinical type of setting. Luxury rehab is made for people who want high-end amenities so that they won’t feel deprived or depressed in the wrong atmosphere.

Going to luxury rehab means having extra comforts and excellent service in the same way you might if you were staying in an expensive hotel. People in luxury rehab are able to experience a more resort-like setting for the duration of their treatment rather than the feeling of living in a hospital or clinic as they recover. A luxury setting can have very different options than a more general rehab center in terms of activities, food and therapy.

An inpatient program at a luxury rehab can have very effective types of individual and group therapy but they also have more of a vacation atmosphere which may be preferable for some people. The luxury inpatient program is meant to act as a kind of retreat where people are able to get away from the stress of their lives and take time out to focus on quitting their addiction. People who choose luxury rehab often lead upper class lifestyles that they don’t want to leave behind in order to get treatment.

One thing that people often prefer about luxury rehab centers is that they are usually located in beautiful and serene settings that are somewhat isolated such as the beach, mountains or desert . This gives people a sense of being away from stress and spending some therapeutic time in nature. It also provides a feeling of privacy for people who want to remain anonymous throughout their treatment.

Luxury Amenities

What sets apart luxury rehabs from other types of treatment and typically make it more expensive are the amenities. Luxury facilities often have private hotel-style rooms with comfortable beds, personal bathrooms and sometimes even room service. Many non-luxury rehab centers require people to share rooms and bathrooms with others in the treatment program.

Luxury rehabs often have much better meals than what is offered in a typical rehab which may not be the best quality. Food in luxury rehab is usually gourmet quality and prepared by skilled chefs to provide the best nutrition and cater to each patient’s specific dietary needs. In some programs patients can even order room service as they would in a resort setting.

Most rehabs offer some type of exercise such as a gym or fitness center, but luxury rehab can have more elaborate options such as tennis courts, beach volleyball courts and some may even offer a golf course. Patients can stay active with various sports and because of the remote location of these rehabs there may also be scenic hiking trails nearby. High end rehab centers may also offer fitness classes such as yoga, pilates or spinning.

Luxury rehabs may also offer alternative types of therapeutic options such as acupuncture, reiki (energy clearance), and meditation. These types of therapies may not be available at more general rehab centers and they can be a helpful addition in terms of providing healing and relaxation for patients. Some rehabs can offer unusual types of treatment such as equine therapy, allowing them to work with and care for a horse during their stay.

Treatment Options at Luxury Rehab

While they may be known for their amenities, luxury rehabs also tend to offer highly credentialed and respected psychologists and counselors who can provide the best type of care. Individual therapy is an important part of any rehab experience and luxury facilities tend to have the best and most experienced therapists that can inspire and motivate patients. One on one counseling sessions with patients can be where most of the work in rehab is done no matter what type of facility it is.

Group therapy is also a crucial element in rehab no matter what type of facility you are staying in. People in luxury rehab can have the benefit of knowing that they will be in group therapy with others who might have similar experiences and similar lifestyles. Although everyone in rehab has a different story, specialized rehab centers allow patients to connect with people that may have more in common with.

Many luxury centers also incorporate twelve step meetings into their program which is a great way for patients to have an ongoing support system that they can continue attending. It is recommended that people continue 12 step meetings even after they have completed their rehab program so that they can stay connected to their recovery goals.

People usually choose luxury rehab because they can afford better quality in terms of amenities and the types of services and activities for recovery. Even though luxury rehab may be more comfortable and relaxing, it can still be very effective for addiction treatment.

The post What a Luxury Rehab is Really Like appeared first on Serenity Malibu.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Admitting You’re a Functioning Alcoholic

Admitting You’re a Functioning Alcoholic

Recognizing your own issues with addiction is always hard but it can be especially complicated when you are very functional with your substance abuse. People who are high-functioning alcoholics often don’t show many of the signs normally associated with addiction because they have learned to handle their drinking in ways that makes it seem like it hardly affects them.

When someone is a functioning alcoholic, their friends and family may not be aware of the full extent of their drinking behavior. Functioning alcoholics can become very good at compartmentalizing their life and keeping their substance abuse separate from everything else. These types of alcoholics on the surface may seem like they have it all together, but eventually alcohol abuse will lead to negative consequences.

If you think you might be a functioning alcoholic your symptoms may differ from the usual list that characterizes a normal alcoholic. The average alcoholic usually realizes they need help when they hit rock bottom but a functioning addict may never reach that point. They might never lose their job, ruin a relationship or get in trouble with the police.

However, even high functioning alcoholics are not immune to the many physical and mental health problems associated with excessive drinking. Alcohol abuse can take its toll over time and cause problems with the liver, brain and heart. Drinking can also cause issues with depression, anxiety and other mental health problems that can interfere with your well-being.

Looking for Signs of Addiction

If you are wondering if your drinking is a problem you may have to look for less obvious signs to recognize your own addiction. As a functioning alcoholic it is much easier to stay in deep denial because your life isn’t falling apart around you as one might expect. You might even have a great job, make plenty of money and have lots of friends that don’t see you as an addict or ask you to quit drinking.

As a functioning alcohol however, you might still feel dependent on drinking to get through the day. If you drink in the morning or when you’re alone on a regular basis then you might have a problem. You also might end up getting drunk even when you don’t intend to or be unable to stop yourself from drinking.

Heavy drinkers and especially alcoholics tend to get “blackout” drunk meaning that they do things that they don’t remember or have no idea what happened while they drank. Even functioning alcoholics may make efforts to hide from their friends and family how much they actually drink. They may hide bottles of alcohol or lie about going to the bar in an effort to conceal their behavior.

Although most people can’t recognize a functioning alcoholic, there may still be some cases where someone asks about your drinking. If you find that you deny drinking even when you have or quickly get angry when someone confronts you about your alcohol consumption then this may be a sign of addiction.

Getting Help for a Drinking Problem

As a functioning alcoholic it can be difficult to admit to yourself and to others that you are suffering from an addiction. You may worry about the stigma associated with alcoholism and not want to tarnish your reputation at work or among friends. It can feel especially shameful to admit that you have a problem when people around you were completely unaware.

However, in order to recover from addiction it is important to go through the first step of admitting that you are an alcoholic. It helps you to acknowledge the fact that this problem is something that you can’t control and is a disease that you need help with. Sometimes being vulnerable and reaching out for help is the best way to start changing your behavior and getting started in recovery.

Once you are able to admit that you are a functioning alcoholic, the next step is to find a treatment plan that will work best for you. It is important to understand that even though you function well in your drinking, you still need treatment and cannot quit safely on your own.

Often functioning alcoholics can benefit from options like outpatient programs because it allows them to work and continue their normal life without having to take time away to stay at a facility. Since a functioning alcoholic usually has no problem with staying on track with work and responsibilities at home, outpatient can be a good fit for them.

Throughout treatment and even after completing a program it is a good idea to stay involved in support groups such as AA. Functioning alcoholics need a space where they can talk to others about their drinking and be more honest and open with other people instead of hiding their behavior. AA meetings are a safe place to discuss addiction and hear other people’s stories to learn more about how to cope with recovery.

The post Admitting You’re a Functioning Alcoholic appeared first on Serenity Malibu.


Are Sleep Aid Remedies Addicting?

Are Sleep Aid Remedies Addicting?

People that struggle with falling asleep know how much stress it can cause if they don’t find a solution. Insomnia is a serious issue that can affect your life in more ways than one. People who don’t get enough sleep on a regular basis often have health issues and a number of other symptoms that can accompany their insomnia.

Some people might find that prescription sleeping pills can help them get over their sleep issues and provide relief from the myriad of problems that have developed because of their insomnia. However, typically these type of pills are meant to be a short-term solution. Long-term use of sleeping pills in many cases can lead to dependency although people with chronic insomnia may feel that they need to continue using their medication indefinitely.

Habit-Forming Medication

Many insomnia sufferers may wrongly assume that they can’t get addicted to sleeping pills and that using them on a regular basis is completely safe. The problem with prescription sleep medications such as Ambien, Lunesta or Sonata is that they can be psychologically habit forming. In many cases if the pill successfully induces sleep but if the patient’s medication is suddenly stopped for any reason then they will often display signs of dependency.

Anyone trying to stick with short term use of sleeping pills may find it difficult to get off their medication and will need to try to wean themselves off gradually. Suddenly quitting sleeping pills can give you an overwhelming desire to take them again and experience certain withdrawal symptoms that make it difficult to quit. People that are struggling with a sleeping pill addiction may show certain signs such as:

  • Having several failed attempts to quit
  • Getting intense cravings for sleeping pills
  • Doctor shopping to get more prescription refills
  • Continuing to take pills in spite of negative consequences
  • Showing signs of memory loss from the medication

Sleeping Pill Abuse and Dependency

When someone develops an addiction to sleeping pills they may be abusing the medication and taking much higher doses than is recommended by the doctor. This could be because they have developed a tolerance and still have trouble falling asleep on their usual dose. They may also get addicted to relaxed feeling they experience when they take pills like Ambien and begin to abuse them.

People who abuse sleeping pills may take them at times when they are not using them specifically to help them sleep. This type of abuse can cause people to behave differently and and can impair their ability to function normally. Some signs of sleeping pill abuse include:

  • Slurred speech
  • Uncoordinated movements
  • Inability to focus or pay attention
  • Stumbling or walking with an unsteady gait
  • Issues with memory loss
  • Unusual states of euphoria

If someone you know has been taking sleeping pills to help with their sleep issues but they seem to have unusual behavior during the day then they might be abusing their prescription. There are a lot of dangers associated with taking high doses of sleeping pills. Abuse of sleep medication can lead to issues such as depressed breathing and even seizures in some cases.

People who abuse sleeping pills can also experience side effects like dizziness, dry mouth, lightheadedness and fatigue. Using sleeping pills over a long period of time can intensify these symptoms. In some cases their dependency can cause issues like symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Anyone who has been abusing sleeping medication and is showing signs of addiction needs to get treatment and recovery help. Abusers need to go through detox so that they can rid themselves of their chemical dependency and then cope with their psychological dependence on the medication as well. Former addicts may end up suffering from rebound insomnia but it can be managed with professional medical treatment.

Avoiding Addiction for People with Insomnia

For those who struggle with sleep issues but want to prevent themselves from getting addicted it is best to limit prescription use and keep it as a short term solution. What many people don’t realize about their sleep issues is that there is often an underlying problem causing their insomnia which is treatable. Once you discover what causes your insomnia you can limit and eventually do away with medication.

What can often cause insomnia are issues such as built up stress, depression and anxiety, poor diet, lack of exercise and even over consumption of caffeine or alcohol. It is important to try different options such as eating healthier, getting more exercise and natural sunlight exposure, as well as using relaxation techniques to avoid becoming dependent on medication. Often changing your lifestyle is the most effective way to improve your ability to sleep.

Sleeping pills can be effective but only for a certain period of time. Natural sleep remedies and solutions can provide more consistent results and prevent any issues of abuse or dependency.

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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Transgender Community Turn to Substance Abuse to Cope

Transgender Community Turn to Substance Abuse to Cope

Although recent progress in the transgender community has made the group more visible and accepted in the public eye there are still many issues that they face. Transgender people still struggle with the stress of being a minority group and they tend to have higher rates of addiction as a result of that. Substance abuse tends to be a health problem in the LGBT community but transgender individuals have even greater risk factors than their peers.

Although transgender people are recognized with legal rights and protection in the U.S. they are still routinely denied rights in local communities in terms of employment, marriage, housing and healthcare. Because of their lingering status as outsiders, the transgender population has much higher rates of depression and mental illness than the rest of the country. Transgender people experience a greater amount of “minority stress” which contributes to problems such as mental disorders and substance abuse.

Minority stress is a theory that claims health disparities in minority communities exist due to stressors induced by a more dominant culture. For transgender people it can be difficult to live in a culture that is predominantly heterosexual and feel they are under pressure to conform to certain gender identities. They are often victims of discrimination, victimization, harassment and maltreatment that can all contribute to health problems in their community.

Dealing with Stigma and Harassment

In spite of a growing movement to change attitudes about transgender people and their choices, there remains a great stigma surrounding the idea of transgender. A number of anti-trans bills were passed in certain states banning transgender people from using bathrooms that align with their gender identity. Many of these bills were created because of the misguided belief that it would allow dangerous men and pedophiles to enter women’s bathrooms and engage in sexual assault.

In spite of no real statistical evidence of violence to back up these laws, anti-trans bills seek to alienate and further stigmatize transgender people. Ironically, trans people are actually the ones that end up experiencing violence when using the bathroom that aligns with their biological gender. When a man that looks feminine is forced to use the men’s room they may be harassed and abused.

With the controversy surrounding their community they are often socially excluded and treated with contempt. The stigma surrounding trans identity can also make it difficult for trans people to get hired and find stable careers. Because of this problem, transgender people often end up getting involved in unsafe sex work and have higher rates of HIV and AIDS as a result.

Mental Health and Addiction

Because of the many challenges that transgender people face there is a very clear link to mental health and addiction issues that is stronger than any other community. People who are transgender often internalize the negative views that are cast on them in society. As they internalize the stigma they face they can develop issues with depression, anxiety and turn to substance abuse to ease their pain.

In the past transgender people were considered to have a mental illness in the form of “gender identity disorder”. This disorder was recently removed from the DSM as it is no longer considered a diagnosis in the same way that homosexuality was removed by the APA  in 1973. Instead the DSM describes an illness known as “gender dysphoria” which includes emotional distress due to “incongruence between one’s experienced gender and assigned gender”.

Unfortunately, many transgender people avoid getting treatment for mental health or addiction because of the stigma they face. They may expect to experience further scorn or intolerance in a treatment facility and fail to get the help that they need. It is important for transgender people to find a program that will accept them and offer them a safe place to recover.

Recovery for Transgender

Transgender people can find treatment programs that are LGBT-friendly in order to feel more comfortable. By entering treatment they will finally have the opportunity to talk with a therapist about many of the underlying issues and struggles that they face day to day. They may have considerable issues that contribute to their mental health and addiction problems but a treatment program can provide all the tools necessary to heal from the past.

In spite of all the negativity that they face in society, it is possible for transgender people to heal and learn to accept themselves. They can quit substance abuse and work with a treatment program’s employment services to find a safe and accepting place to work.

Whatever problems they have dealt with in the past, they can begin to move forward and live as a transgender person in a supportive environment. Getting involved in treatment and working in the LGBT community can help transgender people to live a healthy, fulfilling life.

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Monday, September 25, 2017

Mindfulness and Alcohol Consumption

Mindfulness and Alcohol Consumption

Meditation and especially mindfulness exercises are often used to treat issues like depression and anxiety, but studies show that it can also be helpful in reducing alcohol consumption. Mindfulness helps improve focus and reduce distracted, anxious thoughts. People often find that a regular meditation practice can cause a number of positive changes and now it may be used to help people struggling with addiction.

Mindfulness is the practice of taking time out of the day to focus intensely and keep your attention on your breath. Paying attention to your breath either by counting breaths or feeling the sensation of breathing in your stomach or nostrils helps tune out distracted thoughts. When thoughts creep back in you simply notice them and return to your breath.

This type of mindfulness practice can help ease anxiety because our thoughts are often what fuel our emotions. Constant worried thoughts or being unaware of your body can cause you to tense up and build anxiety. Feeling and experiencing your breath helps you focus and relax so that you minimize tension.

Changing Drinking Patterns through Mindfulness

People typically drink alcohol for its mood-altering properties. Alcohol makes it easier to connect with people, relax and enjoy the present moment. For problem drinkers however, alcohol becomes something they rely on to alleviate their anxiety and they use it as a form of self-medication for greater underlying problems.

Heavy drinkers often consume a lot of alcohol in a short amount of time and drink habitually rather than being fully conscious of their behavior. Practicing mindfulness will not only reduce some of the anxiety that drives them to drink, it can also make them more aware of their habits instead of being on autopilot all the time. Problem drinkers may not even keep track or remember how many drinks they have had until they have reached a point of excess.

A practice of mindfulness can extend into your daily life and make you more aware of your actions. It can make people more conscious of their habits and less likely to engage in impulsive behaviors. For problem drinkers, mindfulness can have a positive impact on their drinking patterns.

Study of Alcohol and Mindfulness

One study took 68 heavy drinkers and provided mindfulness training to half of them while the other half were taught relaxation techniques. Those who received mindfulness training did not know what the training was called but were simply taught to pay more attention to sensations instead of pushing them away. Those with relaxation training were taught to calm the mind and body and avoid tensing their muscles.

Every drinker in the study was taught to employ whichever technique they were taught whenever they experienced a craving to drink. After a week, those that used mindfulness techniques drank 9.3 fewer units of alcohol than the week before the experiment. Those that used relaxation techniques showed no significant difference in their drinking.

This short term study highlighted the immediate impact that mindfulness techniques can have on a person’s drinking habits. People looking to moderate or quit their alcohol consumption can benefit from using mindfulness.

Mindfulness practices works to reduce alcohol cravings because it provides people an opportunity to break a habitual cycle. It helps people replace one habit with another so that instead of drinking in times of stress, they instead use mindfulness as a coping mechanism. Participants in the study were able to become more aware of cravings and stop themselves from automatically reaching for a drink.

Starting a Mindfulness Practice

For people with a physical dependency on alcohol, mindfulness may not be enough to end their addiction. However, for people who drink heavily and would like to cut back or those who are already in a treatment program, mindfulness can be a useful tool in fighting cravings. You do not necessarily need formal training to begin practicing mindfulness, it is something you can do at home on a regular basis to see positive results.

To practice mindfulness you can find a quiet place where you won’t be distracted and can set aside 10 or 15 minutes to sit. You can sit comfortably and focus on your natural breathing as it goes in and out. Anytime your mind wanders you gently bring it back to the breath.

The key to mindfulness is not judging yourself if your thoughts wander off or you find yourself distracted. The goal is to simply observe your thoughts and bring them back to your breath every time you notice them. The more you become aware of your thoughts the more you can build up your focus over time.

Mindfulness can be a helpful practice to incorporate into your daily routine whether you are trying to cut down on drinking, reduce anxiety or simply handle stress from work. It has both short term and long term benefits that can produce a lot of positive change with regular practice.

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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Veganism and Vegetarian Effects on Mental Health

Veganism and Vegetarian Effects on Mental Health

There have been a number of different studies carried out in an attempt to find the correlation between certain types of diets and mental health issues. Findings differ in terms of the effects of being vegan or vegetarian on mood and mental well-being. While some researchers find that these kinds of diets can promote more physical health and positive mood, other studies have found a correlation between restrictive diets and depression.

One study about diet and mental health took a sample of 4,000 individuals with a wide range of ages from 18 to 65 to get a broad perspective. Researchers used mental health diagnoses based on standardized clinical interviews that assessed for categories of psychiatric problems. The mental illnesses they tested for included depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and somatoform disorders (mental illness which causes pain and hypochondria).

The researchers examined the rates of psychiatric symptoms over the previous month, year and over the subjects’ lifetimes. A small minority of about 1 percent identified themselves as strict vegetarians and another 4.5% said they were predominantly vegetarian. Within the study the vegetarians were more likely to be female, unmarried, younger and highly educated which are all demographics associated with both meat avoidance and the prevalence of mental disorders.

The results of the study showed that while most of the vegetarians did not suffer from mental health problems, they were actually more likely to have mental disorders than non-vegetarians. The risk factor for mental illness appeared to be higher in all four categories of disorders for both semi-vegetarians and strict vegetarians. According to their findings vegetarians were twice as likely as non-vegetarians to have an anxiety disorder and five times more likely to have an eating disorder.

Connections or Cause and Effect?

Although this study and a handful of others may indicate that there is a connection between mental illness and diet, it does not mean that avoiding meat causes mental health problems. Researchers involved came up with a few hypotheses as to why there is a connection between vegetarianism and mental health issues. They tested whether a vegetarian diet usually preceded mental illness symptoms which would indicate a cause and effect relationship.

Findings from the study showed that mental health issues most often preceded the person’s decision to avoid eating meat except in the case of eating disorders.

Researchers ultimately concluded that there was little evidence suggesting that a vegetarian diet actually causes any mental health problems.

What is interesting about vegetarian or vegan studies is that although people who follow this diet are more likely to have mental health issues they tend to have better physical health overall. They usually smoke or drink less than average, exercise more and care more about the ethics and quality of their food. In this particular study, vegetarians were also less likely to eat fast food than the general population.

In spite of better physical health, vegans and vegetarians have a 15 percent higher level of predisposition to depressive behavior. Vegetarianism is also quite common among eating disorder patients. About 45 to 54 percent of patients seeking treatment for anorexia reported practicing some type of vegetarian diet. However, many studies conclude that a vegetarian diet does not necessarily cause an eating disorder and a patient usually has ED symptoms prior to avoiding meat.

Mental Health Traits and Vegetarianism

It is unclear as to the reason why mental health problems are associated with a vegetarian diet or why avoiding meat may increase the risk for certain mental disorders. Scientists theorize that certain psychological factors such as personality traits which make people more prone to choose a vegetarian lifestyle may also make them predisposed to mental health problems. People who tend to be fastidious about their diet, concerned about health and perhaps neurotic about food may be more likely to have symptoms of depression.

The feelings and traits that drive a person to choose to become vegetarian may also make them them suffer from mental health issues. In other cases giving up meat can be a direct consequence of a disorder such as in the case of hypochondria or an eating disorder.

Anorexic individuals often use a vegetarian diet as a method of restricting or being able to eat less in social situations. For some individuals with eating disorders, their vegetarian diet is a part of their tendency to eliminate and avoid certain foods for fear of gaining weight. Hypochondriacs may become vegetarian because they feel that it will improve their health or believe that meat is bad for them.

There are many different theories as to why a vegetarian diet may be linked to mental health problems. Most research concludes however that the diet itself does not induce any mental health symptoms or cause a disorder to develop. Many vegetarians are able to enjoy the physical health benefits of their diet without any repercussions to their psychological well-being.

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Monday, September 11, 2017

It’s Football Season: Let’s Talk Depression and NFL

It’s Football Season: Let’s Talk Depression and NFL

Top NFL players enjoy a hefty salary, fame and the adoration of fans but life isn’t always perfect for former football stars when it comes to their mental health. When their careers end many NFL players are left with damage from multiple injuries and issues of depression. Research has uncovered that a significant percentage of ex-players suffer from depression and many even cope with suicidal thoughts.

Many players have opened up about their very serious struggles with depression. Eddie “Boo” Williams, former tight end for the New Orleans Saints publicly shared his story in which came very close to taking his own life. The ex-NFL star laid across railroad tracks awaiting a train to pass over him until a homeless couple helped him and convinced him to get up.

This kind of story is unfortunately very common for retired football stars who lose not only a major source of income but also a large part of their identity when they no longer play the game. NFL players dedicate much of their lives to their sport and when it comes time to retire they are left with very little to fall back on. Their daily routines, financial situation and sense of purpose suddenly disappear from their lives once they quit playing.

Former star running back, Eddie George has said that even though he had his life set up fairly well when he retired by starting some businesses and having some steady income he still struggled with the void he was left with. Someone who has been an athlete their entire lives with a strict training schedule will wonder as George did, “what am I going to do tomorrow?” Without their athletic routine they feel lost and empty.

Coping with Symptoms and Stigma

Ex-NFL players often struggle with clear signs of depression such as isolating themselves and withdrawing from their social connections. Many of them describe a sense of withdrawal from the high of being a celebrated athlete and experiencing the daily adrenaline rush of the game. The feeling of withdrawal and loss can be devastating and many players like Eddie Williams end up wrestling with thoughts of suicide.

What often makes the situation worse for football players is that they feel reluctant to seek help for fear of appearing weak or less masculine. Athletes often must deal with the stigma surrounding depression and for the sake of keeping up with their macho image may avoid getting the help they need or talking about what they are going through.

Football players are often taught to put up a facade so that they don’t appear vulnerable to other players. Help-seeking behavior can carry a stigma for athletes but it is necessary for people who are dealing with mental health problems to discuss their issues. Having conversations about their depression and the things that are troubling them can start the process of healing.

Head Injuries and the Link to Depression

Although football players are strongly affected by issues of identity, finances and losing their routine there are other problems that can factor into their mental health. Recent studies have shown that the multiple head injuries that many football players suffer from can be linked to issues with depression. NFL players often experience several concussion throughout the length of their career and these injuries can have dire consequences on their long-term health.

Multiple concussions can lead to a condition known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a degenerative brain disease that can cause a number of different issues. Repeated blows to the head can cause a protein to form in the brain that spreads and kills brain cells resulting in CTE. The symptoms tend to appear in a patient’s late 20s and 30s often years after the initial head trauma.

Patients with CTE often struggle with maintaining a stable mood and also begin to have behavioral problems as well. They may begin to have issues with:

– impulse control




Later as the disease progresses they may have problems with:

-memory loss

– confusion

-impaired judgement

-progressive dementia

These symptoms have a strong connection with many of the mental health issues that former football players face. Not all retired players suffer from issues with CTE or struggle with depression but researchers have found that it is a common problem.

Because of these growing issues, the NFL has created more and more programs to aid former players who have suffered from head trauma or are experiencing symptoms of depression. More players are also speaking out about these issues to break down the stigma that prevents others from getting the help they need to recover. For ex-athletes the best choice is to get involved in a recovery program because depression can be managed and reduced with the help of professional treatment and therapy.

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Is Elon Musk Struggling With Depression?

 Is Elon Musk Struggling With Depression?

The founder of Tesla, Elon Musk has recently opened up about his personal life and mental health problems in a series of public tweets. The successful engineer and businessman admitted that he suffers from issues of depression which continues to affect his everyday life. His reality, he said, is a mix of “great highs, terrible lows and unrelenting stress” as a result of his battles with mental health.

Musk replied to user tweets reacting to his admission of personal struggles, one of which asked if he was bipolar. He initially responded yes but then followed up the tweet saying “maybe not medically”. Musk has never been diagnosed by a psychiatrist but his high pressure job may be causing him to experience what feels like manic depression due to the highs and lows of his life.

As the creator of his own company, Musk knows that he willingly chose a stressful job and believes that the struggles he experiences are what he signed up for as an entrepreneur. He has major responsibilities that impact other people which puts him at risk for high amounts of stress leading to anxiety, anger and depression. Psychologists believe that high power jobs and executive positions can often lead to isolationism and various mental health challenges.

Entering the Business World and Creating Tesla

Elon Musk was born in South Africa and as the son of an electromechanical engineer he had many natural gifts. He developed an interest in computing and taught himself computer programming at the age of 12. He went to college in Canada where he studied physics and economics and instead of continuing to pursue a PHD he decided to pursue his aspirations as an entrepreneur.

Musk started a few businesses over the years including a web software company called Zip2 along with his brother as well as an email payment company called which merged with the company Confinity, ultimately becoming PayPal. Musk was CEO of PayPal for a period of time and when it was acquired by eBay in 2002 he received $165 million. Musk also founded SpaceX which develops and manufactures space launch vehicles and was awarded a contract with NASA in 2006.

The Tesla company had already been in early development before Musk took over as CEO and product architect following the financial crisis of 2008. Tesla Inc has been successfully creating and selling electric cars, something that Musk has become passionate about as part of the effort to reduce the effects of global warming. Since taking over Tesla, Musk has been involved in several other projects related to clean energy and transportation including SolarCity and Hyperloop.

Success, Stress and Mental Health

With his involvement in so many different projects, it is not surprising that Musk has to cope with the ups and downs that come with these various pursuits. As an executive, it can be difficult to find the time or space to handle mental issues especially with so many people depending on you. There is often a stigma associated with problems like anxiety and depression that makes it hard for top level professionals to admit that they are dealing with more than they can handle.

Many people in high power positions worry that if they admit to having a disorder like major depression or bipolar disorder they will lose their credibility and it might affect their career. They may fear that asking for help and support or even seeking treatment may make them look weak. They also may fail to take time off to address their personal problems because the stakes are too high.

From what Elon Musk has revealed in his tweets, it seems like the stress of his career has taken its toll on him and he has not yet received any help from a professional. Musk admitted that he channels all of his good and bad energy into his work as a way of coping with his emotions. He said that his solution is to “take the pain and make sure you really care about what you are doing.”

Like Musk, many executives are still highly functional in spite of their mental health problems and believe they can power through their feelings. The reality is that they can still benefit from treatment even if their problems do not necessarily affect their jobs. Instead of suffering in silence and escaping pain through hard work, this type of personality can still get help and balance their work life.

Elon Musk has taken a brave step by admitting his issues with mental health on Twitter and speaking candidly with people on the site about what he goes through. Speaking out about mental illness can help reduce the stigma especially for those in high power jobs that worry how depression might affect their careers.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Ed Sheeran on Drinking and Performing

Ed Sheeran on Drinking and Performing

Pop star and songwriter Ed Sheeran is known for his energetic solo performances with only an acoustic guitar and a loop pedal as his accompaniment. Since he shot from obscurity to become one of the biggest selling artists in the world he has experienced the rollercoaster of sudden fame. Sheeran is a fun-loving party boy but admits that although he is usually upbeat he can sometimes spiral and allow his drinking to get out of hand.

Like any pop celebrity, Sheeran must deal with the pressure of being in the public eye and a lack of privacy that at times can become overwhelming. He loves to drink with friends and hit the clubs and parties hard as often as possible to cope with the stress and feel a sense of normalcy. Although his drinking is mainly social it can be a way for him to cope with other problems that often accompany his level of success.

There have been times in the past where Sheeran admits that his alcohol habit become a problem. In 2013 when he landed a gig opening for Taylor Swift on tour and moved to Nashville he felt lonely and strange living in a different town where he didn’t know anyone. He began to drink very heavily to the point where his songwriting partner became worried and asked him to slow down a bit for his health.

These days Sheeran mainly drinks with friends in his home in West London where he feels most comfortable and doesn’t have to worry about paparazzi or fans invading his privacy. He has his own full bar at home where he likes to mix drinks for people including his celebrity friends that come to hang out.

Anxiety and Drinking at Home

Sheeran has admitted in interviews that he recently started getting problems with anxiety while in public crowds. He even attempted to go to a Game of Thrones cast party and couldn’t handle being there around the big group of people and left immediately.

Later that night a few of the Game of Thrones cast members showed up at his house and he felt at ease, making them drinks at his own bar. He admitted that he can handle a group of 20 or 30 people in his own house but out at a pub among strangers he experiences anxiety which is something he never struggled with before. He goes out less and less, favoring his own personal bar as a drinking spot.

Sheeran has struggled with fame and the way that it affected his friendships and close relationships. After Forbes revealed that he made over $57 million in 2015 he began to receive calls and texts from people in his life asking for money or to buy them a new car. It got so out of hand that the singer had to quit using his smartphone and switched to an iPad and flip phone to communicate with close family members.

Growing up and Becoming a Musician

Sheeran was bullied as a child for his red hair and noticeable stutter which many of the other kids would imitate and mock when he spoke. He learned to handle the abuse by being tough having a sense of humor. He believes he took up music as a way to feel loved and accepted by other people for his talent.

The singer dropped out of high school and moved to London when he was 16 to perform at open mics and busk on the streets. He was eventually discovered by Ben Cook, the head of Asylum records, who saw a clip of him online and liked the way people responded to his music. In 2012 his career took off when he started touring with Snow Patrol and later with Swift who was a fan of his songs and co-wrote a ballad with him.

While on tour with Swift, Sheeran began to experience a level of fame he was not used to and ended up becoming romantically involved with a number of different pop stars. However, contrary to many tabloid headlines Sheeran never dated Swift and the two remain good friends and supporters of each other’s music.

Coping with Fame

Now that Sheeran is one of the biggest pop stars in the world, he experiences invasions of privacy  on a daily basis. He is sometimes freaked out by the unwanted attention and gets anxiety when people stare at him or even secretly film when he is out in public. He often deals with his anxiety by drinking and admits that he drinks almost every single day.

Although he knows his drinking sometimes gets him into trouble, the singer doesn’t believe he has a problem although he admires some of his celebrity friends who are sober and in a good place. The 25 year old wants to enjoy his career while he still can in spite of the ups and downs of fame.

The post Ed Sheeran on Drinking and Performing appeared first on Serenity Malibu.


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Justin Bieber Cancels Tour Puts Mental Health First

Justin Bieber Cancels Tour Puts Mental Health First

Fans were disappointed when pop star Justin Bieber canceled the remainder of his “Purpose” world tour last month. At the time he claimed that he would miss the remaining dates due to “unforeseen circumstances”. Just last week he offered an emotional apology to fans explaining some of his personal issues had interfered with his ability to continue the tour.

While many were upset by his decision to quit the tour, others praised his honesty in speaking about his desire to heal his mental health before resuming his performances. Bieber wrote an open letter in which he discussed some issues with “broken relationships” as well as bitterness, jealousy and fear which he says took over his life.

This isn’t the first time that the singer has had to cancel events due to his mental health. After canceling some meet and greet dates in March 2016 Bieber admitted in a post on Instagram that he had been feeling spiritually drained and unhappy because of the pace of his career. He said that he felt exhausted to the point of depression and overwhelmed by the pressure of meeting people’s expectations.

The pressure of fame and being one of the biggest pop stars in the world seems to catch up with Bieber who has taken breaks from his music career in the past. He has been in the music business since he was a child and now as an adult wants to take more control over his mental health. Bieber admitted that he can let his insecurities get the best of him at times but reportedly is feeling better after taking a break from performing.

Bieber’s Struggles with Fame and Depression

In 2015, Bieber began to speak openly about how his mega star status has affected his mental health in a candid NME magazine interview. Only 21 at the time, Bieber described how with his success came depression, isolation and betrayal. He said that in spite of his fame he felt he was struggling to get through the days just like anyone else.

The star has also said that he feels sensitive to the way the media treats him and believes they tend push him when he’s down. He feels pressure to live up to Bieber “brand”, a wholesome image that he can’t always be. Whenever he makes mistakes he feels the media will rip him apart.

He also said in the interview that he experiences extreme low points especially on the road where it can get lonely. Being followed by fans and paparazzi everywhere he goes can make him feel depressed and isolated and he would not wish his level of fame on anyone.

The singer has also had ups and downs due to his issues with ADHD for which he had been taking medication. He was taking Adderall to help him focus better on everyday tasks but found his ability to sleep suffered. He felt that his prescription medication was giving him anxiety and insomnia so he eventually stopped taking Adderall and found a natural sleep aid to help him.

Taking Care of His Spiritual and Mental Health

One of the reasons Bieber cited as to why he chose to cancel the remaining dates was a desire to focus on spiritual growth. He said that he wants to have a sustainable career as well as sustainable spiritual life so that he can be the person he wants to be. Many believed that his involvement in Hillsong Church might have something to with his decision to cancel the dates.

Bieber is close friends with Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz and the star appeared in a Hillsong conference in Sydney earlier in July. The church is said to merge christianity and culture and Lentz has been described as a “rock star pastor”. Bieber reportedly lived with Lentz and his family for a few months in 2014 to work through some of his issues.

In spite of rumors that Bieber cancelled the tour for religious reasons, he denies that Hillsong church is related to his break from music. Lentz asserted that he did not advocate for the singer to cancel his remaining dates. Bieber quit the tour in order to recover from intense exhaustion and repair his physical, mental and spiritual health by taking time away from the pressure of fame.

The singer expressed gratitude for the tour and for his fans on his letter posted to Instagram. He indicated how much he wants to return to his music career as a better person after focusing on  his health. Bieber’s manager released a statement saying that the tour was shut down because the singer’s “soul and well-being” come first.

Fans will await the singer’s return and many have expressed sympathy for the star’s personal struggles, hoping that he will recover from his problems with depression.

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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Is Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse Ignored at Concerts?

Underage Drinking At Concerts

A recent concert featuring Chance the Rapper highlighted an ongoing problem with underage substance abuse that has gone largely unaddressed. At a show in Connecticut where the rapper was headlining, 90 people were hospitalized and police say that most of the patients were underage teens that were suffering from severe alcohol intoxication.

The situation took place at the Xfinity theatre in Hartford, Connecticut where radio station Hot 93.7 was presenting a concert. The 90 people hospitalized is much more than average for the theatre which typically deals with around 20-30 people being transported for emergency care. Following the incident Hartford police met with staff members of the theatre and agreed to increase enforcement at future events to prevent underage drinking.

It can be difficult to prevent underage drinking at concerts where people under the age of 21 are permitted. Teens can’t legally purchase alcohol at the venue but this usually does not stop them from showing up intoxicated to shows. Many underage teens may drink outside prior to the concert, find ways to sneak in alcohol to the concert or have a friend over 21 buy them a drink.

It is a problem that can’t be easily addressed as it could involve having to use a lot of police and security resources to spot underage drinkers especially at a large concert or stadium level venue. Prevention tactics could include a breathalyzer test and pat down prior to entry into the concert which would put extra strain on the venue.

Alcohol and Drug Use and Festivals

One of the more challenging problems comes from weekend long festivals which draw huge crowds in the summer months including many underage music fans. Drug use has become rampant at such festivals where many attendees bring in drugs like molly and ecstasy to enhance their experience. Drug and alcohol use can be especially dangerous at summer festivals because of the intense heat and tendency to develop severe dehydration.

There have been a number of instances of drug related deaths at festivals including two women who passed away at the Hard Summer music festival in 2015. Music festival deaths have increased in the past decade and studies show that 13 percent of those deaths are due to alcohol and drug use.

Because teens are allowed to attend most outdoor festivals there are also many cases of underage drinkers being hospitalized in these situations especially among teen girls. Local hospitals around Grant Park where Lollapalooza takes place often see room after room of kids coming in from the festival for treatment for severe intoxication. Hospital workers say that many teens come in with blood alcohol levels at 4 times the legal limit.

Although attendees are not allowed to bring alcohol into festivals like Lollapalooza, many find ways to sneak it in or simply drink heavily before the event. There are also stories of underage drinkers planting alcohol somewhere in the park before the event and then recovering it later when the festival begins.

Preventing Underage Intoxication

At most concerts and festivals there are already measures in place discourage underage drinking or drug use but with the amount of people in the crowd it can be difficult to combat the problem. Unfortunately, teen drinking and drug use is both a law enforcement problem and a public health issue that needs to be addressed more strictly to prevent the types of hospitalizations and even deaths that can sometimes occur at music events.

In 2015, New York’s Governor Cuomo attempted to crack down on underage drinking at concerts in the state. He started “Operation Prevent” to take a more proactive approach to teen drinking and drug use, encouraging law enforcement to make more arrests at concerts. His goal was to stop avoidable tragedies and prevent young people from making bad decisions.

Cuomo’s team included investigators from the DMV, State Police, the State Liquor Authority, and local law enforcement who performed sweeps of concerts throughout New York to find fake IDs and make arrests. Police made dozens of arrests at various shows including 55 arrests at a Future concert at Darien Lake. Cuomo believed that making more arrests would help to discourage young people from attempting to purchase or drink alcohol illegally.

These types of efforts can make teens less likely to drink at concerts for fear of the consequences. If underage drinking and drug use is ignored then the problem will only continue to grow and more young people will be hospitalized every year. Education about the dangers and effects of heavy drinking may also help discourage teens from trying to become intoxicated at concerts.

When young people are more aware of the consequences of their drug and alcohol use both in terms of their physical health and getting in trouble with the law they will be more likely to attend a concert sober.

The post Is Underage Drinking and Substance Abuse Ignored at Concerts? appeared first on Serenity Malibu.
